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Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
Fully Loaded
EG Cash
Thought it would be fun to put my journal on here. Perhaps, it'll help some and as always I'm always hoping to learn more too.

A bit about me. I've sustained a few bad shoulder injuries over the years as an Oly lifter so benching just doesn't work well for me. It came undone last Dec and I haven't benched since. I still hit my floor presses + chain 1x week and I think in the coming wave I'll put bench back in off a 2board but I'll still need to use my football bar. I also sustained an injury to my adductor 1 year ago which cause a 6month layoff. I dropped from 275 down to 250, walked out and squatted 605 raw (belt and knee sleeves) but in the process injured my adductor. So, needless to say it's been a slow road coming back. Funny thing is I could squat 605 for singles all day a 275 but couldn't do 20 lunges. I had become so specialized that I created imbalance and that came back to bite me in the ass. I guess we all learn our lesson the hard way.

I originally created a program called SST (specialized strength training) which was a conglomeration of everything I had learned from the coaches I trained with over the years. Funny thing is it looked a lot like a couple of programs put together and those programs were heavily influenced by my coaches. I've dropped my weight to the lowest it's been in 13yrs (I'm s250lbs at the moment) and will probably drop to 242lbs since I don't have the desire to be a super or even a 275lber anymore. My numbers aren't "bad" but I'm not tearing any underwear here either. I've changed my program's name to HST (hybrid strength training) b/c it's become a bit more hodgepodge and less specialized everything that's happened.

If you look closely, you find PLing lifts, Oly lifts, and even SM lifts in my regimen. I use the SM lifts as my conditioning since I'm training only 2 days at my main gym and 1-2 days from another gym. My conditioning is comprised of sled pulls, log C&P, and farmers walk. I have a yoke so I may start adding that in as well. I figure I'll rotate the log and farmers every 10 weeks. For the walks, it's 110 feet walk (down and back). The log C&P will be done in EMOM fashion. The bulk of my training is PL and Oly lifting (assisting lifts). I no longer perform the Oly classical lifts due to multiple shoulder injuries to my right shoulder.

My training is made up of macro and micro cycles. The microcycle is a 5-week block and the macrocycle is a 10-week block. 2 microcycles make up 1 macrocycle. Week 5 and 10 are my active recovery weeks. I don't like to say deload b/c what does that really mean? Going lighter, ok so then why not call it recovery since the point is to recover from the difficult training. I don't really do heavy singles anymore. Since my last injury and my decision to downsize quite a bit, I think it's best to limit 100% maximal lifts which is why I perform heavy triples or doubles. That helps keep me in check and still allows me to continue to push my training.
I perform speed days, endurance days, volume days, and "heavy" days for my main lifts. It's a lot like the cube in my rotations.

Speed Days are 10 sets of 2 reps w/ 1min rest
Endurance Days are 3 sets of 8 reps w/ 1:45min res
Volume Days are 4 sets of 5 reps w/ 2:30-3min rest
Heavy Days are 4 sets of 2 (cept top set may be a triple) w/ 4-5min rest

Current layout :
OHPress variation
Deadlift (conv.)
Bench variation

Squat variation

Fluff - bbing movements on machines. 4-5 sets of 10 on each machine w/ 1min rest.
I perform these shoulder rehab movements so I can continue to train with my f'd up right shoulder. If you have shoulder problems give some of these a try. Start out slow and with the easier ones and gradually add more.


Let me write down the description of each of these rehab movements b/c someone out there might benefit from them.

Wall Angels~ Stand against a wall. You head, shoulders, butt, elbows, and hands must be touching the wall at all times. Then make the top half of a snow angel on the wall. This will be difficult but it helps open up the shoulder girdle. Try to bring down the elbows as low as possible (lower them). Bring your arm up and touch them at the top, lower them all the time while keeping contact to the wall with the above-mentioned groups.

