
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
So I'm new to steroids, I'm just wondering if anyone here has experience with EPO? I've done a bit of research, I know my hematocric must not go above 50, not to sure on dosing yet n not sure whether or not to run it with HGH or to come off the GH prior? I plan on starting a GH cycle over the next year, see what results I get, also in that time I wanna bang a few EPO cycles in there to. I know how dangerous the stuff can be if abused so I'm researching the safest way possible to administer it in conjunction with nutrition and training.

Write back if you have experience or knowledge of the stuff.
Thanks in advance
Morris2260 said:
What does that (OP) stand for next to my name??
Original Poster, means you started the thread . Iwannagofaster knows all about this stuff, need him to come on hes got an endurance athlete background
Morris2260 said:
So I'm new to steroids, I'm just wondering if anyone here has experience with EPO? I've done a bit of research, I know my hematocric must not go above 50, not to sure on dosing yet n not sure whether or not to run it with HGH or to come off the GH prior? I plan on starting a GH cycle over the next year, see what results I get, also in that time I wanna bang a few EPO cycles in there to. I know how dangerous the stuff can be if abused so I'm researching the safest way possible to administer it in conjunction with nutrition and training.

Write back if you have experience or knowledge of the stuff.
Thanks in advance
You've been researching and you know your hematocrit levels shouldn't go above a 50??? That's a hemoglobin level of 16.7.

Bro please research it more because I think you've been googling it and not everything on the Internet on Google search is true.

Males have a hemoglobin level between 13.6 and 18.0. But depending on what website you choose to visit the average is different.

Multiplying your hemoglobin level by 3 gives you your hematocrit level. Generally it's not safe to have a hemoglobin level above 18.5 because your blood is too thick and your heart works harder to push it. The higher your blood hemoglobin the more red blood cells and oxygen.

For what your trying to do the best way is to bump up your blood levels to a 19-20 level prior to fight and then dump it back down.

From my past blood withdrawals and donations and doing some estimating I'm believing that 1 pint of blood ups your level by 2 points on the hemoglobin scale.

There's a lot of shit that goes into EPO and it's dangerous. I started ranting but threw out some additional stuff because a hematocrit of 50 is decent bro. It's not dangerous. Sorry if I went off topic.
I'm just gonna sift through my hundreds of bookmarks man, see where the pages r about EPO. Remind myself lol.
I don't know what my hematocrit levels are, I said I read somewhere not to go above a 50 when using EPO n the risk of blood clotting etc. is low. You can't stop training for 4 hours + I've also read as blood might clot up but whether that's with a Hematocrit level of 50- or 50+ I'm not sure.
Yeah B, definitely would be a help if iwannagofaster popped up in the discussion!
Cos I'm not a fan of seeing my own blood to be honest Bro lol. Fuck dat shizzle lol.
I'm only gonna invest in the stuff when I'm certain how to use it safely. Until then, it's not happening, so would be beautiful if iwannagofaster or anyone with real knowledge can point me in right direction... I'll do some more research soon
Daredevil said:
You've been researching and you know your hematocrit levels shouldn't go above a 50??? That's a hemoglobin level of 16.7.

Bro please research it more because I think you've been googling it and not everything on the Internet on Google search is true.

Males have a hemoglobin level between 13.6 and 18.0. But depending on what website you choose to visit the average is different.

Multiplying your hemoglobin level by 3 gives you your hematocrit level. Generally it's not safe to have a hemoglobin level above 18.5 because your blood is too thick and your heart works harder to push it. The higher your blood hemoglobin the more red blood cells and oxygen.

For what your trying to do the best way is to bump up your blood levels to a 19-20 level prior to fight and then dump it back down.

From my past blood withdrawals and donations and doing some estimating I'm believing that 1 pint of blood ups your level by 2 points on the hemoglobin scale.

There's a lot of shit that goes into EPO and it's dangerous. I started ranting but threw out some additional stuff because a hematocrit of 50 is decent bro. It's not dangerous. Sorry if I went off topic.
So if I bumped up my hemoglobin to 19-20 as yu say, that's the danger area, no? From what you've said there a Hematocrit level of 55+ and Hemoglobin level of 18.5+ is dangerous. So why would I wanna go to 19-20? Lol

Thanks for your response btw boss. Appreciate it!
Let me try to explain. A hemoglobin level at 18.5 or about is high average according to some websites. A temporary hemoglobin level of 19-20 is okay temporarily. But not for an extended period of time. I recommend you stay at 18 about normally and prior to whatever fight bump it to a 19-20 range temporarily.

