Cmon dont lie

I don't. 🙁 And, it's a burden...... I've welled back a tear or two during a movie hear and there. But, for the most part I don't cry. I don't know why, something in my childhood maybe. I do know, the older I get, the more I think it's coming......and I have a feeling, when it comes,'s gonna be a damn flood gate that I can't shut off! :-[

I firmly believe that crying is not a sign of weakness.....and it takes a strong man to do it. So, it's got nothing to do with feeling less of a man for crying..... I'm a very empathetic individual, but I also strongly believe in tough love, maybe that's why, IDK.!? Damn I hate Intraspection.... :-\
LittleTom said:
End of Toy Story 3 gets me almost every time....
LittleTomIts funny, but there are actually a lot of kid movies that get me.

Here's a couple for you:
"Saving Private Ryan" - the end - holy shit. I can't control it on that one.
"Its a Wonderful Life" - fukin love that movie. My Christmas tradition is watching that by myself on Christmas Eve and bawling my eyes out as I hope to impact people the way George did.
I hadnt cried in 10 years or more till my lil giro was changed me...I get a lil moist eyed at some tv shows now lol..for a few seconds then I cuss like wtf is this shit and get mad...and change channel
I didnt cry for a long time myself id never let myself think about anything. Im starting to open up more and admit to my girl when im sad stuff like that. I still try real hard not to cr6 aroumd anyone, but when im watching something alone it feels good to let some built up feelings out lol
Blueedge said:
I hadnt cried in 10 years or more till my lil giro was changed me...I get a lil moist eyed at some tv shows now lol..for a few seconds then I cuss like wtf is this shit and get mad...and change channel
Same here. Kids will def change your mind set
Now if you start crying for NO REASON at ALL and for longer than 10 minutes, Seek medical help. But I'm with Aventia and T and others that said it, crying isn't a sign or weakness, it's a sign of humility - Which is a good virtue.
49ER said:
I like that song dont know the artists but my girlfriend has 2 country cds we always listen too.
49ERBro Tracy Adkins has stuff that will slay you. LOL just lool him up on Youtube
Countrified the hell out of this thread!!......Officially un-subscribing... 😱
I do get teary eyed every now and then during a song or a movie or when I read something.

It seems to happen more as I get older, maybe since now I realize that I really am NOT bulletproof.
And it usually is something that has a very meaningful sentiment that resonates with me.
Usually something to do with my love for my family or GOD.

But as for breaking down and sobbing, there has only been a handful of times in my adult life.
My Dad, my Granny, my Poppaw, when they left the Earth.
Even when my 3 dogs that I've owned, as an adult, died.

My oldest child is 14 and I don't think any of them have seen me cry, unless maybe at Church or during a funeral. Only my wife has seen me cry. It probably has more to do with me not wanting to feel vulnerable in front of others.
I agree that it doesn't mean you're weak, BUT WHY does it makes ME feel so awkward?

My Dad would get mad and my Poppaw would not show any emotion, I should teach my kids how to deal with these emotions in a healthy way, but I'm not quite sure how to.

Thanks for letting me vent
Thanks to everyone for sharing.
when I look in the mirror I cry all the time... WHen you look at something so beautiful its hard not to cry hahahahahahaha....

crying is for pussies... But as long as you don't let anyone see your never a pussy....

True story I went to this place that has a bunch of names on stone for dudes that have died for this country... I started in reverse going from now until Korean war... By the time I made it to OIF 1 MY shirt was soaked from tears.. No shit my wife had to help me back to the car.. Hardest thing to see is your battles buddies names carved into a piece of stone and that is all that is left of them in this world.. I just couldn't seem to stop crying like a fucking retard.

Sad things seem to affect me more and more as I get older.. I don't know why.. Who ever invented emotion needs to be punched in the pussy or balls... lol

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