Scapular Motions~ This is easy. It's just rolling your shoulders forward, backward, upward, and downward. You don't have to hold any of these. They should be fluid movements.

Sea Turtles~ Have you ever seen a sea turtle on tv try to dig into the sand to lay its eggs? Its kinda like that. You lay on the ground (prone), facing down. Arms are overhead with a bend (in an arc). Your head should be touching the floor (face directly forward). Now you bring your arms back and away (do so in an arcing manner), lift your upper body and squeeze your shoulder blades. Then as you bring your arms back to the starting position, lower your face back down to the floor (relax completely).

Stick Stretch~ Take a broomstick and starting in front bring it up and back where it touches your behind. Then bring it forward. That is one rep.
I hate training by myself b/c soon I'll want a spotter but I'll keep pushing. Soon enough I'll be at 2x bodyweight for pulls and squats. Set up a different program for the fall when I'm back in school. I'll train with my wife for squat days which is pivotal for getting me back to a 600 squat. I'll be deadlifting 2x a week and squatting 1x a week in the fall.


Squat~ 145x3, 235x3, 285x2, 325x2, 385x2, 425x2, 465x3
H.S. OHP +green monster mini~ 25+Bx7, 45+Bx7, 70+Bx3, 100+Bx3, 110+Bx3, 120+Bx3, 130+Bx3
KB Lunge/ Seated Leg Curl~ 50x7/ 90x12, 50x7/ 90x12
Low Cable Row~ 130x9, 130x9, 150x8​
Farmers Walk~ 90x140ft, 90x140ft, 90x140ft, 90x140ft
Couldn't find my SBD elbow sleeves. Think someone may have walked off with them and that sucks. So couldn't push on floor press.


Speed Pulls +112lbs chain~ 135x2, 225x2, 275x2, 295+Cx2, 295+Cx2, 295+Cx2, 295+Cx2, 295+Cx2, 305+Cx2, 305+Cx2, 305+Cx2, 305+Cx2, 305+Cx2
1min rest in between sets. no belt.​
Floor Press +63lbs chain~ 95+Cx3, 135+Cx3, 170+Cx3, 185+Cx3, 200+Cx3, 215+Cx3, f.drop 185+Cx6
SLDL w/ DB +orange band~ 85+Bx8, 90+Bx8, 90+Bx8
Cable OH Tri Ext/ Cable Pec Fly~ 100x12/ 130x10, 110x12/ 130x10​
Not a bad day. Wore wife's SBD sleeves and WOW they were tight (like cut off feeling to fingers tight). I think I'll use them for now since she's not using them.


Standing OHP~ 95x5, 135x5, 155x4, 170x4, 185x4, 200x4, 215x4
Oly Front Squat~ 135x3, 185x3, 225x3, 245x3, 275x3, 305x2, 305x2
Standing Good Morning~ 135x7, 185x7, 205x7, 225x5
Hang. Side Lat./ Rear Delt~ 40x7/ 15x15, 40x7/ 15x15
Biceps Curl~ 40x8, 40x8​
Prowler Push~ 90x110ft, 90x110ft, 140x110ft, 140x110ft
Why do we sacrifice?

The truth is sacrifices regularly go unanswered. No matter how much is given, the answer is often.... silence.

If sacrifices don't bring us what we want... why do we keep making them? Maybe the answer lies in the word itself. Sacrifice comes from 2 Latin words; "sacra" and "facere" which mean to make holy. What is offered up in a sacrifice, even an unanswered one, is not lost.... it's made holy.

