British dispensary


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My first cycle was the pink 5mg dbol tabs and some test-e in 2006. That was the last time I ever seen those pink tabs and damn they were good!! I see them on different sources lists and british dragon gear as well always pricey. what is the real truth about british dragon and british dispensary ? Do they even make gear anymore? I heard that BD got popped years ago then was under a new thing where they were going into a legit company but who knows...british dispensary I never knew much about not even sure if the pink tabs I had were made by that company but were identical to the ones you see online.
From my understanding those pink 5 mg dbol from british dispensary is still around and is legit pharma dbol from UK and pretty easy to come by. As for british dragon stuff, they've been outta the business awhile and is more than likely another underground lab using their name cus it's known and sells.
goodfella said:
From my understanding those pink 5 mg dbol from british dispensary is still around and is legit pharma dbol from UK and pretty easy to come by. As for british dragon stuff, they've been outta the business awhile and is more than likely another underground lab using their name cus it's known and sells.
goodfellaHave u heard of fake bd winstrol? Couple years ago I had 2 bottles 10mg each yellow pills I didn't see or notice any changes at all.
There was a whole big deal with british dragon and Alin. It is a lot to type here but if you do some googling you can find the articles on it. In short the owners/founders and a third party,alin, had a falling out in 2006 and the company went into a bunch of disarray for years. If you search anthony roberts blog british dragon and alin, and search british dragon sold to alin, you can do some reading on it. I remember when it happened it was all over every board I was on. If you read some of William Llewellyn book underground anabolic it goes pretty in depth about bd. Last I heard ip was producing bd, that was awhile ago so there may be others making it now. Anything now is not the original bd it is a knock off. As far as british dispensary I don't know what happened to them.
49ER said:
Have u heard of fake bd winstrol? Couple years ago I had 2 bottles 10mg each yellow pills I didn't see or notice any changes at all.
I'm not exactly sure who your stating/talking about man since there both abbreviated the same 😱

But yes! Of course! Everyone's seen fakes of both those companies since both the names are well known. As I mentioned earlier and along with DGAF, simply knock offs. British Dispensary, believe was a legit company out of the uk. Could probably research it if they are, but I have no interest to. So I leave that to you's instead.
Unless u are outside u.s.a. its my advice to leVe any and all BD products well as GP (geneza pharm) scirroxx,all the mexican brands, thai dragon, gen-shi..damn the list goes on and on..most of them are under dosed if u get the real thing...and there are so many counterfiets its rediculous especially BD! Ive seen 10 different BD labels all varying slightly to significantly. .....stick to domestic proven and accountable labs....that foreign game is a crap shoot at best unless u got a rock solid source.
DGAF said:
There was a whole big deal with british dragon and Alin. It is a lot to type here but if you do some googling you can find the articles on it. In short the owners/founders and a third party,alin, had a falling out in 2006 and the company went into a bunch of disarray for years. If you search anthony roberts blog british dragon and alin, and search british dragon sold to alin, you can do some reading on it. I remember when it happened it was all over every board I was on. If you read some of William Llewellyn book underground anabolic it goes pretty in depth about bd. Last I heard ip was producing bd, that was awhile ago so there may be others making it now. Anything now is not the original bd it is a knock off. As far as british dispensary I don't know what happened to them.
DGAF, If you're referring alin to that "alinshop" or whatever it is. I can verify I have 3 buddies that got scammed by them.
Alin is alinshop.
Naps and alot of other EU sources are selective scammers..some people get real gear..some get fake gear some get scammed.....its happened to me from most of the well known sites. I leanred my lesson and quit fooling with foreign sources.
Richard and Ox *(British Dragon) wanted out around '05. Brian (Gen XXL) and Alin were in a bidding war for the name. Alin won. How ever LE was on to BD and was seizing shipments and replacing the gear. This lead man to think either Gen XXL or BD was ripping people off. '06 they sale was complete, around '07 Rich and Ox were arrested as was Glen England for his had in Gen XXL.

I could go on and on...but what the point. We plenty of good sources here.
Jinko said:
Richard and Ox *(British Dragon) wanted out around '05. Brian (Gen XXL) and Alin were in a bidding war for the name. Alin won. How ever LE was on to BD and was seizing shipments and replacing the gear. This lead man to think either Gen XXL or BD was ripping people off. '06 they sale was complete, around '07 Rich and Ox were arrested as was Glen England for his had in Gen XXL.

I could go on and on...but what the point. We plenty of good sources here.
Jinko, I couldn't agree more. We have great sources here and if there is a prob, Grim, Rock, and Tsize axe them.
I remember reading about British dragon in the muscular development magazines.. those articles use to be great! Muscle mag had some good sections too!
tbonexl said:
I remember reading about British dragon in the muscular development magazines.. those articles use to be great! Muscle mag had some good sections too!
IS there a good mag out there anymore? They all seem like they're under scrutiny
lith56bigguy said:
DGAF, If you're referring alin to that "alinshop" or whatever it is. I can verify I have 3 buddies that got scammed by them.
lith56bigguyYes I am referring to alin from alinshop, he is a known selective scammer. He is out of Moldova.
Jinko said:
Richard and Ox *(British Dragon) wanted out around '05. Brian (Gen XXL) and Alin were in a bidding war for the name. Alin won. How ever LE was on to BD and was seizing shipments and replacing the gear. This lead man to think either Gen XXL or BD was ripping people off. '06 they sale was complete, around '07 Rich and Ox were arrested as was Glen England for his had in Gen XXL.

I could go on and on...but what the point. We plenty of good sources here.
JinkoRichard and Mark were the founders of bd, alin was brought in as a third investing party later on when they got big. Mark committed suicide, Richard died of pneumonia, alin is still around. Redicat got busted when Richard got busted.
British dispensary is out of Thailand. They are licensed to sell anabol, androlic, azolol. They also have an anabol 10. They lost their license for awhile then got it back then decided to stop distribution cause of the US government getting on the Thai government. British dispensary actually were running legal and never did anything wrong to get their license suspended, it was the US influence that made that happen. They recently got their license back and are producing again,idk if they are distributing outside of Thai.
lith56bigguy said:
IS there a good mag out there anymore? They all seem like they're under scrutiny
No, there isn't... Seemed liked the editors got choked out in the mid 2000's.. I remember reading articles about pro cycles and synthol.. now its all protein shakes and shit. All my old mags got stolen outta my storage unit last summer. I used to enjoy flipping thru the old mags.. 🙁
24hr sells British Dispensary, they have several orals from them.
Wacker said:
24hr sells British Dispensary, they have several orals from them.
WackerSo does another Vendor that isn't listed here that is domestic. Some of you have used him.
DGAF was right about Dispensary and their license and location....
My stanazolol was british dragon I dont care I dont order that shit I bought from some guy pretty sure it was fake. Bottle looked legit as fuck though tabs looked good too.
You can tell fake british dispensary tabs by the snake on the back of them, real one the snake is real defined and straight and the fake ones the snake is tilted at an angle, like 45°. Fake ones also can be crushed easily when slight pressure is applied, fakes are also real grainy looking and not smooth like they have been left in bad weather conditions. There are a lot of people selling british dragon and there are a lot of label differences between them. The one constant is they are not original bd as we knew it early 2000's, they are all knock offs. Ip gear was making bd and what you were getting was ip oils with the bd label. Ip oils were no good,lots of complaints on them, but the ip tabs were good.

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