Cycle critique HELP


Jacked Immortal
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EG Cash
Alrighty fellow board members, im in need of a critique in a cycle my good friend DragonSlayer helped me plan out for in a couple of weeks & just wanted some other eyes to look at and provide me with some feedback, positive or negative...the following are my stats:
Age - 45
Height - 6'0
Weight - 184lbs
BF% - 14%
Gym Xperience - 15yrs (On & off)
My cycle which would be the following:
Wks 1-12 Testosterone Enanthate 500mg/Wk
(250mg/Monday - 250mg/Friday)
Wks 1-12 NPP 450mg/Wk
(150mg/Monday - 150mg/Wednesday - 150mg/Friday)
Wks 1-12 Aromasin 12.5mg/E3D
Wks 4-12 Anavar 100mg/D
(50mg/7am - 50mg/4pm)
So what are the thoughts?
Why not test prop or ace if going short npp?
I wouldn't bother with aromasin unless needed myself
Why not test prop or ace if going short npp?
I wouldn't bother with aromasin unless needed myself
GRIMI hope he has experience with short esters though. Can be painful if your not use to them or got virgin muscles. And that would be a lot of injects. We need to know more for his cycle and gear experience really.
I hope he has experience with short esters though. Can be painful if your not use to them or got virgin muscles. And that would be a lot of injects. We need to know more for his cycle and gear experience really.
GoProhe's already doing npp so test piggy backed
Looks good to me! Test prop makes me sick, if you raise your hormones to fast then thats why you start getting what the call the test flu! Its better to slowly up your dosages also
Alrighty fellow board members, im in need of a critique in a cycle my good friend DragonSlayer helped me plan out for in a couple of weeks & just wanted some other eyes to look at and provide me with some feedback, positive or negative...the following are my stats:
Age - 45
Height - 6'0
Weight - 184lbs
BF% - 14%
Gym Xperience - 15yrs (On & off)
My cycle which would be the following:
Wks 1-12 Testosterone Enanthate 500mg/Wk
(250mg/Monday - 250mg/Friday)
Wks 1-12 NPP 450mg/Wk
(150mg/Monday - 150mg/Wednesday - 150mg/Friday)
Wks 1-12 Aromasin 12.5mg/E3D
Wks 4-12 Anavar 100mg/D
(50mg/7am - 50mg/4pm)
So what are the thoughts?
SemprFi95I’d start the test e a week before the NPP so that’s it’s already kicking in. Also any chance you need caber since you’re using NPP?
Well regarding my "VIRGIN" muscles, i popped that cherry a looooong time ive done Prop, Tren, Winstrol & im not to thrilled on EOD pokes, but plan on mixin the Test and NPP on Mon & Fri & will hit the Delts on currently on TRT Test E 150mg/Wk so im thinkin i can start the NPP right away Day1...Well Aromasin im thinkin of takin E3D cause on my last blood test in Feb, my Estradiol was 37, but i plan on doin anothr bloodwork in 2wks to see where i stand...Any other info you gents need from me ill be more than happy to provide...By the way, the last cycle i ran was about 5yrs ago
Well regarding my "VIRGIN" muscles, i popped that cherry a looooong time ive done Prop, Tren, Winstrol & im not to thrilled on EOD pokes, but plan on mixin the Test and NPP on Mon & Fri & will hit the Delts on currently on TRT Test E 150mg/Wk so im thinkin i can start the NPP right away Day1...Well Aromasin im thinkin of takin E3D cause on my last blood test in Feb, my Estradiol was 37, but i plan on doin anothr bloodwork in 2wks to see where i stand...Any other info you gents need from me ill be more than happy to provide...By the way, the last cycle i ran was about 5yrs ago
SemprFi95Just checking lol. Just don't get asked cycle question often so didn't know. But cycle sounds good.
Looks good, seems like a lot of anavar
I literally don't see any issues with this cycle.... Is it a cycle I would do... Nope. But, we all would do something different. If you laid this out, then you have a purpose in mind, and that's exactly how you approach a cycle -- to meet the goal you are intending.

There is nothing dangerous or stupid... no red flags.... no crazy high hormone levels.... just some solid pinning. If you're happy with 3x pins a week... go for it.

I'd be more interested in knowing if you have as much thought put into your nutrition protocol to match your supplement protocol?
TSizeMore thanks for the feedback & positive advice & yes ive already planned out my diet as well...Off the top of my head its High in Proten & Fats with low Carbs, about 2800kcals/D...When I get home I can post my Diet on the correct forum & you can take a look at it & critique it...Before i went with NPP, i had Test Prop Wks 1-4, would that have been better???
TSizeMore thanks for the feedback & positive advice & yes ive already planned out my diet as well...Off the top of my head its High in Proten & Fats with low Carbs, about 2800kcals/D...When I get home I can post my Diet on the correct forum & you can take a look at it & critique it...Before i went with NPP, i had Test Prop Wks 1-4, would that have been better???
SemprFi95Stick with Enanthate. You're already on it for TRT, so no need to change, unless you're trying to cut for this cycle. Since you already have stable blood levels, you don't need the kick start. I'm a huge Prop fan, and run all short esters when cutting. (Tren, prop, mast)
Like TS said everyone is different, nutrition makes the difference between fat, bloat or a lean gain and depending on your goals, I would personally do the test e @800mg or sust@800mg a week that was always a sweet spot for me (but just me), you could use deca or NPP I always prefered NPP, but I would either @600 800mg wk, I used to run my prop and npp both the same dose but I loved pining my bi's and tri's eod 🙂.
It was stated about maybe not using an AI unless you need for sides since it will actually slow your gains blocking estrogen I know this from experience and there is info out about it also.
spot on with Anavar as I would usually space it around 8 hrs. and I would always throw in proviron on every cycle for it's synergistic affect and ability to increase the affects of other AAS, real proviron is great IMO.

With all that said, your cycle looks solid, nothing off the wall crazy lol.
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i looked amazing when i ran 100 mg var but i think i had some sides, i don't remember what tho

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