bulk cycle

Definitely will be following this. Nice results already. I'm impressed on the size and time it took. For sure noticeable from the pics.
after weighing this week at 254.4 my trainer wants me to tighten up a bit so he switched up my diet for the next week or two to get me back in the offseason condition we want. But in a little more then a month a half with the right diet and all chems being provided by Paxton i went from 205 on stage to a little over 250. This is what my diet will look like the next week or two. hopefully only one week because I already miss eating all that food lol.
Discontinue Insulin and the Carb and Bcaa drinks... keep handy will be using them again in a week or two hopefully

Continue with all other chems and sups (creatine)

Start 2 Fat burner twice a day 6 hours apart

We spilled over past the point I want to go conditioning wise, so we're gonna do this diet for a week or two to tighten up a smidge and get back some insulin sensitivity and then we'll jump back to the diet your on now once we're ready to push forward...

30 minutes of low intensity fasted cardio (taking your dog for a 30 minute walk) before Meal 1 every day

Meal 1 & 6
6oz flank steak
4 whole eggs

Meal 2,3,4,5
10oz of chicken or tilapia
6oz green vegetable
2 tablespoons of MCT Oil the cooked chicken and vegetables

Bed time snack
2 MEASURED tablespoons of Nuts N More before bed
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Doing great man. I like the idea of customizing things so much. To many coaches /trainers just say here's your offseason diet. It's nice to see the attention to detail. Your hard work and good planning will do you well.
Intuitive training....Definitely the best way to go! You've done extremely well.....Your coach can give you all the advice you need, the best cycle possible..but....if you don't commit and stay consistent, then it's worthless. Great dedication, Cdan!
i started to get a little bit of gyno side effects so my trainer started me on letro at 2.5 mgs a day. once the symptoms go away hes going to decrease it down to 1.25 mgs every day. Any thoughts on dosages I've read anything higher then .5 mgs a day will kill estro and sex drive so that sounds a bit extreme to me.
cdan24 said:
i started to get a little bit of gyno side effects so my trainer started me on letro at 2.5 mgs a day. once the symptoms go away hes going to decrease it down to 1.25 mgs every day. Any thoughts on dosages I've read anything higher then .5 mgs a day will kill estro and sex drive so that sounds a bit extreme to me.
cdan24It really all is a matter of how you, specifically, respond. If the symptoms are pronounced enough, then 2.5mg ed is not too much. If you leave the dose there, then yes...you will experience some side effects. But, you're not so....You should be good. Usually, about a week at that dose and then cut it down will work. Just really all depends on just how much free Estrogen you have floating around...
This morning i weighed in at 246.6 so you could say the new diet has leaned me back out where I wanna be. My trainer thinks i've leaned out and still look full so we are going to run the diet one more week with the letro in it before we start adding carbs back in it. Im currently running 2.5 mgs of letro due to some gyno kicking in. Once the symptoms subside ill be dropping it down to 1.25 every day.
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takes time, you just need more time maturing the muscles and defining the physique
misterB said:
takes time, you just need more time maturing the muscles and defining the physique
misterB very true its a marathon as some people describe it not a sprint. I've only been actively competing and on a strict diet for about 2 years now and have already made significant progress from where I used to be. Luckily i'm 25 so hopefully I have time to continue to put on size and improve my physique each year.
you have a good frame, good that you understand it cant happen over night, see a lot try to go from first year lifter to stage competitor and throw huge money at drugs only to learn it cant replace time in the gym. you keep clean bulking and cutting and in the next year you'll start to see more muscle fibers and more maturity in the muscle bellies. .
keep on going for it and you can do anything
After cutting down the past two weeks my trainer has started adding slin back into the diet he's slowly adding carbs back in so i don't get to soft. We also plan to do a show in november so i have another nice rebound hopefully over the winter. We arent sure if i'll be making the jump into bodybuilding yet until we get closer to the show and see how i look. My current pics show me weighing in at 246.0 and my new diet is as follows:
30 minutes of low intensity fasted cardio (taking your dog for a 30 minute walk) before Meal 1 every day

stop fat burners

continue letro at 1.25mgs a day

continue 50mcg of T3 a day

continue 5iu's of HGH twice a day

continue designated AAS (removing dbol like we discussed on the phone)

ADD back in Immediately Post Workout... 20 mcg IGF-1 and 10iu's of insulin (can pull into one syringe)... drink 100g's Cyclic Dextrin (Glycofuse) w25g's BCAA's & 5 g's Creatine Monohydrate…