We may not change the future with our sacrifices, but we always change... ourselves.
Not training today. This week is an active recovery week. I spent 7+ hours on the river yesterday for a friends B-day and had to trip since it was a perfect day. I'm pretty beat up from being in cold water all day and a bit burned from enjoying the scenery. I'll probably train Wed, Fri, Sat this week and then get back on regular schedule next week.
Not training today. This week is an active recovery week. I spent 7+ hours on the river yesterday for a friends B-day and had to trip since it was a perfect day. I'm pretty beat up from being in cold water all day and a bit burned from enjoying the scenery. I'll probably train Wed, Fri, Sat this week and then get back on regular schedule next week.
BrotherIronsometimes you need it, I took off 2 days I usually wo 7 days a week several sessions a day. Humidity and heat KILLED me, body def needed some down time!
sometimes you need it, I took off 2 days I usually wo 7 days a week several sessions a day. Humidity and heat KILLED me, body def needed some down time!
For me, the ideal workout regimen is 4x a week with the fourth being a bbing/ fluff day. I just couldn't get going today after swimming and wading in the river for 7hours yesterday. It bet the shit out of m feet and I"m feeling it today.

This week will be a 3x week and next week will be my 4x week. I need to go to my new gym and see what they have so I can program my fluff day. It's usually 5 machines for 4x10 w/ 1min rest so just work on imbalances and get blood moving.
One more thing to note. I'm just on TRT and have been for the past 10 yrs. Now, I'm thinking of renegotiating that with the Mrs. She says would like to see me back like my bbing days and so I may oblige her but that means getting back on so we'll see what she thinks. Like the saying goes... happy wife, happy life.
Active recovery so training is fast (in and out). Just giving my body/mind/CNS a break from the 4 weeks prior while continuing to work positions and get some hypertrophy work in too.


Squat~ 145x3, 195x3, 235x3, 285x10, 325x10
I squat with a Texas Squat Bar and it weighs 55lbs. It's a competition squat bar. No belt/ no knee sleeves. 1:30rest on top 2 sets.​
H.S. OHP +green monster mini band (each arm)~ 25+Bx8, 45+Bx8, 80+Bx10, 80+Bx10
1min rest. no elbow sleeves.​
KB Lunge/ Seated Leg Curl~ 30x10/ 50x12, 30x10/ 50x12
Seated Low Cable Row~ 90x12, 90x12​
Farmers Walk~ 70lbx110ft, 70lbx110ft, 70lbx110ft, 70lbx110ft
1min rest.​
Day 2 of active recovery. Got in and out again quickly. Added some chain weight to my floor presses. It's easier on my shoulder to add chain weight. I'll slowly keep adding bar weight but I'm also going to add chain weight at as well, so now it's 71lbs in chain weight. It was 63lbs in chain weight.


Conv. Deadlift~ 135x3, 225x3, 285x10, 325x10
Floor Press +71lbs chain~ 95+Cx5, 135+Cx10, 135+Cx10
SLDL w/ KB +orange long band~ 60x10, 60x10
Cable Tri. OH Ext/ Machine Pec Fly~ 60x20/85x20, 70x15/ 95x15​
Active recovery so training is fast (in and out). Sitting at 250 now. Gonna take it up a notch b/c wife wants me to get super lean so dialing in the diet and gonna ramp off TRT for a bit.... should be fun.

OHP~ bar x 10, 95x5, 135x10, 150x9
Oly Front Squat~ 135x8, 185x8, 185x8
Standing GoodMorning~ 140x10, 140x10
Hang. Side Lat/ Rear Delt~ 25x12/ 11x12, 25x12/ 11x12
Biceps Curl~ 30x12, 30x12​
Prowler Run~ 90x110ft, 90x110ft, 90x110ft, 90x110ft
At it again.... Felt tired by the end of the training session but got it done and happy with how today went.


