Facts You Never Knew


Located in the scrotum, this muscle is responsible for raising and lowering of the testicles inside the scrotum in response to temperature. The optimum temperature for sperm production is 82 degrees, so in cold weather the testes are pulled in closer to absorb body heat to remain close to 82 degrees.

Sorry, had to add my own twist to this thread

Located in the scrotum, this muscle is responsible for raising and lowering of the testicles inside the scrotum in response to temperature. The optimum temperature for sperm production is 82 degrees, so in cold weather the testes are pulled in closer to absorb body heat to remain close to 82 degrees.

Sorry, had to add my own twist to this thread
SnakemanI will have to say THAT is a fact I never knew......thanks Snake.


“OMG” was first used in writing in 1917.​

“OMG” was first used in writing in 1917.

Although people might have said it before then, the popular acronym for “Oh My God” was first used in writing in a letter to Winston Churchill in 1917.

It was used by John Arbuthnot Fisher, a retired Admiral of the British Navy, who said in his letter “I hear that a new order of Knighthood is on the tapis, O.M.G. (Oh! My God!)”.

There is a smoke alarm for the deaf.​

There is a smoke alarm for the deaf.

Invented by a team of Japanese scientists and engineers, this lifesaving device works by spraying vaporized wasabi into the air, which notifies deaf people of a fire – it will even wake them up if they’re sleeping!

This invention won one of the IG Nobel Prizes in 2011, a spoof of the Nobel Prizes, for inventions that “first make people laugh, and then make them think”.

Peanuts, walnuts, almonds, cashews and pistachios aren’t nuts.​

Peanuts, walnuts, almonds, cashews and pistachios aren’t nuts.

They’re classed as seeds, because a nut is defined as “a hard-shelled dry fruit or seed with a separable rind or shell and interior kernel”.

Armadillos have shells so hard they can deflect a bullet.​

Armadillos have shells so hard they can deflect a bullet.

One poor Texan man learned this the hard way when he shot at an armadillo only to have the bullet ricochet off the indestructible beast, and back at him into his jaw! The man was airlifted to hospital.

Amazingly, the armadillo just walked off unscathed.

Armadillos have shells so hard they can deflect a bullet.​

Armadillos have shells so hard they can deflect a bullet.

One poor Texan man learned this the hard way when he shot at an armadillo only to have the bullet ricochet off the indestructible beast, and back at him into his jaw! The man was airlifted to hospital.

Amazingly, the armadillo just walked off unscathed.
01dragonslayerI can answer true to that. Ran these mother fuckers over partially and they still survived. In my state they are an invasive species. So we kill them anyway possible....
I can answer true to that. Ran these mother fuckers over partially and they still survived. In my state they are an invasive species. So we kill them anyway possible....
GoProAre they that bothersome? They are probably like racoons or opossums in my state....more nuisances then anything.....carry diseases.

Only a quarter of the Sahara Desert is sandy.​

Only a quarter of the Sahara Desert is sandy.

Most of this gargantuan desert is covered in gravel, although it also has its own mountain ranges and oases.

Also, it isn’t the world’s largest desert, because…

Antarctica is the world’s largest desert.​

Antarctica is the world’s largest desert.

The Antarctic Polar Desert covers the Antarctica continent and covers roughly 5.5 million square miles.

The Sahara Desert covers roughly 3.6 million square miles.

In 1960, a cow got hit by a chunk of falling U.S. satellite in Cuba.​

In 1960, a cow was killed by a chunk of falling U.S. satellite in Cuba.

This was during a time where tensions between Havana and Washington were at their highest.

So the Cubans decided to make the best out of a bad situation and had a good laugh at their American neighbors.

They paraded a cow through the Cuban streets with a sign on it that said “Eisenhower, you murdered one of my sisters!”
Your nose and ears never stop growing.
Your nose and ears never stop growing.

They are the only two parts of your body that keep growing when all your other features’ growth comes to an end.

In the 1990s, half of the world’s CDs were made for AOL sign-up discs.​

In the 1950s, half of the world’s CDs were made for AOL sign-up discs.

For you young ‘uns out there this fact is going to blow your mind – you had to use a disc to sign up to an internet provider!

The world wasn’t always full of all 5G’s just knocking about in the planetary ether – hell, back then I think 3G would’ve been mind-blowing enough, let alone not having to use a disc to sign up to the internet!

Bees can fly higher than Mount Everest!​

Bees can fly higher than Mount Everest!

Bees can fly at levels up to 29,525 feet above sea level – higher than the planet’s tallest Mountain!

Until 2015, it was illegal to dance in Japan after midnight.​

Until 2015, it was illegal to dance in Japan after midnight.

This was a law introduced in 1948 to crack down on dance halls that acted as fronts for illicit activities and it was only revoked in 2015.

In 1997 a cargo ship lost 4.8 million Lego bits in a storm. They are still washing up today.​

In 1997 a cargo ship lost 4.8 million Lego bits in a storm. They are still washing up today.

The container ship Tokio Express was hauling cargo across stormy seas on February 13, 1997, when a rogue wave crashed over the decks and caused some of her cargo to become loose and wash overboard.

One such container contained a shipment of Lego including octopuses, dragons, flippers and flowers.

These pieces are often found on the beaches of Cornwall in the UK, whenever there’s a particularly bad storm.

In Tokyo, Japan, there is a hedgehog cafe.​

In Tokyo, Japan, there is a hedgehog cafe.

You can go to this establishment and pay 1,000 Yen to go in, have a cappuccino and play with and cuddle some amazing hedgehogs!

Just be careful when you’re cuddling them because they aren’t exactly soft and fluffy!

The smallest dinosaur ever discovered is only 16 inches long.​

In Tokyo, Japan, there is a hedgehog cafe.

Discovered in China, the Microraptor is one of the most recent dinosaur discoveries and is the smallest ever found.

Most of the specimens that have been found have also been fully grown, so the baby Microraptors would have been even smaller!

The smallest dinosaur ever discovered is only 16 inches long.​

In Tokyo, Japan, there is a hedgehog cafe.

Discovered in China, the Microraptor is one of the most recent dinosaur discoveries and is the smallest ever found.

Most of the specimens that have been found have also been fully grown, so the baby Microraptors would have been even smaller!
01dragonslayerWhen they talk about small dinosaur s I think of the lil green dinosaurs on the first duradtic park that swarm and eat that one guy lol.

In England, pigeon poop is the property of the Crown.​

In Tokyo, Japan, there is a hedgehog cafe.

This is because pigeon poop could be used to make gunpowder.

Because of this, King George I declared all pigeon poop to be property of the Crown in the 18th Century.

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