First tren run advice needed


Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
ok so Iam a couple of weeks out from my first tren a run. I have never run tren before and have been seeing alot about high tren low test so here is what Iam thinking about doing...

Mon and fridays 125 test e for a total of 250 per week. Eod 100mg tren a for a total of 400mg per week. Also going to run 50 to 75 var and 25 to 50 drol for the first 4 to six weeks. The cycle is to last about 12 weeks. I have clomid,nolva,aromasin,and caber on hand and Iam going to get some adex also.

Looking for feedback from tren users about tren and test dosing expierences etc.

ram97 said:
ok so Iam a couple of weeks out from my first tren a run. I have never run tren before and have been seeing alot about high tren low test so here is what Iam thinking about doing...

Mon and fridays 125 test e for a total of 250 per week. Eod 100mg tren a for a total of 400mg per week. Also going to run 50 to 75 var and 25 to 50 drol for the first 4 to six weeks. The cycle is to last about 12 weeks. I have clomid,nolva,aromasin,and caber on hand and Iam going to get some adex also.

Looking for feedback from tren users about tren and test dosing expierences etc.

I love Tren E and A. Sounds like a great run brother ram. I sometimesRun
Test E 300 and same amount as Tren A as yourself. Killer result mane! When
its Tren E for me is 400 to 600 mgs weekly. Some say that maybe high but it
works for me when I do. Keep us posted on your results Brother Ram!
I like that you're using Tren A for this. I'm old school and haven't jumped on all this hooplah about the high Tren low Test yet. But, I like your setup. Doses are low enough for a first run. You'll be able to see just exactly how you respond.
I like the doses for a start and that the tren is ace for a first time. I for one like the low test high tren protocol. The bad side affects are minimized this way. They are not eliminated though. Expect shortness of breath, sweating, especially at night, and possibly sleeplessness at night. You may be more "edgie" as well. Counteract the sleep prob with a Tylenol PM or some other mild sleep aid. Just have it on hand if it does happen. I notice the sides a lot worse the first 2-3 weeks of tren e than I do with ace.

Also make sure you get plenty of carbs in to take advantage of the compound. I suggest a 35pro, 50carb and 15fat split.

Get growing!!
Low test for me also 100 eod is good watch your bp especially while adding drol mine gets high some days when on tren. My only sides is trensomnia bad thats where I believe problems start lack of sleeop puts u in edge and bad mood. I just bumped my tren 80mgs ed 🙂
Been is this awhile and cant understand why the lower test than the tren a. Maybe someone could explain it to me. I just ran 600mg Test Enth with 400 mg of tren A and was a good run.

I like the 400 tren a for your first go with it. I would also say make sure you get plenty of water intake a day as well to keep kidneys flushed out. I personaly would bump the test but that's me. Oh if your an asshole off tren your still gonna be an asshole on tren. You may be more edgy, that said I don't believe in the roid rage from tren. Have taken it many many times and yes I do get on edge but not to the point of roid rage.
ram97 said:
ok so Iam a couple of weeks out from my first tren a run. I have never run tren before and have been seeing alot about high tren low test so here is what Iam thinking about doing...

Mon and fridays 125 test e for a total of 250 per week. Eod 100mg tren a for a total of 400mg per week. Also going to run 50 to 75 var and 25 to 50 drol for the first 4 to six weeks. The cycle is to last about 12 weeks. I have clomid,nolva,aromasin,and caber on hand and Iam going to get some adex also.

Looking for feedback from tren users about tren and test dosing expierences etc.

Ram I'm two weeks into my first tren run so really have no opinion on the low test/high tren debate. What I can say is the I have my test set 200mg higher than my tren, I also have been preloading or maybe just blasting tren a to to kick start the tren train lol.

As far as sides other than a little issue with falling asleep, I actually feel better than when I was running test/NPP/mast. Better mood, less night sweats, more energy! I was a little worried about tren and my temper cause I'm pretty short with people on a normal day, maybe because I'm aware of the possible sides I'm keeping myself in check...what ever it is I'm loving this part of my blast🙂
TREN A is great to start on you can make small adjustments and much easier to see the results of adjustments compared to tren E.

I say run it how it feels best for you.. I ran mine at 100mg ed of test prop and 100mg ED of tren A along side 200mg EOD of bold cyp.. ANd had no issues..

Also I am a dick most of the time and gear doesnt increase my dickness.. actually i think I am much calmer and more relaxed on gear. I have more of an I dont give a fuck attitude while on gear .. But thats just me.

