Bulk cycle plan


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
Gents, nearing the end of my cutting cycle. Already dropped NPP & Tren A. Just running 800mG of test C for 3 more weeks along with T3 @ 70mcg a day. Going to do a run of Clen soon for 14 days and see how I react on that without the Tren. Since when I tried it with Tren A I was having rapid heartbeats, which my heart rate seemed a little too high for comfort.

After this going to go 8 weeks off but maintain a cruise at 200mg of Test C a week.

After 8 weeks which will be mid December will start bulking and will use the following:

Substanon @ 800mg a week
Deca @ 600mg a week
Dbol @ 30mg a day for 6 weeks
T3 slowly adding up to 60mcg a day
Creatine @ normal dosage

Plan to do the above cycle for 14 weeks minimum but possibly to 16 weeks, depending how results play out.

Any suggestions or changes y'all think I should make?

Currently at 176Lbs and plan to hit 171-173Lbs after the additional 3 weeks on Test C and clen(14 days) maintaining a good diet.

I love the results That I have gotten so far, just curious how much more shredded I can get with the clen.

I would like to bulk back up to 190Lbs.

Edit: Also have been running proviron at 50mg a day and will stop after I stop this cycle. Will add that in my next cycle at 50mg a day dosage. I love how it keeps my sex drive substantially high.
Also for AI using arimadex currently. And will use arimadex and caber on my next bulk cycle.
Currently On week 8 of my bulk cycle out of 15. Gained a total of 22lbs so far. Which some is clearly water weight.
My cycle looks the exact same as yours other than im running 1000MG Test E and ran 4 weeks of 50mg Anadrol 2 weeks and 100mg anadrol for 2 weeks. Your cycle looks like a good setup to me. I never mess with t3 tho. Your cycle looks solid just eat like a monster and you'll grow like crazy on deca
Deca takes too long to ramp up for me, love it just needs a front load to speed it up, maybe a double shot first day or week then down to normal
T3 helps significantly with cutting by speeding up metabolism. Also it has gave me a lot of energy. I'm wondering though how it would be on a bulking cycle. It would speed up my metabolism but considering I'll be doing well over maintenance calories I should be fine using it.

I'm surprised you haven't tried t3 yet, at least for a cutting cycle bro. It's definitely worth the add and it's cheap.
My last heavy bulker looked like this. Granted I have tons cycle under my belt

1125mg test per week (1-15)
500mg deca per week (1-15)
500mg EQ per week (1-22)
100mg anadrol per day (2-8)

750mg test per week (16-22)
500mg EQ per week (16-22)
Daredevil said:
Also for AI using arimadex currently. And will use arimadex and caber on my next bulk cycle.
DaredevilWhy would you be using caber? Do you blast and cruise? I was wondering when you would be starting PCT?

misterB said:
Deca takes too long to ramp up for me, love it just needs a front load to speed it up, maybe a double shot first day or week then down to normal
misterBThis or just go with NPP. It looks like you will be pinning 3X a week anyways? I could be wrong on your pinning schedule.

I've just always used caber when using 17 nor's and arimadex when using test at a low amounts so not to have to worry about gyno or prolactin. Never had any issues. Caber I use peptide caber and never had issues.
25mcg a day of t3 wold help with bulking to help feed the cells, but It would have the reverse effect going over much more than that.
AK the body produces 20mcg a day correct? So by adding 25mcg a day, I would be suppressing my natural level but only adding 5mcg, I believe. Wouldn't it be wiser to at least double natural levels, since suppressing natural levels? I would be going 1000-2000 calories above maintenance daily.

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