FBI Admits Trump Is Right That Muslims Aren’t Being Properly Vetted

Mick said:
Trump get's my vote for sure, so sick of liberals and all their cry baby bullshit ruining this country.

Your feelings are those shared by so many brother and thats why he's so far ahead in the polls.The more they try to trash talk him and get people against hm with their shock and awe tactics of how "bad" he is,the more people are standing and applauding him!!! No one will ever agree with 100% of the things ANYONE running for office believes in,nor should they but out of all that have run for decades now,to me his ideas are 100% correct on what we need to do to fix the country.

Now if he does get in seeing many of the things proposes get passed is another thing entirely,which is the main problem with the country.....THE CORRUPT MOTHER FUCKERS OF CONGRESS!!!! Congress needs term jobs just the presidency is.Out with the old fucks and in with the new.Or better yet,GET RID OF THEM ALL AS WELL AS THEIR POSITIONS!!!
I 100% agree. Finally these Obama phones will be disconnected.
F.I.S.T. said:



from legitimate publications, please.
bossman said:
from legitimate publications, please.
Which one of the comparisons made in these do you disagree with? I dont need anyone to make me understand what I have seen during his illustrious presidency and continue to see from the entire circus act he and his family have created.Everyday citizens,especially in a majority, are as legitimate as they come brother.Obviously more have come to realize that obummer has done nothing improve the country and more to head us straight into a the abyss.We've been made to believe that calling someone fat is more wrong than our troops being sent to fight and die in a war that we have no business fighting.That some fat hillbilly chef using the word nigger 30 yrs ago about someone trying to rob her,is more important than our homeless US citizens.The time for the bullshit is over and needs to end asap.With numbnuts out of office and hopefully someone like Trump,that has a set of balls to say what most feel but are too scared to say,we can get back on the right track.

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