First time trying tren need as much help as possible!!

I pin up to 3 ml in each calve, TNE, prop, primo, Tren. Makes no difference. My calves must have no nerves. Cuz I have more trouble pinning quads.
Thanks to everyone who replied much needed information here. So after all your input I decided to start tren a @ 50mg ED (350mg per week) for about 2 weeks then raising it up 10 mg per week to find my sweet spot and tolerance. Test p will be at 45mg ED throughout the whole cycle (315mg per week) and I will be doing 10 weeks total. Here's the breakdown of the complete cycle:

Week 1-2 tren a @ 350mg per week (50mg ed)
Week 3-10 tren a @ 420-700mg per week (60-100mg ed)
Week 1-10 test p @ 315mg per week (45mg ed)
Week 1-10 arimidex @ .5 twice a week
PCT 3 days after last pin
Clomid 100/100/100/100
Nolva 40/40/40/40
*Caber will be on hand

I'm gonna try my luck with only 6 pin spots (delts,glutes,quads) if it gets too difficult then I'll try the ventrogluteal. I'm too scared to pin calves and pecs lol.
Anything else you guys think I should keep in mind or fix? Or perhaps add an oral? Im looking at superdrol, would that be too much liver toxicity since I'm taking tren?
Nothing is too much tren wont mess up your liver bit id be concerned with blood pressure and some people imcluding myself feel lile shit on superdrol
49ER said:
Nothing is too much tren wont mess up your liver bit id be concerned with blood pressure and some people imcluding myself feel lile shit on superdrol
49ERYeah SD makes me lazy as fuck but the gains are awesome so it's worth it. I'm just debating if to use or not. How's my revised cycle look?
one thing to know about tren
the science
"In rat hepatocytes trenbolone and related trienic steroids showed an almost complete suppression of tyrosine amino transferase - a key enzyme in amino acid degradation. The effect was much less pronounced for androgens such as testosterone or nortestosterone (22-23). This led to the assumption that trenbolone behaves as an antiglucocorticoid when binding to glucocorticoid receptor (RBA: hydrocortisone= 100; trenbolone-17B=9.4). On this basis it can be assumed that the strong growth-promoting potency is based on both the anabolic activity as an androgen and anticatabolic activity as an antiglucocorticoid."

so this means tren blocks the amino acid that helps convert t4 into t3, take some t3 with the tren and feel better
Troy said:
Yeah SD makes me lazy as fuck but the gains are awesome so it's worth it. I'm just debating if to use or not. How's my revised cycle look?
TroyLooks good exept for the pct part lol
misterB said:
one thing to know about tren
the science
"In rat hepatocytes trenbolone and related trienic steroids showed an almost complete suppression of tyrosine amino transferase - a key enzyme in amino acid degradation. The effect was much less pronounced for androgens such as testosterone or nortestosterone (22-23). This led to the assumption that trenbolone behaves as an antiglucocorticoid when binding to glucocorticoid receptor (RBA: hydrocortisone= 100; trenbolone-17B=9.4). On this basis it can be assumed that the strong growth-promoting potency is based on both the anabolic activity as an androgen and anticatabolic activity as an antiglucocorticoid."

so this means tren blocks the amino acid that helps convert t4 into t3, take some t3 with the tren and feel better
I've never ran t3 before what's the protocol on this? 25 mcg ED? Or 50? How about 50 EOD?
What's wrong with pct 49er?
Troy said:
I've never ran t3 before what's the protocol on this? 25 mcg ED? Or 50? How about 50 EOD?
What's wrong with pct 49er?
TroyNothing i just dont agree with coming on and off it was a joke but a serious one
Everyone reacts different after awhile tren ace gives me no sides i adapt. Im on tren e 400mg ew and its been absolutely horrible i feel like crap from lack of sleep.
Probably lethargic from liver taking a tax. I get extremely lethargic on tren after about 5 weeks in. So I don't run tren long anymore. All I want to do is sleep.

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Why do u think liver gets effected by tren? Has anyone actually done tren with no orals and gotten bloodwork before and after? This stuff is parrated for years already you gonna believe rat studies or your own? Ive posted proof bloodwork several times
49ER said:
Why do u think liver gets effected by tren? Has anyone actually done tren with no orals and gotten bloodwork before and after? This stuff is parrated for years already you gonna believe rat studies or your own? Ive posted proof bloodwork several times
I've had bloods taken while on tren and no orals and liver was normal,same as with no tren
Play with your accompanying test dosage. Some prefer low Test with Tren...I like high dose Test with my Tren. Finding the right test dose will mitigate a lot of your sides.

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