Botched Shot


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2 days ago I did my shot in the quad, a typical favorite location for me, never an issue. I will even alternate and do upper quad (about fingers length when standing upright with arms at side) and lower quad (just a few inches down from there). I used a 5/8 pin this time in the upper, instead of 1 inch. Have done that before, no issue, but usually go with 1 inch. My leg is killing me! Huge lump, swollen, limping, can't bend it, hurts to the touch. I've had this happen in other sites but not the quad. It goes away, sometimes takes longer than others.

When this happens with a shot:
Is it a sign that your oil went subq instead of IM? Thinking maybe since I'm a little bigger than usual and my quads got a little thicker, the 5/8 wasn't long enough.
Does it mean that the oil/hormone is not absorbed? Is it a wasted shot? Or same absorption, just different pathway and more pain?

I did do a bit more oil in that one particular shot. But not really enough to consider that the reason for the pain. It was the end of the vial and rather than save half an ML for next time I just cleaned it up in that last pin.
Could be a vein, or a depth issue. Depending on your body fat 5/8 could be a little shallow. 1 inch is def better for the quad. The deeper the injection the better as shallow cause more scar tissue over time.

Sometimes we just have shit injects. Heating the oil has helped me as well as going slow. Sometimes I use smaller garage needles to make myself go slower. Should heal up in a few days. I myself stay away from quads as I just can’t do it. Others it’s their go too spot

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Could be a vein, or a depth issue. Depending on your body fat 5/8 could be a little shallow. 1 inch is def better for the quad. The deeper the injection the better as shallow cause more scar tissue over time.

Sometimes we just have shit injects. Heating the oil has helped me as well as going slow. Sometimes I use smaller garage needles to make myself go slower. Should heal up in a few days. I myself stay away from quads as I just can’t do it. Others it’s their go too spot

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that sounds really close to a infection. Keep a close eye on that.
It's pretty much gone.

I knew from the start it wasn't an infection, have had it happen a handful of times. Shot placement is likely the cause. And it's not the gear or source. Been using this source for about 3 years now, does not happen nearly often enough for me to link it to them. Was one of the last shots of that vial and the first soreness I experienced. Have also had it happen with other sources as well. Shot placement, depth, release speed, etc. Was more so just questioning on when something like this happens, how much will it really impact absorption of the hornone.
Yeah u injected to shallow
It creates a bump in the outside of the muscle issue and presses on the nerves closes to the skin because if the oil. Its like injecting subq nut so shallow it makes your skin blister. Excep this happened in the muscle. Im gonna guess its gonna scar up and will make injection at that specific location a bit harder to do.
Update on this:

Since that shot in my right quad, i have since had injections into the left quad, left delt, and right delt. All with no issue. A little more pip than usual in the right delt but nothing to make me think twice about anything.

Fast forward to this past Monday evening, i did my inject into my right glute with a 1 inch pin. This time the swelling and pain is even worse than that right quad shot in my original post. Ive never used larger than a 1 inch in the glute and never had any type of issue. i am fairly lean and not a very large dude.

I did legs on Tuesday morning and had a terrible workout. Part of that is because i am 8 weeks into anavar and the back pumps on leg day have been unbearable the last 2-3 weeks. Cut the workout short and spent some good time stretching. Really felt worn out and fatigued that whole day. Wednesday rolled around and i felt like absolute garbage. The pain in my glute is extreme, and causing discomfort all down my leg and lower back. In addition to that, i really started to feel run down, clammy, worn out, fatigued, and like everything just hurt and ached. Sensitive skin, my shirt hurt my skin. Started taking my temperature around 8pm or so lastnight, got as high as 100.9. Took it twice throughout the night and it was 98.4-98.8. Ive only been taking some aspirin here and there. Was so uncomfortable in bed all night i could barely sleep. Could not position myself to where my glute was not throbbing in pain. As the night went on, the pain my glute moderated a bit, but then i was up for some time because i had tension and pain all down the outside of my upper leg and severe aching all around my right knee. I had to get up at one point and stretch it was that uncomfortable.

Ive been doing alot of reading on infections and abscesses. Yes it is warm to the touch and i did have a low grade fever. The swelling is hard to the touch, not soft and spongy. In addition, the swelling itself is a good couple of inches to the left, right, and down of where the actual inject was, its takes up a pretty good portion of my right glute, and is very sore to the touch. Perhaps it was too quick of an inject and the oil did not pocket itself in and rather disbursed throughout a larger area and ended up subq to some extent. It comes and goes as far as being super severe and limping, to just being manageable. But now the aching in the knee is just uncomfortable. My temp has been under 99 since middle of the night.

Im thinking that i may have injected into a nerve, or too close to a nerve. Maybe that was the case with both of these injects. The one last week in my quad went away almost 100% within a few days. This one didnt really start to be a problem until mid day Tuesday, so im trying to give it into tomorrow/Saturday to see it subside a bit. Im thinking nerve because to me that would help explain the discomfort going down the leg into the knee. Nothing is visible to the eye except the glute being swollen, which it certainly is quite swollen. No visible veins, bruising, dark spots, etc.

Im contemplating maybe going to an urgent care to get an antibiotic. I just dont know how honest i can be with them and say i stuck a needle in my ass and now i need an antibiotic, and not risk them notating my record and submitting to insurance.

