FBI Admits Trump Is Right That Muslims Aren’t Being Properly Vetted


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FBI Admits Trump Is Right That Muslims Aren’t Being Properly Vetted
December 8, 2015


Despite claims from the Obama administration, the alleged refugee vetting process completely fails to keep out radical jihadists.
Once again,I absolutely fuckin agree with Trump!!!!Applause to you sir.
F.I.S.T. said:
Once again,I absolutely fuckin agree with Trump!!!!Applause to you sir.
I don't have a problem with closing our borders to Middle Eastern immigrants until this ISIS shit gets figured out. One of my best friends is from Pakistan and he even agrees with me. There is way too much radicalization in the mid east right. Poor people without much opportunity are joining ISIS by the hundreds every day. Now we have to worry about insurgents from Somalia also. No way we can keep track of all of the potential threats. That is why I carry a concealed weapon along with some heavy firepower in my trunk.
AkProGuy said:
I don't have a problem with closing our borders to Middle Eastern immigrants until this ISIS shit gets figured out. One of my best friends is from Pakistan and he even agrees with me. There is way too much radicalization in the mid east right. Poor people without much opportunity are joining ISIS by the hundreds every day. Now we have to worry about insurgents from Somalia also. No way we can keep track of all of the potential threats. That is why I carry a concealed weapon along with some heavy firepower in my trunk.
Absolutely fucking right!! Fuck the cry babies and the pussies saying how "wrong" that it.Tell that to the countless people dying from these fucks.As for asking what about the "good" muslims?? Yeah!! The hand full of them can be inconvenienced for a while while we get our country back on track to saving US!!! The poor muslms freedoms being infringed upon?? FUCK EM!! What about US citizens freedom to live without fear of some fucking ninja coming in and blowing us all away??

You heard the saying..."DRASTIC TIMES CALL FOR DRASTIC MEASURES"?? Well these are pretty fucking drastic times and we need to start acting like we have a set of balls again and burying these fucks and doing everything we can to prevent them from even getting into our country!!!
The sickening part is many of these refugees are fighting aged men that need to be there fighting instead of coming here and then expecting the US to send our troops to do the dirty work. Bunch of pussies need to stay there and fight for their land and rights!!!
sportsfreak said:
The sickening part is many of these refugees are fighting aged men that need to be there fighting instead of coming here and then expecting the US to send our troops to do the dirty work. Bunch of pussies need to stay there and fight for their land and rights!!!

Why should they brother when they know the good old USA will send our troops over there to fight and die for them!!! In addition to this,THEN,well send 10's-100's of millions to help them rebuild!! What motivation would they have their own citizens and troops do it themselves?? We're the fucking pupets and financial supporters of the planet while our country goes down the toilet and our vets die!!
The motivation would be to say,, stay the fuck outta here. Figure it out and get that shit back yourselves....
I have to say many times Trump is controversial but just telling it like it is. America is turning into a bunch of political pussies.
As stated above, like him as a candidate or not, he's saying what everyone else is afraid to say.. what needs to be said. He shoots straight from the hip. The problem within this country now is that people are more concerned with political correctness than they are with public safety. He didn't say he was wanted to banish Muslims within the country (like the media would lead one to believe), just that we need to stop allowing people with potential terrorist ideologies in until things are resolved, regardless of what country you're from. It's the same thing every other country in the world's does when there's a crisis. Remember ebola and how we were the only ones who didn't close the borders? There's a reason no one else wants to take Syrian refugees in right now..
Don't get me wrong, I think trump is an idiot but At least he speaks his mind. He's the only candidate that actually says what he thinks instead of the rest who say what they think people want to hear. I give him credit for that at least
Trump is a bigot. This country was founded on religious freedom. Hitler had similar ideas to Trump. it is ludicrous to group all Muslims with these extremists/terrorists
This happened back with Pearl Harbor. Hopefully it doesn't go to that extreme, but agreed I do believe he speaks his mind. Should we ban immigration on Muslims? I know he said a temporary ban, maybe that is a good idea. Until they can all be PROPERLY vetted
bossman said:
Trump is a bigot. This country was founded on religious freedom. Hitler had similar ideas to Trump. it is ludicrous to group all Muslims with these extremists/terrorists
Well he's a successful Billionaire idiot that speaks his mind and doesnt give a fuck what anyone has to say about it.I'll take that over the bigger idiot pussies,thieves lairs and corrupt politicians we've had in office forever now!!

