I know this is an old post, but I love EQ.
Deca - my Prolactin levels go way up and up fast. Deca dick big time. I get tits. Can't feed a baby, but feels like I could have.
Just ordered myself some Deca to try with cabergoline.
EQ is so cool- under 600 mg. You keep gaining, little by little.
800 mgs. Up1000 - 1200mg. Pr week, is like anadrol.
You get big, powerful.
I love EQ at higher dose with test
1,000 mg EQ and 800 to 1000mg. Test pr. Week
I used to walk in the gym on this cycle and have mini heart attacks.
think the people in the gym did. I was strong, shredded and jacked as all hell. 21" arms shredded to all hell.skin was thin as paper.
Dang. Wish I could still do that.
Now- everyone is low dose, no more showes- I don't have the drive or the hunger anymore.
After my Peptides, who knows- I want to get in the Masters Nationals by next year