Diet pills/Appetite suppressant?

Hanzo said:
T3 and either clenbuterol or albuterol, low doses. She'll lose weight and have great energy.
I had her taking T3 and albuterol last month. Didn't exercise, didn't diet, and didn't drop a pound. She just keeps making excuses why she can't exercise or diet. I'm trying to be supportive and positive with her but damn she just wants a magic pill to work and not have to do anything to get results.
AICAR and GW501516 then. Magic.

Yeah, with t3 and clen you still need to exercise, not with AICAR, but it's very expensive. Or DNP, which makes you super lethargic.
Vino 1 said:
I had her taking T3 and albuterol last month. Didn't exercise, didn't diet, and didn't drop a pound. She just keeps making excuses why she can't exercise or diet. I'm trying to be supportive and positive with her but damn she just wants a magic pill to work and not have to do anything to get results.
Vino 1
The whole thing about diet, exercise, and even body building is to work hard to reap the results! Once you start seeing results, it motivates the fuk outta you. I love the challenge. I can't wait to start really blowing peoples minds at work.
Some really strange and miss leading information being thrown around in here. People saying she should just take this and that?? Come on guys, this board is better than that. She is hungry because she refuses to eat properly. Until she does, this is what happens. If she does it for too long and keep exercising like a maniac she is going down a bad road that leads to a f'ed up metabolism.. Educated suggestions please. Women listen to us so use the power wisely.
People at my work see all the food (whole food) I eat all day long and cant believe I'm not fat.
Meanwhile, the fat fucks are eating those stupid lean cuisine frozen garbage and wonder why they don't loose any weight.
I have a bulk diet that was designed by a professional and I eat like a horse 6 meals a day, and I'm not a fat bitch.
Fuck the magic pills......
alright i was just trying to be nice. lol. But if she wants to be a fat ass and unhealthy let her. Dont let her take anything until she fixes her food intake and water intake. If you don't want to exercise, don't want to drink water, don't want to eat healthy stop complaining about being fat. LoL
ElChango said:
alright i was just trying to be nice. lol. But if she wants to be a fat ass and unhealthy let her. Dont let her take anything until she fixes her food intake and water intake. If you don't want to exercise, don't want to drink water, don't want to eat healthy stop complaining about being fat. LoL
Amen to that.
Vino, just trade her in for a sleeker model. LOL J/K
My motivation is that I hated being a fat ass slob! never wanna get like that again! :'(
ElChango said:
My motivation is that I hated being a fat ass slob! never wanna get like that again! :'(

Same her Brother. plus i'm gunna be 50 soon so it gets even harder to loose the weight. Right now, I'm in better shape then most of the fat asses my age.
Lol I don't think she's fat at all. 5'9" 150pds. She's perfect to me! Thanks everyone for all the input. We are goin to look at some diet plan options this weekend and try and work somstuff out.
Vino 1 said:
Lol I don't think she's fat at all. 5'9" 150pds. She's perfect to me! Thanks everyone for all the input. We are goin to look at some diet plan options this weekend and try and work somstuff out.
Vino 1Thats not bad at all nice and thick 🙂
homegrown said:
Some really strange and miss leading information being thrown around in here. People saying she should just take this and that?? Come on guys, this board is better than that. She is hungry because she refuses to eat properly. Until she does, this is what happens. If she does it for too long and keep exercising like a maniac she is going down a bad road that leads to a f'ed up metabolism.. Educated suggestions please. Women listen to us so use the power wisely.
homegrown^^^THIS. End of thread. Listen my wife wouldn't listen to me either. That's why I hired her a nutritionist named HOMEGROWN. One year with him is cheaper than any "fat burner" appetite suppresent whatever out there.

My wife was severely anorexic when we met. She still has those tendencies, but HG has got her understanding nutrition now even though she just follows the meal plan. She understands the importance of food and not OTC supps that over promise and under deliver. She will not listen to me for shit, I could tell her the exact same thing as HG and she would think I was full of shit. In fact I have told her very similar stuff in the past only for her to keep trying to starve herself during the day and gorge on candy at night. She made it 10 times worse.

Get get a professional and your life will be so much better. I promise.
Vino 1 said:
Lol I don't think she's fat at all. 5'9" 150pds. She's perfect to me! Thanks everyone for all the input. We are goin to look at some diet plan options this weekend and try and work somstuff out.
Vino 1 so what's the problem ... who said that was bad lol
Rockshawn u right. I can tell her exactly what HG will but she won't listen. She's the only person she knows who thinks she's overweight. Women are crazy. But then again she tells me I'm big and I think I'm small so who knows.

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