Black Lives Matter issues MAJOR THREAT to white people over presidential electio

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I am so sick of the BLM bs. All lives matter in my book bros. My people always stirring up some shit. lol
BIGBOSSPeople do from every walk of life. Media fixates on certain ones
The bottom line is, when I look in the mirror I know the person looking back is the only one I should depend on to take care of me. People are always gonna bitch and want a hand out, white, black who ever. I also know what I see when I look outside my window. I don't need a article written by anyone to tell me who is grinding it out day to day.
JohnW said:
The bottom line is, when I look in the mirror I know the person looking back is the only one I should depend on to take care of me. People are always gonna bitch and want a hand out, white, black who ever. I also know what I see when I look outside my window. I don't need a article written by anyone to tell me who is grinding it out day to day.
SkinNbone said:
It's also amazes me of all you pussy ass white guilt fucks.

So just because I am white I have all kinda privileges huh

How about I work hard and obey the law and don't cause trouble.

When all you do is live off the government, get fucked up all day and commit crime. Then yeah u will be watched.

When the group that does that most of the time happens to be black then yeah you will be watched close

If u a black man and u work hard and don't look like something out of some dumb fucking rap video then u called and Uncle Tom! Wtf is that.

You know what fucking privilege I have??? The privilege of growing up in a hard working family with morals. So shut the fuck up about white privilege and drown in your own white guilt pussy
SkinNbonelmmfao,this is the typical response when someone with cognitive dissonance tries to voice their opinions. Obviously your hard working family morals didn't contribute to your critical thinking skills. And who mentioned "White Guilt", I don't recall seeing anyone mention they felt guilty about anything. Maybe try ready some actual statistics and stop trying to play the Great White Hope,Internet Tough Guy Edition. Your inability to stay on topic ,and your use of tired,old stereotypes, show mountains of your true character. Maybe one day when you grow up,you'll take a stroll out of Mayberry ,and see the real world
the whole white and black thing is so over played. for christ sake we had a blk presidnt for 8 yrs.

and do these protesters have jobs to be taking all this time off work to protest and get arrested? i sure as hell hope there not getting gov't assistance, if so cut them off and invest the money into education.
grim said:
Yet republicans eat it up and the voting republicans actually to pick and choose freedoms as do Democrats.

Free for nothing was a Romney discredited statement. ..

Republicans are not for full freedom nor are Democrats.

That's why I'm libertarian..
I'm a Libertarian to but as of right now there is no third party libertarian running that we can vote for so essentially being libertarian doesn't mean Jack Shit at the moment. Unfortunately we are going to have to make do with the options that we have in front of us so it's time to pick a side for me it's easy I am for whoever keeps those Jihadi cock suckers out of US it's not Muslims that are the problem it's this suicide cult that they call a religion Islam is not compatible with Western Society nor will it ever be as recent events show us Islam is not a religion of peace like the media would like you to believe but a cult with followers who's IQ's are reportedly averaging in the 84/88 range look it up and to give you an example regarding IQ's-75 and lower is considered retarded so it's a combination of things I just say keep them fuckers out and we're good
That is 100% unconstututional and don't you think they want us out of their lands..
grim said:
That is 100% unconstututional and don't you think they want us out of their lands..
Yet it's been done in the US time and time again. Please tell me where it is unconstitutional to vet people coming into our country. If you can not prove that you have no ties to terrorist organizations then, at this time of constant terror attacks around the world, we do not need to let you into our country.

Even Mexico does not allow people to cross into their boarders without being approved first. Yet they demand total access to our country. This crap needs to stop.
grim said:
That is 100% unconstututional and don't you think they want us out of their lands..
Are you fucking serious Grim. Have you lost your fucking mine man if you haven't realized yet the average American has nothing to do with being in their LAND it's soldiers following unconstitutional orders nothing to do with the every day American you know what the differences between us and them is grim American people as a whole aren't running around with bombs strapped to their torso screaming Allahu Akbar so excuse me for not wanting to import that into this country not to mention that the American taxpayer is fitting the bill because I'm sure we all can agree they arent bringing food over on Camelback you have lost your fucking mind man it's not about the Constitution it's about fucking survival Jesus Christ
vetting is totally different than banning based on a religion.

do you think they care on 'average' american?
btw the average muslim doesnt attack us, yet with your logic you want to treat them all the same but be hypocritical when it comes to our end.

i do not support terrorists one bit, i however do not support blatantly unconstitutional stances.

ban all people with ties to terror not religion
When a large majority of terrorists blowing people up in the name of Allah Akbar are Muslims right now, then the entire group pays the price. Even if only a small percentage of Muslims are radicals that's still a massive number and certainly one worth addressing until this group is under control.
T-bar said:
When a large majority of terrorists blowing people up in the name of Allah Akbar are Muslims right now, then the entire group pays the price. Even if only a small percentage of Muslims are radicals that's still a massive number and certainly one worth addressing until this group is under control.
T-barsame logic, we get rid of guns...

its totally unconstitutional...
The short term answer is to stop Muslim's from coming here. The logic is simple, no new threats. We all know there are already terrorists here. We don't want any more. The long term solution is as u stated grim, weed out the terrorists not all the people. Right now we are having difficulty telling one from the other. For the safety of the people here, shutting the door TEMPORARLY is the answer. No one can convince me otherwise. I DONT GIVE A FUCK what the constitution says on this topic. It is irrelevant in this situation. Common sense.
LittleTom said:
The short term answer is to stop Muslim's from coming here. The logic is simple, no new threats. We all know there are already terrorists here. We don't want any more. The long term solution is as u stated grim, weed out the terrorists not all the people. Right now we are having difficulty telling one from the other. For the safety of the people here, shutting the door TEMPORARLY is the answer. No one can convince me otherwise. I DONT GIVE A FUCK what the constitution says on this topic. It is irrelevant in this situation. Common sense.
LittleTomyou have that kind of policy it will carry over to guns, free speach, etc. dangerous precedent

For what? more are killed by cars than terrorists here.

You also cant tell a muslim from any other religion in reality, sorry LT but thats far from common sense.

Its an extremely dangerous precedent

careful what you back...
We will have to agree to disagree Grim. If we can't tell a Muslim from any other religion then they just can't come here. As far as the ridiculous argument about cars killing more people... A car would not detonate a bomb that would kill hundreds of thousands if given the opportunity. It is common sense. I respect your view Grim but there is just no fucking way I would ever for a heartbeat agree with you. I'm not going to post anything further as it would just be two immovable objects pushing each other.
Not ridiculous at all.
Barely any American on us soil is killed by terrorists yet you want to blatantly go against the constitution. Anti gun warriors wanting to ban guns have a far better case and logic than banning muslims. Yet I don't agree with them as its unconstututional.

Anyone who supports guns as I do from the constitution is completely illogical and hypocritical to support a ban of a religion.
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