Best Tren for bulking??

Tren is Tren. Just depends on how soon you want it to hit, how often you want to pin. Also if sides get too harsh ace will clear faster. Tren ace or e can both be used in bulking or cutting. Depends on you diet and training.

syngen pharma
syngen said:
Tren is Tren. Just depends on how soon you want it to hit, how often you want to pin. Also if sides get too harsh ace will clear faster. Tren ace or e can both be used in bulking or cutting. Depends on you diet and training.

syngen pharma
I agree, in my experience, tren e gave me fewer bad side affects. I've run a lot of tren too. I also liked a blend I had made of 200mg enan and 100mg ace/ml. Very mild sides and major alpha complex.
I agree with Syn........The compound won't be the variable here,...the Diet will!
I prefer Tren A myself, but I'm an impatient little Fukker!
If you've ran tren-A before and was fine on it, give "E" a chance. Frankly to me, forget about diet, it's more about training on tren! Can literally eat terrible on it and still be ripped/grow everyday(at least for me). Up your calories is only thing I see coming from diet if your trying to bulk on it.
if you're blessed with a metabolism maybe..
I've ran tren ace several times and love it but hate it. Pinning eod I noticed more intense night sweats and seemed as if my fuse was a little shorter than when I pinned ed. Started pinning e.d and night sweats were noticeably less. Have yall had just as bad of night sweats w/e that you had with ace? I'd love to give It another run cause I really liked what I got off it and sides weren't to bad but If I could do it with less or no night sweats that would be awesome.
only tried E once, only probs I had was insomnia after being on it for a bit.
If that was from the tren or not im unsure.
I don't get night sweats or probs sleeping. Just more tired. Lack of cardio. And temper temper lol

syngen pharma
back4more said:
I've ran tren ace several times and love it but hate it. Pinning eod I noticed more intense night sweats and seemed as if my fuse was a little shorter than when I pinned ed. Started pinning e.d and night sweats were noticeably less. Have yall had just as bad of night sweats w/e that you had with ace? I'd love to give It another run cause I really liked what I got off it and sides weren't to bad but If I could do it with less or no night sweats that would be awesome.
That's funny you said this about the night sweats. I was on ace and enan blend and sweat like a mofo on EOD injections. I'm running 1.5mg MTR (methyl Tren) ED now and the night sweats are gone but I still have the aggression and pumps. It may have to do with more stabilized blood levels of the hormone pinning ED. Once off the MTR i'll go back to ace ED so it will be interesting to see if the night sweats come back.
goodfella said:
If you've ran tren-A before and was fine on it, give "E" a chance. Frankly to me, forget about diet, it's more about training on tren! Can literally eat terrible on it and still be ripped/grow everyday(at least for me). Up your calories is only thing I see coming from diet if your trying to bulk on it.
goodfellaYou must have great metabolism because this does not apply to most people. 95% of people who eat like shit look like shit!
Wallycn said:
goodfella said:
If you've ran tren-A before and was fine on it, give "E" a chance. Frankly to me, forget about diet, it's more about training on tren! Can literally eat terrible on it and still be ripped/grow everyday(at least for me). Up your calories is only thing I see coming from diet if your trying to bulk on it.
goodfellaYou must have great metabolism because this does not apply to most people. 95% of people who eat like shit look like shit!
Agreed! rep
GRIM said:
Wallycn said:
goodfella said:
If you've ran tren-A before and was fine on it, give "E" a chance. Frankly to me, forget about diet, it's more about training on tren! Can literally eat terrible on it and still be ripped/grow everyday(at least for me). Up your calories is only thing I see coming from diet if your trying to bulk on it.
goodfellaYou must have great metabolism because this does not apply to most people. 95% of people who eat like shit look like shit!
Agreed! rep
I don't care who you are, or what you're CANNOT outlift a bad diet! And, I don't mean a McDonalds burger occasionally as a bad diet.
Anyway.... ;D I hated E! I loved Ace. E gave me too many sides. Everyone is different in how they react to tren and how long it is in their body. On the question at hand though, I would have to say either is good. It all depends on how or if you can put up with the sides.
Wallycn said:
goodfella said:
If you've ran tren-A before and was fine on it, give "E" a chance. Frankly to me, forget about diet, it's more about training on tren! Can literally eat terrible on it and still be ripped/grow everyday(at least for me). Up your calories is only thing I see coming from diet if your trying to bulk on it.
goodfellaYou must have great metabolism because this does not apply to most people. 95% of people who eat like shit look like shit!

That and i'm not a fat ass like the rest of you chumps ha 😛 I'm one of the few lucky one's I guess that need junk food to bulk up size. I'm 6 foot and 218-220 around 14% bf right now with no cardio. I dont ever run anything that's androngenic cus of sides, but when I do, the fat loss is insane and literally melts away like butter left in the sun. Sorry to break it to you, but I guess I am the one that outlifts a bad diet. Bow down bitches..... 😀
Better diet and you'd make better gains..
GRIM said:
Better diet and you'd make better gains..
That just doesn't always work. Granted I do eat alot of chicken and red potato's (probably once a day, at least 6 days a week, usually last meal of day) Trust me, those clean diets dont work for everyone man. You guys wont understand it being in different shoes than I am, just as I dont understand how hard it is for you all to drop fat.
i'm not saying clean as low cal etc, im meaning if you not getting proper fuel..
GRIM said:
i'm not saying clean as low cal etc, im meaning if you not getting proper fuel..
GRIMThat's the problem with that term, Grim. You say "clean" to most people and they think nothing but broccoli, asparagus, and tilapia. Clean just means quality calories. Not, "empty" calories.
Yes. High quality cheeseburger calories!

To gfs point, I do know a guy who was naturally overweight and stayed that way while eating a "clean" diet. Then with tren and gh, he stays about 10% visible abs and eats candy bars and ice cream and junk pretty much all day. It's weird.

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