I'm far from 'fat' I however no matter the diet which I have numerous certifications and other education in nutrition can get to levels others get to easily. I also can't do 'cardio' besides sit down stepper.
Anything used properly can be an assist
I'm usually 15-18% on the hi end without the use of any diet aids. Sometimes you want to go lower.
Anything over a certain amount can kill you. Blood thinner is what my DR a top neurologist in my state calls them so has every other dr I've ever dealt with. Yes there are different names blood thinner is the generic..
You also never died from dnp.
Use and overuse is far different
There is a limit to the amount of water you can take in a day. Learn more about the risk of taking too much water and what to do about it.
Anticoagulants are a class of blood-thinning medications. They’re often used to prevent strokes, heart attacks and other dangerous conditions caused by blood clots.
Anticoagulant and antiplatelet drugs are blood thinners. They reduce risk of heart attacks and help keep blood clots from forming. Learn more.