first time wanting to run DNP


fuck diet tren hard bitch
Jacked Immortal
Shout Master
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
I'm 207 at 14 bf and I'm 5' 10

can anyone help me pick out a biggener safe cycle on how to use this shit. I wanna get down to 9 bf
250mg/day for 10 days on your first time. That is safe and won't hurt anybody unless they dont drink water.

I usually run 500mg/day for 10-12 days, sometimes 750mg on the first two days. But ive used it many times and know my body pretty well and how I respond to it.
ALWAYS 2 gallons of water a day, and I throw electrolytes in each jug. (Extend BCAA mix by scivation is a good one), otherwise you can add salt, potassium chloride, and take calcium/magnesium/zinc supplements. Both wouldnt hurt.

Like insulin, it must be treated with caution. Take baby steps and find your sweet spot; don't rush it. DNP is an amazing tool, but just as deadly as insulin if used wrongly. Don't let that scare you, just be mindful and careful.
basically all fat loss. you'll retain a bunch of water while you take it, and a couple days after cessation of DNP, you piss it all out and watch your body transform. Its pretty cool.

Just prepare to turn on the
thats some great info Erik. Thanks for chiming in. You just helped me understand DNP a hell of alot better.

Whats your recommendations for women if you don't mind
Erik said it perfect. 250 first time is good. And yes, prepare to sweat like a pig
I've been wanting to try as well cuz weight loss is my biggest issue rite now, but have heard some craziness to it, going less then 250mg pointless ? Kinda jus scares me a bit but Idk,jus askn if lower quantities will do the job,even work,etc.....??
SW, Erik is an expert. Dont question his advise like that. If you have doubt
Then go with clen or T3 which is safer and maybe for you.
Check this out halfnatty..............
IO have had some DNP set aside for some time and have also been wanting to run it, just to many problems with my asthma during the winter.I even worry about it effecting my asthma during the warmer months as I get winded to easy. Right now I am 5'5 236 @ around 15 to 18 % BF. A lot of respiratory problems lately so haven't hit the gym much in last 3 months or so.
I am going ot cap mine and just run a straight 250mg a day to see how my body and lungs react to it.
DNP scares me .. Besides I could not take the heat !! LOL - Tren turns me into an internal inferno ..

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