Bpc 157

It arrived, trying for my golfers elbow. TY to @CowboyMike for suggestion.
Shot 250 mg into the elbow, wasnt bad at all

We shall see if it works
GRIMGrim what size pin? Did you go into the bone direct?
Grim what size pin? Did you go into the bone direct?
Supernaut29 slin i believe. No not the bone, cant really do subq 1 handed so im just injecting more intramuscular around the elbow
29 slin i believe. No not the bone, cant really do subq 1 handed so im just injecting more intramuscular around the elbow
I use a binder clip on my elbow skin.. then pin in the higher raised portion of skin..

But if you can get away with IM without hitting a vein of any sort, then it’s obviously going to work too ;0) The research says either or and doesn’t state one is better than the other method. So it’s all our personal research that’ll tell these tales ;0)
I use a binder clip on my elbow skin.. then pin in the higher raised portion of skin..

But if you can get away with IM without hitting a vein of any sort, then it’s obviously going to work too ;0) The research says either or and doesn’t state one is better than the other method. So it’s all our personal research that’ll tell these tales ;0)
CowboyMikemy other hand doesnt work well enough to place a clip
I have always been interested in this bp157 yet to use it. Sounds like it helped your foot. Sometimes things like that happen a bro gave me some lgd started taking 20mgs along with what Im taking now and direct improv in my knee issue. How do you explain it?
It must have as my foot was KILLING me and swollen bad. 1 day on the 157 and foot was 99% pain free. Literally overnight. Now its virtually pain free, haven't felt any besides maybe a lil creek if that makes sense.
shit is amazing for gut issues/heartburn
elbow still hurting but foot still fine..
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elbow still hurting but foot still fine..
GRIMGrim any update on this? I was thinking about using for my knee mcl damage. Also hear it works well with TB500. I have stayed away from nsaids and prendisone. Using topical lidocaine for pain and tolerating mind over matter. But need something to help healing. Heard tb500 responds to inflamation signaling. BP157 aids tendon repair?
yes never found relief esp for tendon issues

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