Either way, i think i am taking a break from pinning anywhere below the waist for a while. My upper body shots have been fine. If its an infection, im not blaming the gear, id blame a bad inject on my behalf. Ive been using the current oils since May, with these 2 shots being the only of any issue. Ive also been using this supplier for about 3 years now. The only time i have ever experienced pain and swelling like this is anytime i have tried to inject in the calf. Which i dont do at all anymore since it leaves me unable to walk for a week and cankles.

I will say, i did recently slightly increase the amount of oil in my shots around the time of that quad inject. Maybe a week or 2 prior. Im doing about .7 ML of a 350mg/ml sust, and .5 ML of a 200mg/ml Mast E, each shot twice per week. Perhaps pinning in the legs with the larger amount of higher concentrated sust is not agreeing with me well.

Through past experience, these instances have always subsided on their own. Sometimes 2-3 days, sometimes a full week. These 2 have just been the worse in regard to pain and size of the swelling. If it was an abscess, id imagine the overall size of the swelling may be more confined to just the abscess itself. This seems to be much larger of an area, very hard to the touch, and feels like it needs to be stretched out but is too sore and too tight.
I would get it looked at, I personally order my antibiotics online, but this is something you want to catch before it gets worse (IMHO) tell them you took a B-12 vitamin shot.
I'm really thinking that I hit or came too close with too much oil to my sciatic nerve. That's the only way I can explain the throbbing achy pain down the outside of my quad, outside of my knew, now down the outside off my calf to my ankle. The glute is sore and swollen. The rest is just an annoying ache, like something was pulled or needs to be stretched.
I'm really thinking that I hit or came too close with too much oil to my sciatic nerve. That's the only way I can explain the throbbing achy pain down the outside of my quad, outside of my knew, now down the outside off my calf to my ankle. The glute is sore and swollen. The rest is just an annoying ache, like something was pulled or needs to be stretched.
puff88These are the shot locations i do in the glutes, and the line is where the sciatic nerve is.. go quite a bit to the outside of the center of the gluts and you wont hit it .
could go further and hit the medius too, go up and outside more and you wil hit those, works great for 3cc but its hard to lay on your side for a couple of hours if youre like me and do shots at night lol.

5/8 inch is fine. Current research stated that you get better absorption, slower rate, at less depth and subcut. So pinning 1.5” or whatever is just creating more scar tissue. I had a similar issue one time that led to cellulitis very significant. I said similar, not the same. In my case the gear was tainted. I suspect if you rotate this site on regular basis, you likely injected into tissue that was still in the “healing process” and irritated a inflammatory response.
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Also, vastus lateralus only.
I don't think it's cellulitis as it does not appear to be a skin issue, it's clearly deeper under in the muscle.

So yesterday evening from about 4-7pm it felt the worse it probably did all day. It was so sore and so tight, I was limping, and sitting down and getting back up was miserable. Little felt like an old man trying to get off the couch. The aching down the leg and around the knee was also the worse yet. I took a baby aspirin around 730 and laid down. By 9-10pm I felt so much relief. No pain when laying down at all, only when I would go to get up and walk, and no aching anywhere else. I actually slept great too. It didn't bother me at all in bed, complete opposite from the night before - I couldn't rest at all just throbbing pain all night long no matter what position I laid. My temperature all day yesterday was 99.1 or lower. So fever was a 1 day thing. Now that I am awake and up, I still have soreness in the glute and still swollen, though not as swollen as the last 2 days. The pain now feels just a bit worse than normal pip.

I'm getting ready to go to the gym. Will hit chest today. Still feel like the glute will bother me sitting on a bench, but should be able to get through. Yesterday afternoon even thinking about the gym for today I said not a chance, I couldn't even move. Haven't played with my kids the last 2 days because I can barely move around and once I shut down for work all I wanted was to lay on the couch.

I'm taking a break from lower body pins for a while. Think I had poor shot placement on these 2 examples for some reason and they really set me back, especially this last one in the glute.

I just pinned the same product and same amount in the left bicep. Will see how it goes. Anything other than cyp or enan in bicep and I usually do get a little pip, but I'll be keeping an eye on it to see if it is anything worse. I'll be sure to post back tomorrow/Sunday and keep yall posted.
I think you’re fine man. I’m very sensitive to most oils and almost anything knots me up some. A lot of my pins in the past take almost two weeks to go away. I don’t think you have an infection but maybe you upping the dose is causing more pip or it’s leaking out and hardening on top of the muscle
Hmmmm alot going on here. I know you mention it only hurts in the lower areas. Have you tried switching vendors, maybe the oils aren't good. Is it old gear possible?

Also quads are not a good area to pin bro. I'm not trying to lecture cause I'm sure you have way more experience than I do. But quads seem to have alot of issues when pinned. As for the gluet it's weird.

Do you have knots in that area? Like hard tissue?

I had this happen to me like years ago, I found out it was the oil for me. I couldn't walk or even get out of bed due to high fever. I remember keeping the area warm and hot showers helped me. As well as taking a shit load of pain killers. If you see no positive changes in a few days go to the doctor your health is more important bro.
Im qirh @Bighekt on this, it could also be the product.. your lower half may just react differently to certain solvents and oils. I use MCT in my personal brew and do basic BA/BB mix (20/2) on anything i can, but some will use completely different oils and add solvents for shorter esters etc.

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