Squat~ 145x5, 235x5, 275x5, 305x8, 345x8, 395x8
H.S. OHP +green band (each arm)~ 25+Bx7, 45+Bx7, 85+Bx7, 95+Bx7, 105+Bx7, 115+Bx7
KB Lunge (walking)/ Seated Leg Curl~ 50x8/ 90x10, 50x8/ 90x10
Seated Cable LowRow~ 130x10, 130x10, 150x8​
Farmers Walk~ 100x110ft, 100x110ft, 100x110ft, 100x110ft
FUCK YEAH!!! Pulled 485lbs conventional for a double at 248lbs. Doesn't sound like a lot but I'm making progress even as I drop weight/ lean out. I'm very happy with this. Going to really work on speed work since I'm dropping pounds. Now the bad news... some fucktard bent the football bar (probably a 10+ degree angle in the middle). I used it today and worked up to 230 bar weight + 71 chain weight and it felt ok but I'm not going to risk it so I'm going to buy one for myself. I have 5 bars at my gym and it would appear I'll be buying another for myself.


Conv. Deadlift~ 135x5, 225x3, 275x2, 315x2, 255x2, 395x2, 435x2, 485x2
Floor Press +71lbs chain~ 95+Cx5, 135+Cx5, 155+Cx3, 170+Cx3, 185+Cx3, 200+Cx3, 215+Cx3, 230+Cx3
SLDL w/ DB +orange band~ 85+Bx6, 90+Bx6, 95+Bx6
Cable OH Tri. Ext/ Cable Pec Fly~ 110x10/135x10, 110x10/140x10, 120x8/145x5​
Not a bad day... The prowlers were used so I had to use the speed sled. I just added a 45 plate to each sled pull (I did it backward to try something new). I'll probably push the prowler tomorrow with my fluff day. Weight is holding at 248lbs and strength is holding... slowly leaning out.


OHP (speed)~ 95x5, 115x3, 130x3, 130x3, 130x3, 130x3, 150x3, 150x3, 150x3, 150x3
Oly Front Squat~ 135x3, 185x3, 225x3, 255x3, 285x3, 315x3
Standing GoodMorning~ 135x5, 190x5, 210x5, 230x5
Hang Side Lat./ Rear Delt~ 40x7/15x15, 40x7/15x15
Hammer Curl~ 45x9, 45x9​
Speed Sled~ 70x110ft, 115x110ft, 160x110ft, 205x110ft, 245x110ft
See it... Believe it... Achieve it...

Many of us copy and paste inspirational one-liners. Why do you do that? Do you draw from it or do you just post it b/c it sounds cool?

One of my favorites is "There are 2 kinds of pain in life... the pain of discipline and the pain of regret. Your choice..." Why is this my favorite??? You may be wondering... well I'll tell you. That quote reminds me that even though I am in pain at times... I'd rather be in pain from my pleasurable hell achieving what others say I couldn't than be in the pain of giving in and saying I can't.

There are some who say... I could never imagine winning this, lifting that, etc... Well, if you can't envision yourself obtaining that goal.... whatever it may be HOW IN THE HELL WILL YOU EVER ACTUALLY DO IT? Believe in your ability to overcome and rise above each and every obstacle that stands in your way.

See it... TRULY Believe it... and the rest will follow.
My football bar arrived and I got it into the gym today. I've basically got enough equipment to start my own private spot. Training went so-so today. I forgot my keys b/c I drove wife's car so I couldn't get my bars out to use. I wound out squatting with a 45lbs bar, which I don't like to do. Not a bad day but just ok... Weighing in at 251lbs today.


Squat~ 135x5, 225x5, 285x5, 345x5, 395x5, 435x5
sleeves on 345 and + sets. Belt on 395 & 435 set. Walked out from cage.​
H.S. OHP +greeen monster mini~ 25+Bx5, 45+Bx5, 70+Bx5, 95+Bx5, 105+Bx5, 115+Bx5, 125+Bx5
KB Lunge (walking)/ Seated Leg Curl~ 50x10/ 90x10, 50x10/ 90x10
these 2 sets are supersetted so no rest in betw. exercises.​
Low Cable Row~ 100x10, 130x10, 140x10, 140x10​
Farmers Walk~ 100x110ft, 100x110ft, 100x110ft, 100x110ft

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