dnp cycle need the vets here

Take a look at this halfnatty.Pretty step by step guide........,6425.0.html
I've stayed steady at about 5 pounds gain since... I'm sure it was water.
There's a lot of speculation on dnp slowing down you thyroid output thud water retention being thr side effect of such. I'd say supplementing 25mcgs would be sufficient if that were the case .... that's around normal levels.
This is purely here say and I've read many conflicting reports. I say it can't hurt ....
Hanzo said:
Maybe the info from Dinitro should be posted again. The thread I posted it in is gone.

Morrey? You can get the info I'm talking about, from you know where.
I cant find it. Rock? Do you have the dinitro info?
woe said:
I've stayed steady at about 5 pounds gain since... I'm sure it was water.
There's a lot of speculation on dnp slowing down you thyroid output thud water retention being thr side effect of such. I'd say supplementing 25mcgs would be sufficient if that were the case .... that's around normal levels.
This is purely here say and I've read many conflicting reports. I say it can't hurt ....
I've always felt the same. I'd say even 50mcg/day wouldn't hurt for a couple weeks anyway. You're not going to induce HTS at that rate. I usually throw in clen also.
This is an automatic email I've started sending to everyone when I confirm their orders, so none of these comments are specific to any particular buyer. Consider it a last "DNP 101" email.

I will assume that you have done research on proper use of this product. I will also assume that you understand that DNP is a compound that demands respect and wisdom, and that you alone are responsible for the manner and consequences of your use. However, I have a few standard guidelines that will answer most of the frequently-asked questions:

1) PLEASE remember that DNP is not "felt" right away, for most people. Occasionally, guys will tell me that they sense an increase in body heat after the first capsules, but this is RARE. You should begin with 1 capsule/day for 2-3 days to assess tolerance and determine if you have any allergies to it (allergies are RARE and annoying but not dangerous. They consist of a rash that is usually relieved with Benadryl). After the third day, you may increase your dose, but NOT by more than one additional cap per day.

Also, please remember that DNP causes water retention, and some people even GAIN a little weight while they're on a cycle. This is normal, so don't worry. Don't use your scale to become too impressed or too disappointed with DNP. Just be patient, and remember to exercise and diet (don't let DNP do all the work for you!). Then when you're ready to stop, go a week with low carbs to shed the water weight. That's when you'll see your full results.

2) Because of #1, I take it as a bad omen when some people write me and say "Dude, I'm on day three and not feeling it. Is your stuff underdosed?" I use an exact dosage duplicate every time for years, down to the milligram, without changing the materials I use. Please bear in mind that it can take several days before the full effect is felt. It is a BIG mistake to assume that if you're "not feeling it" by day three, you should just double down. DON'T!! Be patient, and never increase your dose by more than a single extra capsule. I use my own stuff too, and the MOST I can take is 3 caps per day. After a week of that, I'm walking dead.

READ: There is anecdotal feedback from repeat users that DNP's effects are MOST potent on the first cycle. Subsequent cycles will still be effective--DNP will ALWAYS work--but some men report slightly diminished impacts. Your body will compensate for DNP's effects by increasing the amount of mitochondria in your muscle cells, which in turn diminishes the impact of DNP. If you do not take long breaks between cycles, your body will not respond as strongly to it when you start DNP again, and then you'll inevitably send me an email asking why MY stuff doesn't work like it did last time. Please understand that this is a normal experience, and is not caused by any modifications in the product on my end. I get emails asking, "Why'd I lose 20 pounds the first time, and only 15 this time? Did you change anything?" No--the product is ALWAYS dosed uniformly. What changes is each person's body's response, just like with ANY supplement, steroid, medication, etc. Don't be surprised or upset, it's just how God made us. (you can, however, re-up your positive response by taking longer breaks between cycles, as well as adding a stimulant supplement or bulking to gain muscle between DNP cycles). You can also add T3 every day to help your thyroid run your metabolism at full potential (any of the online peptide retail shops will sell T3 legally at low cost, so just do a Google search for "Peptides T3" and plan on 60mcg/day) and Your muscle cells do learn to accommodate DNP after a while, so expect some normal slight decline in its effect between consecutive cycles, especially if they're close in time.

If you have ANY concerns about your product's potency, do this: fill a glass with a few ounces water and open one capsule into it. The water should turn immediately yellow. If it does, then it means the DNP is very potent, and you have good stuff. If it doesn't--and that would surprise me--let me know!

