Daily struggles to live..



Does anyone here ever look at their bottle of insulin and think....what a nice sleep that would give me? It would make all of the pain, suffering, and memories just go away...

Life is always up and down man. Whenever im feeling like shit, I try and realize how great I really have it compared to others who dont have shit. I get to sleep in a house with a/c, electricity, gas, water and in a safe community. Ive been blessed with a healthy family and and a good job.

Others are living in shacks snuggling up to their.brothers and sisters for body heat on the ground. Some living with cancer. Some getting the shit beat out of them daily by parents. Life can really hand you a bag of shit sometimes but it can always...and I mean ALWAYS BE SHITIER!
JM750 said:
Hell no! Life is good.
And when it's not tomorrow is always another chance for improvement. The simple truth is that sometimes life sucks. It may be all you can do to pick your ass off the floor and continue to move forward one step at a time!

We have all battled our demon's, courage is not facing your demon's it's walking through them brother! Start walking and know that this too shall pass.
I found this on Facebook a while back, hope it at leases makes you think bro, I've been down some really dark roads man, you can get through it

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Don't know if your a religious person but IMO God won't hand you more than what you can handle. Trust me I know life can be a bitch and it might look dire at the moment but stick it out and push through it and believe it or not, the next situation in your life won't look so bad. Like the saying goes: What don't kill you makes you stronger. Its a true statement bro. If there's anything I can do to help, even if its just lend an ear, I'm here. PM, or email. Some of the best things in life may be just around the corner you just can't see it yet.
Anonymous said:
Don't know if your a religious person but IMO God won't hand you more than what you can handle. Trust me I know life can be a bitch and it might look dire at the moment but stick it out and push through it and believe it or not, the next situation in your life won't look so bad. Like the saying goes: What don't kill you makes you stronger. Its a true statement bro. If there's anything I can do to help, even if its just lend an ear, I'm here. PM, or email. Some of the best things in life may be just around the corner you just can't see it yet.
Didn't mean for this to be anonymous. This was me.
I like that pic wallaby. And good advice given guys. Dakajun nailed it pretty damn good. Depression can really get you. I know personally, but I make the choice to get back up and get stronger. I've been through divorce, bankruptcy, loss of job, almost divorce a second time and almost bankruptcy a second time, but God has always led me out and never left me. There may not be a door out of your situation but you gotta look for a window too. Don't focus on only one solution.
no but i have thought of suicice before. many times. i dont have slin so i wouldnt do it that way. but i have a few guns and a few hundred 2mg xanax bars ive thought about eating all of them before. Talk to someone bro. i thnk the only reason i never did it is becuase of the pain it would cuase my family
Bro depression is a beast.. most men think they can handle anything but depression is not something u can choose not to have...your body is reacting to external stressors and sometimes even though life improges doesnt mean depression will go away...the best thing u can do is gonsee your doctor..be honest with them on how u feel and symptoms u may have no matter how small they maybe...get the right meds and life will be easier amd u can regain control .....many of us have been there also bro, myself included! I used zoloft amd responded really well to it.....dont ignore the problem be proactive and make things better!!!!
Damn I forgot to show my name lol
Last post was blueedge...
Keep in mind the pain u will leave behind for your family..they will have to carry the rest of their lives..not fairto them! Keep ur head high
i let things depress me, but i know life is always better than death, you only live once and it can be fun no matter where you are, i remember having a great time locked up or dirt poor, seeing my kids or helping a stranger. you might just need hormone adjustment, you on cycle right now
Im very young. i was the one who posted about the xanax listen i have been homeless at one piont with no one 2 rely on. it doenst matter where tou are in life i have learned things can and always will get better. when? maybe weeks maybe years. Im not religious BUT god will never give you somthing you cannot handle. When you first started lifting you look at other poeople pushing weight and you couldnt do it. did you give up? no you dedicated yourself and got your ass in there till you where the guy lifting heavy height. lifes the same way. we dont start out as mr O we have to work to...
Life goes on. Death by suicide doesn't.

Just keep telling yourself, "this too shall pass".
Doing something like that will take YOUR pain aways but look at all the pain you will cause others by doing something like that, suicide causes so much damage to so many people you know around you! It causes other people to become depressed and loathe themselves because they will think they caused it or there was something they could have done better, the list goes on and on.

Ive lost a few friends to suicide and it devastates so many people its like a plague, one persons pain causes a huge number of other people to be in pain.

Shit man talk to my wife, she is an Alaska Native, her heritage has the highest suicide rate on the entire planet! She looses 2-3 friends or family members per year to suicide! She needs more therapy then anyone I have ever met just to get through each year. She would tell you how selfish and stupid you are, that you can't see the people who care and love you are right there in front of you, or a phone call away.

Life is a great thing, it just sucks sometimes and I have been there plenty of times, thinking that this is the lowest my life can get and then it gets even worse! You just have to rise up and see the bright side of life! Shit go on a spirit walk or a 6 month motorcycle trip across the country, whatever it takes to get your mind right!
Hate to see a brother here having issues like this. Trust me brother things to get better! especially when spring comes. Winter is a bitch and hard on some. Get out and do what makes you happy. There are plenty of brothers here that have a ear that is always open to listen including me. Been in your shoes and i promise things will get better. PM me if you ever need to talk.

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