bulk cycle


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Hey I just got back from competing at the st. louis pro and was just given my new diet from my trainer. The plan is to take a year off and put on as much muscle as possible. I am looking for advice chem wise specifically because after showing it to my body he thought some of the numbers were extremely high Im 25 about 6 foot 205 on stage about 230 at my highest last off season.
1250mgs Test C or E a week
600mgs of Deca a week
30mgs of Dbol (10mgs every 8 hours)

take 5 iu's HGH with 50mcg of T3 immediately out of bed take dog for 15-20 minute walk

Get home take 4 iu's insulin , down Meal 1 drink, start cooking food, then eat
Meal 1
50g's Cyclic Dextrin (Glycofuse) w 2 5g's BCAA's & 5g's Creatine Monohydrate

10-15min later eat (time it takes to cook the food)
6oz cooked steak
3 whole eggs
3/4 cup dry Cream of Rice

Meal 2 & 4
8oz steak
2 cups of cooked rice
2 tablespoons 100% MCT oil over steak and rice

Meal 3 & 5
8oz chicken
4 tables Regulare BBQ sauce
12oz cooked baked or red potatoes
2 tablespoons 100% MCT oil over potatoes

Meal 6
2 slices P28 bread
2 tablespoons Nuts N More
8oz unsweetend almond milk
1 scoop Isolyze or Hydro Whey protein

Pre workout 5iu's HGH... NO BCAA's or Leucine pre or during workout… Caffeine base pre workout is fine

Post Workout 20 mcg IGF-1 and drink 100g's Cyclic Dextrin (Glycofuse) w25g's BCAA's & 5 g's Creatine Monohydrate… 20-30 minutes later take 5 iu's of insulin and eat the next whole food meal
Lots of food but looks good
Am I reading this right? 14Iu's of Hgh daily and 25gms of BCAA's, and 10gms of Creatine Mono daily? That's a shit ton of Gh and Bcaa's. I'd rather be taking Creatine Ethyl Ester or HCI over Mono, but, with that dosage you'll be getting plenty of uptake. The diet looks pretty good for a bulk for your body weight.

Ok, just noticed, it's 10iu's of Gh and 9iu's of slin.....that makes more sense. I like the Igf post workout, but that is the only dosage I see there that could actually be higher.
Damn man. This is solid. Now following this to a T day in and day out is the challenge. Personally I can't do it

I am a gym rat. Bigger than most in my gym and the average size male

I am on trt (200mg test cyp weekly) and just started cut mix blend(tren a test prop and mast prop)

I am 230lbs about 10% BF

I do eat quite a bit and every two hours

But what u laid out here I can't do man. Damn. Hope it's going good
Cool...the food alone should put size on you. The test seems a little high considering your runnin 600mg of Deca with it but with HGH you have to keep it high (never ran hgh but that's what I have read). Good luck my man and pack that shit on!
TSizemore said:
Am I reading this right? 14Iu's of Hgh daily and 25gms of BCAA's, and 10gms of Creatine Mono daily? That's a shit ton of Gh and Bcaa's. I'd rather be taking Creatine Ethyl Ester or HCI over Mono, but, with that dosage you'll be getting plenty of uptake. The diet looks pretty good for a bulk for your body weight.

Ok, just noticed, it's 10iu's of Gh and 9iu's of slin.....that makes more sense. I like the Igf post workout, but that is the only dosage I see there that could actually be higher.
what do you recommend or think the igf dosage should be about?
I wouldn't pin less than 40mcg, nor more than 100mcg. Some pin more, but it really isn't necessary. Especially, with Skin in the mix. You won't actually reap the physical benefits until you're done with the cycle, and you don't want to end up with that dreaded intestinal growth Igf is famous for.
Hey guys, sorry for being off for the past few weeks. After competing at my show I was pretty sick the past few weeks so not much had changed. I'd like to first thank Paxton for sponsoring this cycle. This will be very similar to Jshredz current blog except i am currently competing in physique and bulking for the majority of 2015. I'll post diet and any other changes as they occur. Since i'm new to the posting alot on here feel free to chime in with any questions or comments. These pics were posted a couple days out from show sitting at 205.
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the current pics are after being out of the gym for two weeks but running 1250 mgs of test eth and 600 mgs deca a week but being on point with my diet. I'm currently sitting at 237 and have finally been able to ease back into the gym. I will start to run the GH dbol igf and slin starting on friday.
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Huge difference!!! Are you bulking for Physique again, or Body building?
Right now depending on how much lean muscle I can put on physique once more then bodybuilding after that
Looks like we got another great log to follow !!! Following a routine like that is very hard that's why most people can't do it. I was talking to someone yesterday who told me they started dieting. They switched from take out pizza for lunch to pb&j sandwiches lol. I said hey it's a start, at least your making it yourself.
Id swap deca for NPP, just going to get the benefits faster and 600 is a good dose for NPP , hope youre on a good AI. test is high for your body weight to me but you'd have to be the judge of that. honestly see no reason for the HGH and slim in Physique class. causes more harm than good in my opinion, but again the risk to reward in yours to decide . tbol might have been a better choice for you so you dont have to cut so much.
misterB said:
whats your current status.. seaking pro card for mens Physique or have it ?
misterB. my ultimate goal is to work my way up into bodybuilding. In the meantime im seeking my pro card in physique. If i get it awesome but i want to work my way up into super heavys because thats where I have to compete at to be competitive.In a little over a year i went from being on stage at 185 to this current stage being about 205.
After being on the chem and diet plan for the past 2 weeks my weight has steadily climbed Im sitting at 248.6 right now and my strength is going through the roof in the gym now.due to staying about the same condition but gaining weight like crazy my trainer increased my insulin ius for am and pm to 6ius in the am and 6 ius in the pm. My current workout plan is as follows:
squats: 10x10.
Seated leg curl :12-15 reps
lunges 4x25
calf raises: 3 sets 15-20 reps
tue: chest
flat bench 3 sets 8-12 reps
incline bench 5x5
another pec exercise 3 sets 8 to 12 reps
biceps: 3 exercises of 8-12 reps
wed: shoulders
military press: 4 sets of 8-12 reps
front delt exercise: 3 sets 8-15 reps
middle delt exercise: 3 sets of 8-15 reps
rear delt exercise: 3 sets of 8-15 reps
thursday: legs
leg press: 4 sets of 20 reps
seated leg curl: 4 sets of 12-15 reps
leg extension: 3 sets 8-12 reps
seated calf raises: 3 sets 15-20 reps supersetted with donkey raises
friday: back
lat pulldown: 4 sets of 8-12 reps
t-row: 5 sets of 5 reps
dumbbell pullovers: 4 sets of 12 reps
deadlift: 5 sets of 6-8 reps
low row: 4 sets of 12 reps
sat and sunday day off due to work schedule
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Can definitely see the difference from the supps, the food, and the training! Take advantage of your cycle and training regimen and keep killing it! When you're all done, and ready to cut, you'll be sitting in one hell of a great place! Just keep that fat % down the best you can throughout your off season.....Looks like you're doing that quite well. Good Job, Cdan!!
Thanks man. Its crazy to think that a month ago I was sitting at 205 and with Paxton's gear diet and training I've been able to blow up that much. Thanks for the advice and input as I bulk as well. Its definitely helped my knowledge on all of this

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