Dennis asks good questions.

GRIM said:
Hanzo said:
GRIM said:
TSizemore said:
I wish he would party less and President more!
TSizemorewell he's taken far less vacation than the bush's or reagan

Bush vacationed at his own ranch, no taxpayer expense. I don't remember Reagan ever on vacation, but I was just a lad.
lmao not always and no tax payer expense. please, secret service, travel, etc.
So now since 1 isn't super rich like Bush to afford a Ranch it's a reason to nock.
Give me a break

Reason to knock what? You say "I bash 'em all", yet you get sooooo upset when someone says a PERCEIVED slight against a lefty. I never mentioned Obama and you blather "So now since 1 isn't super rich, blah, blah".

The point is, this crazy spending has to stop NOW, it can't be done retroactively. So, the pols who are in elected office NOW, are responsible. This runaway bs spending has to be dealt with today, not yesterday or tomorrow. Sheesh.
Bronco said:
GRIM said:
Bronco said:
GRIM said:
TSizemore said:
I wish he would party less and President more!
TSizemorewell he's taken far less vacation than the bush's or reagan
Who needs a vacation when you play golf everyday
yet another right wing fabrication
Lol... I knew that's exactly what you say... lol...And if you want to know to truth I could care less if he plays golf 365 days a year or none. I don't give two fucks. Just wanted to post some right wing propaganda for ya

LOL! Don't feed the trolls.
Hanzo the entire point was behind Obama and you damn well know it.
You are EXTREME RIGHT WING and blind, 95% of the time completely wrong to boot.
Keep up the attacks and this will be closed YET AGAIN!

Your post makes ZERO sense from a statement of who vacationed the most to twisted to that all to save your precious right wing.
At least I'm right 5%, beats you. 😛

Why don't you comment on the other thread I started, it's much more serious and devastating of an indictment of big government run amok. Isn't that what this is all about?
BTW what pisses me off is blindness to facts which you have! Nothing to do with left or right!
GRIM said:
Hanzo the entire point was behind Obama and you damn well know it.
You are EXTREME RIGHT WING and blind, 95% of the time completely wrong to boot.
Keep up the attacks and this will be closed YET AGAIN!

Your post makes ZERO sense from a statement of who vacationed the most to twisted to that all to save your precious right wing.
Funny, I'm not the one who baited you, yet you come down on me. Thanks again big guy.
GRIM said:
BTW what pisses me off is blindness to facts which you have! Nothing to do with left or right!
Well, then go to the thread I started and point out one, just one, misstatement. This is an indictment of big government, in any form.
Hanzo said:
At least I'm right 5%, beats you. 😛

Why don't you comment on the other thread I started, it's much more serious and devastating of an indictment of big government run amok. Isn't that what this is all about?
HanzoHanzo you couldn't argue your way out of a wet paper bag. It's LAUGHABLE that you believe otherwise!
hmmm i haven't read all threads yet and I try to avoid political threads with you as it's always THE SAME CRAP!
JESUS guys. The thread was a funny picture of Dennis Miller. Not who vacationed where or spent what. I give up. You two gotta bro down, RIGHT NOW!!
GRIM said:
Hanzo said:
At least I'm right 5%, beats you. 😛

Why don't you comment on the other thread I started, it's much more serious and devastating of an indictment of big government run amok. Isn't that what this is all about?
HanzoHanzo you couldn't argue your way out of a wet paper bag. It's LAUGHABLE that you believe otherwise!
hmmm i haven't read all threads yet and I try to avoid political threads with you as it's always THE SAME CRAP!

Nice. If I said that about you, and I could, you'd shut the thread down, remember?

Go ahead, peruse the other thread at your leisure. It's not about Obama per se, it's about BIG GOVERNMENT. Can you hear me now?
RockShawn said:
JESUS guys. The thread was a funny picture of Dennis Miller. Not who vacationed where or spent what. I give up. You two gotta bro down, RIGHT NOW!!
RockShawnyes it was lets laugh @ ALL GOVERNMENT!
Sigh as I already warned you about in here, you are the 1 spinning this thread totally out of control AND starting to attack!
I finally get to the end of this thread and guess what I found.....No, come on guess......give up??? Another friggin argument between you two........Where the hell is that Bro down!!!! 😡
TSizemore said:
I finally get to the end of this thread and guess what I found.....No, come on guess......give up??? Another friggin argument between you two........Where the hell is that Bro down!!!! 😡
haha same shit different day
TSizemore said:
I finally get to the end of this thread and guess what I found.....No, come on guess......give up??? Another friggin argument between you two........Where the hell is that Bro down!!!! 😡
So far Hanzo is the only participant in the Bro Down!!
RockShawn said:
Fighting gets the thread closed. and karma taken away.
RockShawncome on Rock I for one love to read the Grim / Hanzo battles of facts.... I can just visualize them sitting at the laptop gritting there teeth while throwing darts at each others avatar

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