Short dnp run

Decided to drop this already. This stuff is strong at 500 compared to what I've had in past. That with the warm weather and humidity is taking a toll!
Decided to drop this already. This stuff is strong at 500 compared to what I've had in past. That with the warm weather and humidity is taking a toll!
GRIMToasting from the inside out lol
Decided to drop this already. This stuff is strong at 500 compared to what I've had in past. That with the warm weather and humidity is taking a toll!
GRIMYeah i feel u. Last time i did 500mg i could barely move let alone workout lol felt like total ass and just lifting my arm would make me sweat and no matter how much water i drank my piss was dark yellow lol (might just be the dnp coloring with dehydration)
so im stubborn, decided just to lower to 250mg atm
much cooler today, mid 70's. i'm no longer sweating my ass off
I lost 15 pounds but its to hot for dnp right now so ima do a lean bulk and cut in the winter
Plan to run @250 til Sunday, Monday I'm plan to add adrol or similar since DNP dropped
i'm actually up 2-3 or so pounds.
had increased appetite, plus new cycle. overall i know product was legit.
believe it helped drop fat as i gained lean mass
i'm actually up 2-3 or so pounds.
had increased appetite, plus new cycle. overall i know product was legit.
believe it helped drop fat as i gained lean mass
GRIMAwesome. Thanks for sharing and keeping us updated with details!!
was definitely water, down 3 pounds today already
down another half pound, showing more and more was water retention.

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