dnp log

I'm sticking to carbs but low carbs but I only do rice oatmeal and sweet potato
Re: dnp log

In other words, after you body has literally burned every source of fuel available as heat it goes directly to burning fat at a more excessive rate. Don't tell people they need to eat more carbs....they will only feel like more shit.
Dude, if you can handle no carbs (literally) for a week or two, I promise you'll see results and be more "comdortable" doing so.
I lost 26 pounds and gained 5 back when all said done. That is also after my initial 12 pounds I gained in water my first week.... on 250mg of dnp
So, technically that's 38 pounds at my heaviest right 😉

Also, I increased to 500mg at week 2
Woe, if he strictly did not eat any carbs or was so limited on carbs, he might feel like shit the entire 2 week cycle. I know just on a regular low carb diet I feel horrible, I can't even fathom how I would feel going near carbless on dnp, sweating and downing tremendous amounts of water.
I don't know know much about dnp. Mainly because it's one of those things i told myself i would never do.
The one thing i do know, in terms of bodybuilding is concerned, is that the one of the biggest mistakes in most diets is going too low on carbs for too long. It tends to cause way too much muscle loss and feeling like crap.
I think with any compounds getting calories from multiple sources is key.
Guys....although it's dose dependant, DNP renders carbs useless. Heat is the byproduct of carbs. You're not using them!
Halfnatty bro you okay? Post up and let us know how your doing buddy. I haven't seen you online today.
Hey buddy sorry I been working grave yard shift lol but here's update so far I been feeling hot as he'll I mean fans all day haha But now I'm staying off tren and only doing trt of test so 200 mgs a week and t3 is at 50 mcg in the morning. Ima tweak my diet starting tomorrow and start adding in more cardio but I gotta say dnp may not be as bad as people think long as your smart with it so far I'm thinking clen can be more harmful lol
Daredevil said:
Halfnatty bro you okay? Post up and let us know how your doing buddy. I haven't seen you online today.
Glad to hear it's going well bro. Make sure drink plenty of water and powerade and stay Cool. How's the sweating daytime and nighttime?
Daredevil said:
Are you getting real hungry on the dnp?
If not, I'm sure those gas station icys are looking more appealing every time you see one. Those were my only vice on dnp, along with too much frozen fruit. Usually I'd limit myself to 1 icy after a brutal workout. Initially the effect would be very soothing and refreshing, but come a few mins later and your throwing off that heat like crazy. That's where those ice cold showers come into play. ;D DNP is some crazy stuff.
Dnp makes you hungry no wonder! Just in the 2 days I been eating so much more but never really thought about it and I mean I'm starving lol
Just hungry some bloat in the face and I get hot fast but that's it so far nothing bad yet 🙂 but man do I feel like I'm getting lean
Daredevil said:
Are you experiencing any type of side effect Natty?
Hey Natty wondering how your doing so far. How many Lbs have you lost?

What kind of results do you think you would have if you ran 125mG instead of 250mG? I know your just in the first few days just wondering a what's your thoughts.

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