EG -monthly prize lotto!?

rico i will be asking for a small donation from heisenberg..BUT he will NOT be the only supporter....i will be asking all the other sponsors...and if they refuse to support the board they mmay no longer be sponsors here......keeping this board up and running is everyones responsibility......and their are other good sponsors that can be brought here if we cant get any support from current ones.......unlike and auction we dont need a large amount of items from one lab...just 1 maybe 2 products...if all the sponsors chip in it will make a damn nice prize pack.....and can generate some reviews on labs and products that may not have been used by members the sponsors can benefit from a little generousity also......
Re: Re: EG -monthly prize lotto!?

Blueedge said:
rico i will be asking for a small donation from heisenberg..BUT he will NOT be the only supporter....i will be asking all the other sponsors...and if they refuse to support the board they mmay no longer be sponsors here......keeping this board up and running is everyones responsibility......and their are other good sponsors that can be brought here if we cant get any support from current ones.......unlike and auction we dont need a large amount of items from one lab...just 1 maybe 2 products...if all the sponsors chip in it will make a damn nice prize pack.....and can generate some reviews on labs and products that may not have been used by members the sponsors can benefit from a little generousity also......
Blueedge. Good idea
This guy has some iodized goodies he would be willing to throw in for prizes
I'm just glad to see a mod taking action and doing something good for the board.
Grim you did a good choice picking Blue here,
UPDATE------good news to announce things ar coming together and we have some prize news
2bottles of deca
2 bottles of tne/dbol blend
1 bottle of test suspension...possibly 150mg/ml if it holds (-;

i will be contacting more labs this weekend ....this is gonna be good guys...!!!!
so good you are shitting cookies!
do u mean to contribute to the lotto? or as a new sponsor here??
ok guys we have some more prize announcements...
some test prop
a box of pinz from precision pinz
and the BIG NEWS homegrown has commited to offering a 100$ discount on his one year plan to all the winners of the auction....
that is huge! when you consider the cost of a personal trainer 75$ an hour or so for a real good one...he is offering his one year program at 500$ normally the winners can get a 365 day program for 400$...having HG in your corner for one year will do some amazing things for your training!!!
thanks for all the contributers so far..we have more coming....!
as of this morning we have
2 deca
2 tne/dbol blend
several test prop
2 tne
1 bottle danabol ds
one box of pinz
100$ off year training program to all winners!!
still waiting on a handful of others to get back with what they are able to donate....!! looking real good so far....
MUSCLE BOOSTER has stepped up to the plate and donated 100iu of kefei hgh!!!!!
huge thanks to all the sponsors who have commited so far....look forward to the others coming on board soon!
Awesome, I know a lot of people want to try GH, what a better way.... Help yourself and the board at the same time.
This is looking like its going to be an awesome deal for everyone involved. I can personally vouch for homegrown and his abilities. Has done wonders for me and we are only in the 7th week. Don't miss out on this guys!!

Sent from my DROID RAZR using Tapatalk 2
We will be adding some items to the lotto. We have an auction going on right now with some good stuff up for grabs, as soon as it is over we will decide which products to throw in for you all.

When is the lotto suppose to take place?

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ok so here goes the march lotto!!!! prizes to be awarded are as follows 24hrreup- one bottle of...

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