Now on to the next thing you said,religious freedoms?? Fuck them.First of all to me muslim is not a religion.Anyone that thinks following in a set of beliefs where a woman is spat upon as the lowest piece of shit on the planet and can be beaten and raped and then SHE is looked down on and cast out of their society because of it,is not a fucking religion.Its a bunch of nut male terrorists that want to rule everyone!! Religion!!! Muslim is NOT a religion!!! Scientology is NOT a religion!!! Any fucking nut can come up with anything asinine and call it a religion and you have bigger nuts following them.Doesnt mean its a religion.You mentioned Hiltler,he followed a religion too correct?? So we shouldnt look down on him either then?? People love to use the "religious freedom" BULLSHIT for everything!! FUCK EM!!!

Thirdly,you say this country was founded on a lot of things,that doesnt mean they were all right nor do they fit into today's world.This country was founded on slavery too,should we bring it back?? It was formed on pre-union labor forces that were basically slave masters in themselves.Should we bring that back?? The country was in fact formed by people trying to escape their countries (and by those kicked out of their own countries) to form a country FREE of the tyrannies of their own and a place to live in PEACE!! People back in the day the country was forming cared about themselves and others and for the PROGRESSION on the country.Not so today.Oh and by the way,muslims did nothing in forming this country!

Lastly,Trump said banning any more from coming in UNTIL we get things fixed.As was already said,no different than with the ebola outbreak.The funny thing is you had dipshits crying about not letting ebola infected people in too!!! Theres a bleeding heart group for every idiotic cause out there , even when it endangers the lives of millions.It comes down to the "Greater Good" my friend.So the poor muslims get inconvenienced and it becomes harder for terrorists to get into the US while we work on making us safer!!!! AMEN!!!!!
F.I.S.T. said:
Well he's a successful Billionaire idiot that speaks his mind and doesnt give a fuck what anyone has to say about it.I'll take that over the bigger idiot pussies,thieves lairs and corrupt politicians we've had in office forever now!!

Now on to the next thing you said,religious freedoms?? Fuck them.First of all to me muslim is not a religion.Anyone that thinks following in a set of beliefs where a woman is spat upon as the lowest piece of shit on the planet and can be beaten and raped and then SHE is looked down on and cast out of their society because of it,is not a fucking religion.Its a bunch of nut male terrorists that want to rule everyone!! Religion!!! Muslim is NOT a religion!!! Scientology is NOT a religion!!! Any fucking nut can come up with anything asinine and call it a religion and you have bigger nuts following them.Doesnt mean its a religion.You mentioned Hiltler,he followed a religion too correct?? So we shouldnt look down on him either then?? People love to use the "religious freedom" BULLSHIT for everything!! FUCK EM!!!

GOdDamn I'm glad your back from Vacation!!! Very well said my friend! My name is AkProGuy and I approve of this message!! LOL

Thirdly,you say this country was founded on a lot of things,that doesnt mean they were all right nor do they fit into today's world.This country was founded on slavery too,should we bring it back?? It was formed on pre-union labor forces that were basically slave masters in themselves.Should we bring that back?? The country was in fact formed by people trying to escape their countries (and by those kicked out of their own countries) to form a country FREE of the tyrannies of their own and a place to live in PEACE!! People back in the day the country was forming cared about themselves and others and for the PROGRESSION on the country.Not so today.Oh and by the way,muslims did nothing in forming this country!

Lastly,Trump said banning any more from coming in UNTIL we get things fixed.As was already said,no different than with the ebola outbreak.The funny thing is you had dipshits crying about not letting ebola infected people in too!!! Theres a bleeding heart group for every idiotic cause out there , even when it endangers the lives of millions.It comes down to the "Greater Good" my friend.So the poor muslims get inconvenienced and it becomes harder for terrorists to get into the US while we work on making us safer!!!! AMEN!!!!!
Very Nicely said!
bossman said:
Trump is a bigot. This country was founded on religious freedom. Hitler had similar ideas to Trump. it is ludicrous to group all Muslims with these extremists/terrorists
Go look up the similarities of Hitler and the nut job in the White House now Obama
And by the way Jimmy Carter did exactly what trump is taking about when he was president.

I suggest people stay away for the main stream news. It's all left wing liberal biased bullshit. Even Fox News
can you cite some of these similarities to Hitler? do you have any specific policy examples??
bossman said:
can you cite some of these similarities to Hitler? do you have any specific policy examples??



Trump get's my vote for sure, so sick of liberals and all their cry baby bullshit ruining this country.

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