3) Although I suggest 1 cap/day pre-loading, it is rare that it will ultimately be an effective dose, except in females. Most males find that 2-3 caps/day is their "sweet spot." Basic guide:

1 cap/day: barely any effect. You won't feel it or see much result. This is simply a low loading dose to see if you have any allergies to it. Females or smaller-sized men may find that 1 cap/day does work, but most won't. My wife has results on 1/day, though

2 caps/day: you're getting started. You'll feel slight warmth, especially at night or when resting after eating carbs. You'll get a good effect from long-term use, but it's not a high dose. Don't email me on 2 caps/day asking why you don't feel hot.

3 caps/day: this is a high dose and should result in heat sensations after a few days at this level, especially at night, after exercise, or after eating. After a few days on 3/day, you'll feel hot. You'll sweat at night and find a strong effect. Don't go higher unless you're a veteran who's thoroughly experienced. NEVER START AT THIS DOSE! Build up to it gradually. I do not suggest going higher; 2/day is conservative and 3/day is high. A *few* men use 4, but that's for veterans and big guys.

PLEASE remember that crystalline DNP is different than powder. Crystalline DNP is 89% as potent as "regular" DNP of equal weight, which is why I dose mine at 250mg instead of 200--I've already done the math for you to give you crystal DNP that's capsule-for-capsule as strong. Crystalline DNP is lab-made (so I just trust its purity more), and it goes in AND come out of your muscular system more quickly, so spread your doses over time.

Do not evaluate crystal DNP's effectiveness by comparing it to how shitty you felt when you did someone else's powder version. I get emails all the time like this: "I'm not feeling it as much on your stuff as when I did X's powder DNP." If you have a masochistic need to feel horrible to trust a product, see a therapist. You've just paid a premium price for a top-grade, lab-made crystalline DNP product that's not SUPPOSED to feel as awful--it's a feature you paid for. Don't gripe about it, be thankful for it!

4) Never, ever use alcohol, drugs, or powerful diuretics on DNP. Use of caffeine is fine if you keep hydrated. You WILL retain water on DNP; don't judge DNP by the scale weight every day. Some guys have even GAINED a pound or two at first--it's water weight. Don't email me in a panic...this phenomenon is normal, and it'll go away when you stop taking DNP, as long as you keep carbs low for the first week after you stop.

5) Use supplements wisely. Adding extra antioxidants like alpha lipoic acid is always a good idea, and DNP works very well with products like fish oil and energy stimulants.

6) DNP is strong, but you still have to exercise moderately and do intelligent dieting. I never suggest a totally carb-free approach to DNP (you'll feel hypoglycemic), but a reduction in carbs seems to work well. Lower carbs will also reduce unpleasant heat effects, especially if you avoid carbs in the evenings.

7) Since DNP works primarily within the muscle, it will work differently depending on how much actual muscle mass you have. Obviously, users with more lean muscle will see more effect from DNP. This is why I refuse to speculate, or even predict, any person's potential weight loss. When guys ask me, "how many pounds will I lose?" I'm just not able to accurately guess. I have no idea how muscular you are, what your metabolism is, how you diet, how you exercise, etc. Some guys will lose 20 pounds a month on 2 caps/day, and some will lose 8. Again, the product alone does not determine this, YOU do--and that's beyond my control.

8) Using DNP for more than a couple of weeks generally causes temporary slowdown in metabolism. At two weeks in, either take a 1-2 week break, or manage your thyroid with a thyroid-boosting supplement like T3 (you must research T3 use on your own; I'm not informed enough to properly advise on it). Lots of guys write me and ask why their DNP works "less" after 2-3 weeks than it did at first. Of course, nearly all of them assume it's an issue with the DNP (and want me to fix it!), when it turns out they've neglected to account for metabolic down-regulation. So, um, yeah, don't do that. 🙂

9) Last but not least (because people DO ask me this): the color of the capsules has no significance. I occasionally change them, and sometimes I have spare extras that I cap together. So if you get a different color than last time, or have a few "randoms" in the mix, don't worry--they all have the same thing in them. (Seriously, though, I do get emails from people who SWEAR that "the red ones worked better than the blue ones"!)

Have a good time!
All credit to my last post goes to Dinitro himself. Just passing on his knowledge. There's another write up he has going around but this pretty much touches base on anything on that other write up.
TSizemore said:
Excellent Copy and Paste, Woe......glad you found it!
Dinitro is king of DNP. This is like the 3rd or 4th time it's been posted. I know I posted it at least 2x. Are you sure it's not somewhere already? It might have been lost.
Hanzo said:
Dinitro is king of DNP. This is like the 3rd or 4th time it's been posted. I know I posted it at least 2x. Are you sure it's not somewhere already? It might have been lost.
Hanzoit is....but these things get buried deep, especially when it's in a long ass thread somewhere

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