First time trying tren need as much help as possible!!


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Freak
EG Cash
So I decided to run a simple test prop and tren ace cycle to try tren. No idea how my body will react to tren but this is what I have in mind.

Week 1-2 tren ace @ 420 mg per week (see how my body takes it)
Week 3-12 tren ace @ 525 - 700 mg per week (adjust per tolerance/sides)
Week 1-12 test prop @ 280 mg per week

Here are my questions and concerns:
Do I need to take arimidex for test prop AND prami/caber for tren or one or the other? Also start the AI's on day 1?
ED pins vs EOD pins - I heard tren sides are less with ED shots compared to EOD shots also it "stabilizes levels" so I'm thinking of starting at 60 mg ED tren (420 mg a week) for the first 2 weeks then increasing to 75-100 mg (525-700 mg a week) ED as I see my tolerance.
Should test prop be pinned ED or EOD? If I'm pinning tren ED might as well pin prop ED or am I wrong? Should I do EOD? I was thinking test prop 30-40 mg ED (210-280 mg per week)
I only pin delts, glutes and quads (6 spots) will this be enough for 12 weeks ED shots?
Also is it ideal to run these 2 short esters for 12 weeks or should I do 8-10 weeks?
Anything else you feel I should know please post! Thanks
few things - Yes you need AI but at 280 mg a week id take a small amount maybe the day after Pinning to reduce the spike . for me at that dose id probable just used .5 mg twice a week

id run the prop everyday along with the Tren A every day . most stable levels. hope you're use to this cause its a grind after a while poking yourself daily , id add the ventrogluteal to have more rotation spots, but you can survive with 6

id start the tren ace lower, at 50 mg per day so that's 350 a week, after one or two weeks there raise it 10 mg and keep raising it every week till you get to 100
do you need caber, its probable a No but id still say have it around since you don't know your sensitivity to progesterone, first rule is if estrogen is low progesterone typically can not be a problem, but there is always someone who's sensitive and cant need it
you can run this shorter if you like, id imagine you will max out the gains after 8 to 10 weeks, so watch the mirror and scale and go from there
This is the cycle I would lay out for anyone running Tren for there first time,

cycle length 8 weeks (8-10) can be a bit much for any one.

On hand: Adex or what ever you choose (I would not run it unless you need it due to the low amount of test) or maybe just a very low amount
Caber Like mister B said I will doubt you need it
Nolva (always have on hand for gyno)
of course any supps you like to add but those are my staples.


week 1-8

Tren A 50mg ed
Test Prop a little less then 50mgs ed to try anf get around 300mgs a week.

ED for sure. Some can do every other but I cannot and would tell anyone that wants to argue to look at the blood level chart that was posted a bit ago.

I do not suggest ramping up Tren throughout the cycle because if you hit a point were you start to lose it the whole cycle can be wasted. Besides 350mgs for your first cycle is a very good start. IMO Tren is something you have to get used to and then add on. Test should be low because who needs it with tren besides for keeping a low level to stay regular.

Like misterB said, if you can add in a couple more pinning spots. I only use four and thats not enough. Think about it 8 weeks is 56 shots..

Good luck man you will love it.
MattyIce said:
I read somewhere not to take tamox with 19-nor...anyone else?
Depends on what the gyno is caused from, Nolva for estro and caber for prolactin. Your not gonna find any scientific studies one way or the other. It's all bro science.
LittleTom said:
Depends on what the gyno is caused from, Nolva for estro and caber for prolactin. Your not gonna find any scientific studies one way or the other. It's all bro science.
I believe what matty is saying is that the recovery for pct is better using clomid vs nolva after you use a 19-nor. If that's what he's talking about then I've read that multiple times too. I actually found a read that went into details on why. If I can find it, I'll post link up.
blasson said:
I believe what matty is saying is that the recovery for pct is better using clomid vs nolva after you use a 19-nor. If that's what he's talking about then I've read that multiple times too. I actually found a read that went into details on why. If I can find it, I'll post link up.
Whats PCT?
First time cycle with Tren 350mg a week is plenty. I pin Eod, but, that's just cause I've always done it that way. Scientifically speaking, ED jects are more stable. It's proven. 10 weeks is the absolute longest you will want to run it for now. Some guys run it longer, I've run it 12 weeks before, but my first cycle was short for the sole purpose of acclamation and understanding tolerances. Caber for Tren (If needed, doubtful though if you run proper Ai's), Aromasin and Nolva for Test. But only if needed. The less chemicals you put into yourself the better.
krustus said:
any tips on this?... what area? how much oil etc..?
thanks Eman... but was looking for first hand experience from the ole average how much oil, expected PIP, etc...

would love to add calves as they are easy to reach with both ventro glutes and thighs
Pinned calves once 1ml in each fucking crippled me to the point that walking was a chore! I'll pin my pecs all day before I ever touch my calves again I'm compleatly calve shy now. That's all the assistance I can be lol. Sorry
Pinned calves once 1ml in each fucking crippled me to the point that walking was a chore! I'll pin my pecs all day before I ever touch my calves again I'm compleatly calve shy now. That's all the assistance I can be lol. Sorry

damn it!!!... i was afraid that would be the case... i saw a guy on youtube pin them and shot like from the bottom angle upward...not straight in...seemed like a good option
krustus said:
damn it!!!... i was afraid that would be the case... i saw a guy on youtube pin them and shot like from the bottom angle upward...not straight in...seemed like a good option
Pin calves with T prop you'll be gtg

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