First primo run


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Finally had the opportunity to run Primo enan so I could decide for myself if its worth the cost or not.

So its been roughly 5 weeks now at 800-900mg weekly plus 80mg anavar and trt test. I'm am lean probably right at 10% or less. First off the anavar has made me strong as a damn ox. The strength gains are almost on par with tren ace. I dont remember anavar being this strong in the past so this was a nice surprise. As for the look I've been running a small calorie deficiency and low carbs. I actually look just as lean but fuller more 3d prior to this 5 weeks ago on a little tren ace and test. The muscle bellies of my arms, shoulder caps and chest have more pronounced pumped up look to them even when the muscles are cold. Im about to drop the anavar all together to see primo can solely do for me. I'll keep you all posted. So far I'm loving it.
good deal bro
I just did my first primo run a few months ago. I had similar experience. I was running about 1g/wk and I think like 25mg Var ED.

How was your pinning schedule? PIP?
Awesome man! Honestly I wasnt expecting to have this tren like transformation on such girly anabolics lol. The thing is I actually like this look better than i do with tren ace. With tren i look drawn out (flat depleted but hard as nails), where as with the primo and var I get this hard 3 dimensional vascular pumped look. I also feel healthier too.

As for my pinning schedule...
For primo its dosed at 100mg/ml, I pin close to 3ml eod. I also add 0.33 ml test e 250mg/ml eod in same syringe. I have to use two 3ml syringes. In one syringe I pull back .33ml of test e and then draw up primo until my stopper hits 2ml mark. (So that's about 1.66ml or 166mg primo). The second syringe I load up 2ml exactly eod (200 mg primo). Hmmm so it looks like I'm actually getting close to a gram of primo after all. I do get a tad sore the next day but nothing near as sore as pinning test prop. I barely even notice any pain or doscomfort.
Awesome man! Honestly I wasnt expecting to have this tren like transformation on such girly anabolics lol. The thing is I actually like this look better than i do with tren ace. With tren i look drawn out (flat depleted but hard as nails), where as with the primo and var I get this hard 3 dimensional vascular pumped look. I also feel healthier too.

As for my pinning schedule...
For primo its dosed at 100mg/ml, I pin close to 3ml eod. I also add 0.33 ml test e 250mg/ml eod in same syringe. I have to use two 3ml syringes. In one syringe I pull back .33ml of test e and then draw up primo until my stopper hits 2ml mark. (So that's about 1.66ml or 166mg primo). The second syringe I load up 2ml exactly eod (200 mg primo). Hmmm so it looks like I'm actually getting close to a gram of primo after all. I do get a tad sore the next day but nothing near as sore as pinning test prop. I barely even notice any pain or doscomfort.
I'm glad you dnt get much PIP. That's a lot of pinning. The primo I ran was 200mg/ml. Was not bad.
I'm glad you dnt get much PIP. That's a lot of pinning. The primo I ran was 200mg/ml. Was not bad.
Was EO used in your primo? I'm sure if mine was 200mg/ml yea I'd be hurting lol. That's a pretty high concentration.
I’m thinking of something similar.

600mg primo
450mg NPP
500mg test

Diet will be high fat and protein, low carb (not Keto).

Any thoughts on this?
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I’m thinking of something similar.

600mg primo
450mg NPP
500mg test

Diet will be high fat and protein, low carb (not Keto).

Any thoughts on this?
I'm still learning primo enan. so I'm not really sure if that amt of primo would be worth while or not in that stack . I've heard so many say they need x amt primo to get anything from it and others (a rare few) say they can run much lower doses and still see it working. So far all i know is a gram does work lol.

I do love some npp though. I sure that with a 800mg to a gram of primo (high dose primo = peace of mind) and good ole test would be very very anabolic and lay down some serious muscle tissue..
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I'm still learning primo enan. so I'm not really sure if that amt of primo would be worth while or not in that stack . I've heard so many say they need x amt primo to get anything from it and others (a rare few) say they can run much lower doses and still see it working. So far all i know is a gram does work lol.

I do love some npp though. I sure that with a 800mg to a gram of primo (high dose primo = peace of mind) and good ole test would be very very anabolic and lay down some serious muscle tissue..
sityslicker1Just curious what it would cost to run a cycle of Primo? Totally on my bucket list.
I’m thinking of something similar.

600mg primo
450mg NPP
500mg test

Diet will be high fat and protein, low carb (not Keto).

Any thoughts on this?
From seeing and talking with some Primo vets at various other boards. Most of them have talked about how well Primo and NPP go together and compliment each other. I think your cycle looks great. Throw in some Tbol and Var
I’m thinking of something similar.

600mg primo
450mg NPP
500mg test

Diet will be high fat and protein, low carb (not Keto).

Any thoughts on this?
JinkoI've ran 2cc of 100mg primo EOD with great success. Wouldn't be able to tolerate the pip from 200mg/ml.
Similar experience, new dimension to the muscle.
This is one of those compounds where you need to know your sweet spot, running too little or too much are both hard on the $$ pockets.
Thanks for info.

As for rest of you pricks, share some info or ban hammer comes out. I’m joking, maybe.
Thanks for info.

As for rest of you pricks, share some info or ban hammer comes out. I’m joking, maybe.
It's a bit Rusty though eh? Gotta dust it off one way lol

I hear 800mg is the sweet spot though, from a bunch of folks.
God I wish I had the money for primo lol
God I wish I had the money for primo lol
halfnattyOnly cost about $8/ed to run 1g/wk. I've eaten that much var in a day and didnt think that much about it... if you trade like 1 eat out meal (lunch) a day and cook at home instead, you'll save around $8 a day. Just sayin. That's how I'd justify it.
Only cost about $8/ed to run 1g/wk. I've eaten that much var in a day and didnt think that much about it... if you trade like 1 eat out meal (lunch) a day and cook at home instead, you'll save around $8 a day. Just sayin. That's how I'd justify it.
Lol that's one way to look at it !!! How much will I save if I do 800mg? Jking bro 😉
This is turning into a hostage situation. I’ll execute (ban) one member every day if my question doesn’t get some feed back.
This is turning into a hostage situation. I’ll execute (ban) one member every day if my question doesn’t get some feed back.
I’m thinking of something similar.

600mg primo
450mg NPP
500mg test

Diet will be high fat and protein, low carb (not Keto).

Any thoughts on this?
Actually, that sounds like a good run. I personally have never primo higher then my test base. I have run Primo at 400mg/wk (with Prop/Tren/mast) and had excellent results. As to the diet, that really depends on the calorie count on how it will accommodate the cycle. But, high protein/fat is a good combo.

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