Dyel Concern from Friend

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Got a message from a friend that I helped out with some Dyel gear. He ran across the following from Elite Fitness about a year ago. He is understandably concerned.

03-Jul-2015, 06:10 AM
I am currently on a dbol only cycle @50mg ED and aromasin 12.5mg EOD. I've already explained before why I'm not pinning test don't feel like going into it .. (Used to use heroin, been clean for years, live with girlfriend, don't feel like dealing with needles)... Anyway, I started out this cycle going to do 75mg TBOL (oral turinibol) every day for 8 weeks with same aromasin and clomid pct. well after 3 weeks I felt absolutely nothing from the tbol so dude I got it from felt bad and traded me is brand new pack of 100 25mg caps of Dbol for the rest of my tbol. I figured fuck it, I have 5 weeks left planned for the cycle anyway let's see what the dbol does. I was skeptical at first it being the same lab as the tbol, but only a few days in and pumps were there. I'm more vascular, just way bigger all around, went from 223 to about 230 right now give or take, in the past week and 5 days I've been on. Definitely noticing strength increases (incline dumbbell went from 100's x3 reps to 110'sx6 reps in a week... Standing military press max was 185x2 slow , other night hit 185x4x3 and today 175x5x5... I feel way bigger look bigger and feel insane pumps. Rock hard all around. I had opened the capsules initially to see what I was dealing with and realized these caps were filled with chocolate whey. I was super skeptical at that point but did see the white specs in them (opened about 4 of them) and I tasted one raw and it was very bitter (mixed with the powder obviously) so I've come to the conclusion that it is not bunk but COULD very well be underdosed. The lab is DYEL and the buddy I swapped the tbol with is running test e and the tbol and said 5 days in he felt the tbol for sure so could've been my body who knows but I know 3 weeks you should notice SOMETHING. ... Any way rant is over, but my question here is, I have a little over 3 weeks left and I have enough caps to run 75mg a day (3 a days instead of 2) if I wanted for the last 2 weeks. What do you guys think? Is that too high? I haven't noticed really any sides at all and aromasin is DEFINITELY doing its job. I am also stacking this with 8 weeks of stanozane non methylated ph to have a sort of test base ... Anyway. Let me know what you guys think.

It sounds more like reverse scamming. I know Dyel has been around a while now. If Dyel was scamming like this EG would of sniffed that shit out long ago.

I'm on DYEL Tbol right now, 25 morning 25 before workout.... Pumps are insane.... pump is so bad, I have a hard time bring the bar all the way to touch my chest, it gets to the point that I can't wipe sweat off my forheard with arm(it just won't reach with the pump) is just insane
Wtf.... You were right to post this garbage anonymously... You buddy is concered about this post from a year ago from elite. ....This is not even second hand info... Chocolate whey.... Yep. Enough said.

Here is some first hand experience. EVERYTHING i have gotten from DYEL has been good.

Next time dont even bring this non sense up.
Pfft..Are you serious??Grim anonymously detect who posted this shit and anonymously ban there arse😉
whey is the filler used in our caps you moron. All caps are not just 100 percent hormone, there is always a filler used. Oral only cycle?.....Shows kind of geniuses were dealing with here
Honestly I don't think there's a need for concern here.
The guy even said that the Tbol worked for his friend just not for him.
The guy that brought this up is not on the board. He fairly new to gear. I put his mind at ease and all is well. But this misinformation is out there. That's why I brought it up. I have used Dyel oral and oils many times and I have no complaints.
Dyels orals are g2g,the strongest I have had actually,in fact I had to stop giving dyels gear to females because its USUALLY overdosed,lol.
Anonymous said:
The guy that brought this up is not on the board. He fairly new to gear. I put his mind at ease and all is well. But this misinformation is out there. That's why I brought it up. I have used Dyel oral and oils many times and I have no complaints.
I hear ya but if you look hard enough you are gonna find complaints on every vendor. I can tell that I have seen concernd just and unjust on every vendor here pretty much. Also its gonna happen that a vendor may get a batch of raws thats not as good as others. You really have to look at their collective works and how they handle issues that come up. The reason this got me a bit hot is its not from a member here, its very contradictory and I dont know who this person is.I did jump the gun on the filler however...

Trust me, I used to read reviews and believe whatever i read. This is a learning process and in this game all I believe is my own results and a very few close brothers..

Dyel is GTG
LittleTom said:
I hear ya but if you look hard enough you are gonna find complaints on every vendor. I can tell that I have seen concernd just and unjust on every vendor here pretty much. Also its gonna happen that a vendor may get a batch of raws thats not as good as others. You really have to look at their collective works and how they handle issues that come up. The reason this got me a bit hot is its not from a member here, its very contradictory and I dont know who this person is.I did jump the gun on the filler however...

Trust me, I used to read reviews and believe whatever i read. This is a learning process and in this game all I believe is my own results and a very few close brothers..

Dyel is GTG
Exaclty !!
This anonymous section has the dumbest fucking posts I've ever read. It's anonymous for health questions, not to hide from looking like an idiot.
Anonymous said:
This anonymous section has the dumbest fucking posts I've ever read. It's anonymous for health questions, not to hide from looking like an idiot.
Says the man who remains anonymous posting this.
I gave a friend of mine my stash of Dyel Anavar since I'm not running it. Expensive ass fucking gear. Gave away for free. Anyways dude is looking phenomenal. So if the anavar is legit I'm sure Tbol and all the other cheaper compounds are.

the friend of OP is a fool.. first he does oral only and crushes E2 with aromasin while on a non aromatizing oral ... the rest is urban legend to me
To be clear, my friend isn't running oral only. I would never let a friend do something that stupid. The one who complained on Elite Fitness is the idiot running oral only.

When he read the post he got concerned when he saw the same filler in his dbol. I told him it was filler and that Dyel gear is g2g. He is good.

I just posted what he read off of Elite Fitness to show you how many idiots there are on other boards.

To be honest I didn't know that whey protein was used as filler. So I learned something new.

Can we put this to rest.
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