I also ran tren with 500 mg of test cyp and 200 mg EOD of tren A. I liked my results much better with the ED pinning cyc and keeping the compounds the same dose.
Thanks to all you guys for the advice! Iam not usually too big of a dick so we will see on the tren. The reason for the high tren low test is to try to control the sides as I already have sleep issues due to working a 12hr swing shift. I have a perscription sleep aid and ZZ quill. I am really excited hope to shed some pounds of fat and put on some good quailty muscle. I ran NPP on my last run for the first time and loved it so Iam hoping I will like tren just as well. I like the idea of going with Tren ace because if I have too many issues I will switch to npp and possibly mast to finish the cycle.

Looks pretty good. I like tren/test levels to be close together. Also, if you don't mind pinning, I prefer to pin ed, if you do encounter sides it will decrease the symptoms. So I'd run tren 50mg/ed.
ram97 said:
Thanks to all you guys for the advice! Iam not usually too big of a dick so we will see on the tren. The reason for the high tren low test is to try to control the sides as I already have sleep issues due to working a 12hr swing shift. I have a perscription sleep aid and ZZ quill. I am really excited hope to shed some pounds of fat and put on some good quailty muscle. I ran NPP on my last run for the first time and loved it so Iam hoping I will like tren just as well. I like the idea of going with Tren ace because if I have too many issues I will switch to npp and possibly mast to finish the cycle.

ram97Tren is a whole other ball game I love npp but tren just gives you that nasty look lol hopefully you dont get insomnia from tren thats why ive never been able to run it long enough because work. Im not working now so im pinning ed and its crazy you can look in the mirror ed and notice changes im 3 weeks in chest fat is disappearing but I use t3 and cardio sometimes 2 times a day.
If u can handle the sides your gonna love it I agree with hanzo pinning ed seems to work better I crave alot of sugar on tren and t3 it seems so I keep alot of fruit pineapple bananas and a little ice cream lol even whenI have an off day on diet I still look leaner the next day Iits awesome!
One think that worked very well for insomnia this year for me was taking mirtazipine about 10mg 30 minutes before bed. Worked amazing and never stopped working.
jshredz said:
One think that worked very well for insomnia this year for me was taking mirtazipine about 10mg 30 minutes before bed. Worked amazing and never stopped working.
I have never heard of this before what is it? Perscription? I would love to know more as my work schedule sucks and I dont get enough sleep now.

ram97 said:
I have never heard of this before what is it? Perscription? I would love to know more as my work schedule sucks and I dont get enough sleep now.

Yes it's prescription but it's fairly easy to get and much cheaper that other sleeping pills. It's normally use for depression in higher doses, but for sleeping purposes you only need to take between 7~12mg. It really helps at staying asleep but you need to make sure you can get at least 7hrs of sleep when you take it.
The best thing I liked about it is that it didn't stop working after a few days. I had that issue with other sleeping pills, they worked great for a few days and then stop working.
Most posts covered what you need to know but my 2 cents is drink a shit load more water, especially if you go on tren e!
jshredz said:
Yes it's prescription but it's fairly easy to get and much cheaper that other sleeping pills. It's normally use for depression in higher doses, but for sleeping purposes you only need to take between 7~12mg. It really helps at staying asleep but you need to make sure you can get at least 7hrs of sleep when you take it.
The best thing I liked about it is that it didn't stop working after a few days. I had that issue with other sleeping pills, they worked great for a few days and then stop working.
Thats exactly the problem I am having with the sleeping pills I have now they have stopped working. Although I have some vicoden now that I have for pain from a procedure I had done and that shit makes me real tired . Im gonna ask my doc about that stuff and see if she will write me a script for it.

ram97 said:
Thats exactly the problem I am having with the sleeping pills I have now they have stopped working. Although I have some vicoden now that I have for pain from a procedure I had done and that shit makes me real tired . Im gonna ask my doc about that stuff and see if she will write me a script for it.

If you switch and the ones you have are non narcotic pm me I will work out a deal for them!
just a question as I have never ran it but wanting to run it for this very reason MT2. I have heard it really helps with sleep.. As it is I have bad insomnia. Like I usually sleep about 4 hours a night unless I take my sleeping pills problem with that now is I cant really fall asleep unless I take them.. And I don't like taking sleeping pills. One because they have an addictive property to them either chemically or psychologically.
just a question as I have never ran it but wanting to run it for this very reason MT2. I have heard it really helps with sleep.. As it is I have bad insomnia. Like I usually sleep about 4 hours a night unless I take my sleeping pills problem with that now is I cant really fall asleep unless I take them.. And I don't like taking sleeping pills. One because they have an addictive property to them either chemically or psychologically.
ODINSBLOODAre you talking about melanotan 2? Never helped me with sleep. Maybe someone here can chime in in this

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