Burned Out


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
I am on a cruise now for about 3 weeks. I have been working at this job I have now for like 9 months. I usually average about 30 hours of sleep a week. My training has been going down the shitter for the last two weeks.... I know a lot of you guys have jobs that take all your time to... Just wanting to know if you guys struggle to get to the gym to. My diet suffers as well if I am not in the gym tooo.... 🙁 I know I just have to suck it up and do the damn thing.... Just venting a little bit... Thx
Listen.....You make times for the things in your life you "WANT" to do. There are so many things going on in
ones life demanding your attention. Work, family, friends, hell....even the TV. If your diet and training is important enough to you, you'll find a way to make it work. 😉
I prep and pack all my food and it pretty much goes with me everywhere. It's easy for me, because I keep my menu pretty basic and regular. That was a big hurdle to get over, but it sure made things easier on me.
Nice...That's what I needed to hear. Just a lil something to pull my head out of my ass. Gonna get to the gym as soon as we get pipe in the hole.

I do live the lifestyle and believe in it whole hearted just saw myself slipping... Thx boss man!!!
Dam I would be in the shittiest mood If I lost that much sleep. I know what u mean my job is taxing on my body tuff as fuck I just don't work as many hours as you. My diet is decent I pack well my girl packs all my meals lol but ya hard to get in the gym sometimes I get 3 or 4 days in with my new job.
Gets old bro... Its no fucking joke up here for sure.... Good just wanted to make sure I wasn't the only one...lol
wow!!!... i would never get by on that kind of sleep!

props to you if you can get workouts in with that. that's about 4 or so hours night.. do you work 16 or more each day?

my wife works 12 hr shifts and she is pretty wore out at the end of those. i guess if she sacrificed family time andgetting ready time she could squease a workout in on those days but she would be in a real bad mood
I do... Get up at 430 every morn... Make the eggs, head out. home usually around 9. Some time we have to get shit done so its later than that. My rig crew is from CO so they work 2 on 1 off, then I get a relief crew for a week. I have worked all night and half the next day for these fuckers, but I charge the shit out of them to. My wife will come up here and see me during the week, I just need to bring a mobile gym out here....lol
that is a lot of hours bro... i don't know if there is enough money or money would even matter enough for me to do them hours daily!

i need time with the wife and kids and for enjoying life. just make sure you are happy with your own life and your decisions... that's all that matters
I own a small business and the last two weeks for me have been hell. My family is ultimately more important to me than anything, even my bb passion. So I've been to the gym 1 time in the last 2 weeks. Diet has suffered too. It happens. We aren't pros. But when I cant leave the shop till 6 and we have a 7pm baseball game and then my son wants to stay after and hit balls, I'm doing that. Not the gym. Or my wife needs help or my daughter wants a daddy date. That's the important stuff. You'll be back in the gym in no time.
Let me say this to you brother.............look at your signature....."Todays PAIN is tomorrows strength"..............look at mine........"Are you in a TORTURE CHAMBER frame of mind?"...........that tells me you and I get it....we understand what it takes. This shit aint fun sometimes......its TORTURE....its PAINFUL......but in the end your stronger, bigger, faster and respected for pushing through. Remember that flyer I put in everyone's shirt box? Get a hold of that and connect to it, get your mind right and go hit it! Go push it! Go punish it! All day while at work be thinking about that evenings workout, not dreading it but focusing in, looking forward to it, the challenge, the pain and in the end.............the VICTORY!
This is one good reason that I am glad that I can train at home. Makes it a lot easier for me.
I'm with JM I train at home too that said sometimes even then working from 6 till 8,9,10 it's awful hard to hit it late when I gotta have my hour or two wind down or I sleep for shit.. Even with my trazadone
I work 6 to 7 days a week for months at a time. Sometimes I don't feel like hitting the gym but I go anyway because otherwise I feel guilty as hell. I don't lift heavy like you guys, most of the time I do either cardio or cross fit.
Ya sometimes its tough to train w I en you have b3en killing your body and mind all day... All week.. Heck from what some are saying on here, non stop for months! Do what you can, when you can to make yourself feel complete...

Underground Conditioning "Training for the rest of us"
I got a pretty shitty work schedule too.. its hard to eat every 1 1/2 hours cuz we're so under manned and spread out.. after being borderline dehydrated all day, its hard to hit the weights after work. I'll try to get legs in 2-3 times a week cuz that's the first thing that usually goes for me.. plus it keeps my lower back in good shape..

from my outdated pos phone
Awesome.. THX all.. I did get home last night and my son said Dad your getting skinny.... WTF...lol... I said I know!! He said write me up a diet and I will get more serious about lifting. He promised he will go 3x a week!!!! There it is!! Got a great new motivation...
HARD AT IT said:
Awesome.. THX all.. I did get home last night and my son said Dad your getting skinny.... WTF...lol... I said I know!! He said write me up a diet and I will get more serious about lifting. He promised he will go 3x a week!!!! There it is!! Got a great new motivation...
HARD AT ITHell Yeah!!!
HARD AT IT said:
Awesome.. THX all.. I did get home last night and my son said Dad your getting skinny.... WTF...lol... I said I know!! He said write me up a diet and I will get more serious about lifting. He promised he will go 3x a week!!!! There it is!! Got a great new motivation...
HARD AT ITSweet, can't wait for those days Man.
Yeah he has been training a little bit for a awhile but it only lasts for a couple weeks usually.. He is a beast though. I got the promise last night!! I am actually really stoked about it now!!!

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