Pre and Post work out meals meals 5 and 6 (replaces two of the below 6 meals)
8oz cooked chicken or tilapia
2 cups of cooked rice
2 tablespoons 100% MCT oil over chicken and rice

Meal 1
6oz flank steak
4 whole eggs

Meal 2,3,4
10oz of chicken or tilapia
6oz green vegetable
2 tablespoons of MCT Oil the cooked chicken and vegetables

Bed time snack
2 MEASURED tablespoons of Nuts N More before bed
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do you mean diet wise? the hardest part honestly was getting used to eating the chicken without anything.. I used to heat it up but noticed that it would take me forever to eat it so i switched to eating it cold like deli meat. Since i made that change its been alot easier. I like rice so adding that was an added bonus..
cdan24 said:
do you mean diet wise? the hardest part honestly was getting used to eating the chicken without anything.. I used to heat it up but noticed that it would take me forever to eat it so i switched to eating it cold like deli meat. Since i made that change its been alot easier. I like rice so adding that was an added bonus..
cdan24Not just diet wise...but, the physical changes. Handling the difference in weight and aesthetics, from where you were to where you are, to where you're going.

As for the chicken, you shouldn't have any problem using seasoning...as long as it's 0 calories. If Sodium is not allowed in your regimen, then use Mrs. Fields seasonings. She has great seasonings with no sodium. You can also get some Waldens Farms BBQ sauce for your chicken and rice. I eat it everyday.....Excellent stuff, and it's 0 Calorie, 0 Sugar, 0 Carbs, and 0 Fat. I think you'll also find, if you season your chicken, then grill it, then pull it.....you'll never want to eat it any other way again! 😉
ill have try out some seasonings then for sure. Its gotta taste better then just plain unseasoned chicken lol. Physical wise I don't mentally feel like I gained a pound. Like when I look in the mirror I think I'm the same size then when I hired my trainer which was around 185 on stage. I've easily put on 20 pounds of stage weight and know that I've never weighed more in my life but when I look at myself I think i'm nowhere near huge and still a long way off from where I want to be. I guess thats a good thing because i'm still nowhere near satisfied with where I'm at compared to where I wanna be
It depends on how fast you put the weight on. I'm a hard gainer and put weight on SLOW. I'm natty 145 and am currently 200. From 185 to 200 took me about a year but I don't do crazy high MG blasts. I swear in my mind I didn't gain a dam thing but people I see every few month always tell me I'm bigger everytime I see them. You spend so much time in mirror you don't notice it. Which is a good thing.. keeps that drive to always be better
my last show I went from 205 stage weight to sitting around 250-260 in a matter of a few weeks. The only thing i noticed is it was harder to tie my shoes and pants were getting tight but when I looked in the mirror i didnt see any size increase. Its kind of nice for me because then i dont get cocky thinking im this big huge guy like I see alot of guys getting plus it keeps me driving to keep growing
Good responses guys.....pretty much what I was hinting at. "Bigarexia" is a very real issue for this people group.
After playing around with my carb intake the past couple of weeks my trainer has found a diet that has me gaining about .5 to 1 pound per week I'll be doing about 4 more weeks of gaining hopefully at this rate and then will be starting a 16 week prep to prepare for a show in nov. As of current the plan is to make the jump into bodybuilding this show due to my huge weigh increase over the short amount of time. We are also doing this prep so I can hopefully have another killer rebound this coming winter and be able to put on even more size. My current weight is 246.7. I also have started to do bodybuilding poses in my pics hence why my poses will look different. This is my first time actually performing these poses so hopefully with time i'll get more fluid with them. Current diet is:
Pre and Post work out meals meals 5 and 6
8oz cooked chicken or tilapia
2 cups of cooked rice
2 tablespoons 100% MCT oil over chicken and rice

Meal 1
6oz flank steak
4 whole eggs

Meal 2,3,4
10oz of chicken or tilapia
6oz green vegetable
2 tablespoons of MCT Oil the cooked chicken and vegetables

Bed time snack
2 MEASURED tablespoons of Nuts N More before bed
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Wow! You've definitely gained size! Now, remember, even though you've put on some good weight....you're going to cut at least 25lbs of it off, probably more like 30lb. So, mentally prepare yourself for that. And, yep....you're gonna need some posing practice. 😉 Lol, These Body building poses are a lot different then those Physique poses, Huh 🙂 Congrats on moving into the Bodybuilding Division....by the looks of it, that's where you belong!

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