Anyone have any issues of waking in the morning with feelings of light headedness, pins and needles in fingers and palms, shaking hands (tremors), and night sweats? Also, some episodes later in the day but mostly in the first half upon waking. I sleep like a rock, but wake up in a pool of sweat several times per night. It seems to me that what is happening is related to Blood Sugar or Blood Glucose but don't know for sure. I have been on 2 iu's ED HGH for 4 months, Test E 800 per Week (for 18 weeks), Mast E 500 per week (for 18 weeks), EQ 600 per week (for 8 weeks), just finished up Winny @ 75mgs per day (for 10 weeks). I have been doing cycled Keto for over a year and have really leaned out to 6 - 8% BF. I may need to drop down to a cruise on Test and Mast for a while to give everything a chance to level out on it's own and change up the diet. I noticed it before the HGH was added 4 months ago, but it has gotten worse w/ adding the GH. I kept thinking that GH sides would go away with repeated use, but it doesn't look like that is going to be the case here. 🙂 At age 45, my body is def telling me that something I'm doing isn't cool. Anyone ever invest in a BGlucose meter and monitor their sugar? If so, what numbers should I be looking to for normal ranges? It really sucks to invest all this time to physique and health and end up feeling like shit half the day with these episodes of whatever the hell is going on. Also, even with all the test I have been running along w/ Mast, my libido is not where I would like it to be, so I am thinking that the other issues I am having are also causing libido problems too???? Everything works fine once it gets started, it's just the animal instinct for sex is not there. Who knows..... Lol I just took a week off for vacation and did not train and ate everything I wanted for a week and only did cardio for 3 days so I don't think I need to change up anything training wise. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated brothers!