Black Lives Matter issues MAJOR THREAT to white people over presidential electio

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Black Lives Matter issues MAJOR THREAT to white people over presidential election
kurtnimmo March 19, 2016

If Trump wins the election, BLM has more violence planned.

What’s the more appropriate phrase: black lives matter, or all lives matter?

Obviously all lives matter, but Black Lives Matter (BLM) maintains its slogan is designed to draw attention to the fact that people don’t think their lives matter – but isn’t saying other lives don’t matter; just that theirs matter a little bit more.

Actions speak louder than words, and the violent rhetoric BLM spews makes it hard to believe such a defense. Whether it be advocating for the murder of police, or racial segregation, BLM seems intent on reversing the Civil Rights movement, not launching a new one.

We saw BLM protesters (among many other leftist groups) shut down a Trump rally in Chicago last week, with violence then breaking out. Protesters shattered the windows of cars with Trump stickers, and assaulted police.

If Trump wins the election, BLM has more violence planned. As the DC Gazette reports:

Black lives Matter spokesmen, Tef Poe has always been the voice of the bigoted group. In November 2014, Poe was even flown to the United Nations offices in Geneva, Switzerland to speak about “police violence.” Funny, now that very same person is now inciting a race riot.

And these folks think asking for an official ID card before voting amounts to intimidation?
its not just blm....
trump is hated by even a lot of republicans,
Promoting riots is an arrestable offense. They should make an example out of him... but they won't because it'll be racist. Lol
Has anyone verified the validity of this article,how about a source? Seems to me like just another tactic to drive the wedge between the people even deeper. Any white American that denies the existence of white privilege in a legal system that was set up by well off Anglo Saxons is blind. Where was this copy and pasted from, I search the name of the author of this article and find him in the company of the likes of Alex Jones,the biggest zionist shill,complete controlled opposition. I grew up around police brutality towards minorities,and also experienced harassment for being around them. Instead of being good little brainless drones,try doing some independent research,stop believing what the media tells you,they have blurred,and distorted the facts throughout history to make it seem like America is the greatest nation on Earth,when it's far from the truth. A group of people stand up and demand the police stop shooting their children,and the first thing the average white wants to do is call them thugs,and terrorists.It must be truly sad to be so indoctrinated you cannot use critical thinking and have to have someone do it for you. Newsflash,it's not just black children that are being murdered,now white children are being slaughtered by the fat fucking swine as well,yet I've yet to see one white group get together to stand up against it. Now before you get you pussies in a bind,I condemn rioting and looting,but it's funny that the only thing the media showed like in Ferguson,was the looters.White,Black,Brown,all joined together to take a stand against the corrupt police in Ferguson. All I ever see here is rednecks talking about bad they are,then lick the boots of LE like fucking dogs. Stop falling for every boogieman this corrupt system creates,drop that blood soaked fucking flag that represents those in power,and stand together ,or our children are doomed.There are no right or left,just a two headed fucking viper thats poisoned our minds
Media propaganda has been gone on for ever. They only tell you what what they want you to know. Not to say its not fact but its half fact at best. They (gov. /media) wants to keep the American people fighting amongst themselves so they don't band together against all the corruption in our government.
Dabeast666 said:
Has anyone verified the validity of this article,how about a source? Seems to me like just another tactic to drive the wedge between the people even deeper. Any white American that denies the existence of white privilege in a legal system that was set up by well off Anglo Saxons is blind. Where was this copy and pasted from, I search the name of the author of this article and find him in the company of the likes of Alex Jones,the biggest zionist shill,complete controlled opposition. I grew up around police brutality towards minorities,and also experienced harassment for being around them. Instead of being good little brainless drones,try doing some independent research,stop believing what the media tells you,they have blurred,and distorted the facts throughout history to make it seem like America is the greatest nation on Earth,when it's far from the truth. A group of people stand up and demand the police stop shooting their children,and the first thing the average white wants to do is call them thugs,and terrorists.It must be truly sad to be so indoctrinated you cannot use critical thinking and have to have someone do it for you. Newsflash,it's not just black children that are being murdered,now white children are being slaughtered by the fat fucking swine as well,yet I've yet to see one white group get together to stand up against it. Now before you get you pussies in a bind,I condemn rioting and looting,but it's funny that the only thing the media showed like in Ferguson,was the looters.White,Black,Brown,all joined together to take a stand against the corrupt police in Ferguson. All I ever see here is rednecks talking about bad they are,then lick the boots of LE like fucking dogs. Stop falling for every boogieman this corrupt system creates,drop that blood soaked fucking flag that represents those in power,and stand together ,or our children are doomed.There are no right or left,just a two headed fucking viper thats poisoned our minds
Black lives matter movement is the most racist group full of hate and violence. Product of the liberal left!!!! Brought and paid for. Vote for a living!!!!!
It's also amazes me of all you pussy ass white guilt fucks.

So just because I am white I have all kinda privileges huh

How about I work hard and obey the law and don't cause trouble.

When all you do is live off the government, get fucked up all day and commit crime. Then yeah u will be watched.

When the group that does that most of the time happens to be black then yeah you will be watched close

If u a black man and u work hard and don't look like something out of some dumb fucking rap video then u called and Uncle Tom! Wtf is that.

You know what fucking privilege I have??? The privilege of growing up in a hard working family with morals. So shut the fuck up about white privilege and drown in your own white guilt pussy
Not that is matters but I don't use this board much. Think I am going to get off. Too much left wing bullshit on here lol. Peace
this board left wing?
Disputing right wing nuts with actual facts is not left wing :/
DaKajun said:
Media propaganda has been gone on for ever. They only tell you what what they want you to know. Not to say its not fact but its half fact at best. They (gov. /media) wants to keep the American people fighting amongst themselves so they don't band together against all the corruption in our government.
Correct me if I'm wrong but it always seems that there are many on this board who are always talking about right-wing nuts but leaving out the left wing nuts. Democrats want something for free. Republicans want freedom that's the difference.
Hogslayer said:
Correct me if I'm wrong but it always seems that there are many on this board who are always talking about right-wing nuts but leaving out the left wing nuts. Democrats want something for free. Republicans want freedom that's the difference.
Hogslayerbecause this isnt true at all.
republicans want freedom 'where' they see fit.
Republicans also are at the government teet from the top on down.
in fact the 'obama phone' was under bush...
We're not talking about the traitor Republicans in the office bro we're talking about real life people and their views who gives a shit about what's in the office it makes no difference we're talking about the brainwash bleeding heart liberals going around telling everybody life isn't fair and you deserve this and that you don't deserve shit you want something get out there and fucking earn it. Hope and change Obama lovers were hoping on a silver platter is what they were hoping on Liberals are so dumb to think that they were going to get something handed to him for free buy Obama look where that got you dumbasses double unemployment for blacks immigrants invading the United States and Europe and the list goes on all these social justice Warriors give me a fucking break that's not reality waiting on somebody who's going to change everything and give you a utopian world is Ludacris good luck with that and for all you Hillary lovers you're nothing but totalitarian cock suckers like her political correctness is nothing but brainwashing if Trump supporters went to Bernie Sanders or Hillary rallies starting all this shit they would be jailed were is this so called TOLERANCE yeah that's what I thought
Yet republicans eat it up and the voting republicans actually to pick and choose freedoms as do Democrats.

Free for nothing was a Romney discredited statement. ..

Republicans are not for full freedom nor are Democrats.

That's why I'm libertarian..
I am so sick of the BLM bs. All lives matter in my book bros. My people always stirring up some shit. lol
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