Donating Blood

I decided to come clean and let them know i lied in the form. I will probably be banned from donating for life. perhaps i will start doing my own "oil changes."
I decided to come clean and let them know i lied in the form. I will probably be banned from donating for life. perhaps i will start doing my own "oil changes."
R2D2are there any possible legal ramifications?
I just didn't want someone getting tainted blood. i was getting raked over the coals when i mentioned it on forum. it was perhaps an overreaction, as my blood was probably not that harmful. I don't think there will be legal ramifications----i hope not! They seemed grateful that i let them know.
I just didn't want someone getting tainted blood. i was getting raked over the coals when i mentioned it on forum. it was perhaps an overreaction, as my blood was probably not that harmful. I don't think there will be legal ramifications----i hope not! They seemed grateful that i let them know.
R2D2R2D2 You got a good heart bro!
Thank you sity. I appreciate it
I have to give once a month due to high RBC. It gets seriously high. I have to have a doc okay this protocol.
They screen your blood before it ever goes anywhere. My RBC counts are high due to medication, so i know they have to screen the blood. The nurses say my blood is really valued due to the high count. Its especially helpful for serious injuries like a burn victim.

I dont believe there could or can be a lawsuit due to blood unless it was contaminated by bad procedures? What i am saying is there is noway there can be a lawsuit on me for the medication i take and the use of my blood.

The blood Institute is liable for the blood after its taken..
they called me today and wanted to talk about it. I'm gonna avoid saying any more. I don't want to further incriminate myself, so to speak. glad to hear the blood is screened. I figured it might have been an overreaction on my part, but i wasn't sure what about their protocols and procedures.
They really called you?

@bbcoach of course id imagine the blood is tested and screened. But is it really fair to believe all the fault goes on the institute and not the donor who fraudulently filled out a waiver?
They really called you?

@bbcoach of course id imagine the blood is tested and screened. But is it really fair to believe all the fault goes on the institute and not the donor who fraudulently filled out a waiver?
puff88You can just say you didnt understand the question? I get asked a question on the form and the nurse tells me to lie about it? Say no i am not taking a certain type of medication so that my blood can be drawn.

They asked about sex as well? Asking if you have had anal sex? If so you cant donate? How many tell the truth.
My point being, they know ppl lie. They legally have to screen the blood before anything else is done.
yea, but i was at work. sent them a text saying i couldn't talk because i was at work.
Very curious as to what they want to talk about. If you end up having that conversation, please keep us posted.
I think i've said more than enough already lol. Gonna most likely duck and dodge them.
id just say you were desperate and tried a covid cure you heard about if needed lol
They can't ask to many questions due to your privacy. How would they know if you lied unless there is a real reason to find out if something is wrong. Maybe blood got mixed up or they screened the blood and something shows up that is a health concern for you?
they have not called me back so i think i'm good.
I have a standing order for therapeutic phlebotomy because my hemocratit gets high from hrt. I get bloodwork every 4 to 6 weeks if mines above 50% I get a pint out. I cant donate due to a positive hep c test. Ive since taken the treatmenr for it but they could care less.
Im a recovering Heroin Addict. I was doing that trash for 20 years. This is leagues better than that shit I have no problem telling my doctor I feel the need to take Testosterone because you majority of Endocronologist would give Fauci a run for the Ignorance award. Lol
No you should be good usually yes there is a small burst that's released but it's so minut that it's not going to make a difference you still have an ester attached to it and it's not dissolved into the muscle or been broken down yet.
I'm wondering if they'll contact me in two months to donate again like they usually do

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