Research blood doping that Lance Armstrong did. He basically cruised with a hemoglobin level of 18 and bumped to a 20 prior to a race by injecting himself with 1 pint of his own saved blood. Immediately after race he withdrew from his body a pint of blood. He ran aspirin and fish oil daily to assist in doing so.
Find out what your hemoglobin level is at currently and then let us know when your night fight is from there we can better assist you in what your trying to do safely.
Also for what it's worth bro. I've kept notes on my feeling of well being and energy wise with different blood levels. Once I had a hemoglobin level of 21 and I felt energized as fuck but also had serious headaches. That level is dangerous. When I'm down to a level of 16 flat I feel no headaches but I feel dead inside no energy. My perfect level for fitness needs and cardio running breathing sex etc is 18 flat.
Yeah I'm looking to find that out still (my hematocrit/hemoglobin level), how do I do that though?
I've normally got a lot of energy anyway when I eat right. I have ADHD man n last time I checked my testosterone levels were right at the Peak for the average male, prior to that it was unreadable lol. Average is between... I cant remember actually but I know the Peak is something like 29.7. First time I got tested I was 35+, they stop reading after 35. Second time I was 29.7 or somewhere around there so I didn't need treatment for it.
So my guess is, although I see myself as very unhealthy/unfit right now my hematocrit level probably will be solid!? But I'm still after that boost anyway man, as we all are.
This entire discussion should not even be happening right now with this member. Honestly a certain amount of research and knowledge needs to be reached before you ever mess with AAS, HGH, EPO, ETC. In my opinion the OP needs to eat right, train right and STUDY for a couple years before even trying to drive down our path. No harm intended at all bro, I would say the same thing if you were my real brother. This is not a lifestyle to join now and learn later. I'm sure you will have more questions if you really want to learn and me and other members will try to help. As of right now you need more training. That is not a bad thing cause we will be here for you. JUST my HONEST opinion to keep you safe!!!!!!! AK.
Morris2260 said:
So I'm new to steroids, I'm just wondering if anyone here has experience with EPO? I've done a bit of research, I know my hematocric must not go above 50, not to sure on dosing yet n not sure whether or not to run it with HGH or to come off the GH prior? I plan on starting a GH cycle over the next year, see what results I get, also in that time I wanna bang a few EPO cycles in there to. I know how dangerous the stuff can be if abused so I'm researching the safest way possible to administer it in conjunction with nutrition and training.

Write back if you have experience or knowledge of the stuff.
Thanks in advance
the 2 bold parts = danger. do NOT use EPO

also saying you wanna 'bang a few EPO cycles' says a lot. just dont do it.

my advice would be to learn food and training and then start with some juice (say test and npp or even some dbol and/or winny). nobody who isnt a veteran just bangs out a few cycles of EPO lol
AK I hear yu man. I've been researching HGH for a couple years already, easily. HGH is nowhere near as dangerous as EPO. It will be a long time before I take EPO probably. As I say I don't know a lot about it, but I have been researching that a few months now. I'm not gonna be taking or abusing any risky compounds. Other than EPO. I certainly won't be abusing any drugs though.
I said I'm new to steroids but I'm not new to drugs lol, I will know quickly what my limits will be. I'm not stupid but I agree about EPO, need to be training again a long time before considering this.
When I train, I train hard.
I will be deep into training in around 6 months, I reckon I'll be feeling in optimal health.
What is the danger of HGH though bud? I don't see why I couldn't take that stuff, when transgender and dwarves take it. Haha
drakonrep said:
the 2 bold parts = danger. do NOT use EPO

also saying you wanna 'bang a few EPO cycles' says a lot. just dont do it.

my advice would be to learn food and training and then start with some juice (say test and npp or even some dbol and/or winny). nobody who isnt a veteran just bangs out a few cycles of EPO lol
Lol. Appreciate the response boss.
I'm never gonna take T man. Firstly, I don't feel like I'd need it, secondly I'm not looking to mess with my natural production of it.
I know with HGH there's a possibility of decreasing natural production of that too, but for me, the benefits far outweigh that risk. The maximum dose I'm looking at is 6iu.
Would start out with 5 on 2 off. I'd either do that with 2iu first week, onto 4iu the following 3 weeks, 6iu from then on. Or I'd just go with 3-4 iu ongoing.
You don't think I should take GH either?
Bro, I didn't realize you were new.

I recommend getting your diet in check and then add in one compound of steroids per cycle. Get to know your body. Some people have reactions to different steroids and you won't know what your body can or can't handle by taking everything at once.

When you decide to start just start off with testosterone cypionate at 200mg a week. Make sure you know how to come off properly and safely.

As far as EPO don't do it. No need to.

As far as HGH, you don't need to. It's so costly buddy. Thousands of dollars.

Enjoy your day.

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