Weight is down and I'm attributing that to school. I'm taking modafinil and that does kill my appetite. I'm actually thinking of just taking 1/2 pill each morning before class. It makes me wide awake which is a very good thing but I feel that way well into the night and I need my sleep. Weighing is at 242 now and I don't want to get any lighter so I'm scaling back on my conditioning, meaning I'm dropping 1 set from each day so it's now 4 instead of 5. Training went well today. I decided to pause for my last rep on my two 390 sets of 5. The weight is light but I'm using this harder program I wrote and so I'm taking it easy and easing my way into it.
Speed OHP~ bar x a lot, 95x5, 125x5, 145x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3
1min rest in betw and no belt
Sumo Deadlift~ 135x5, 225x5, 275x5, x5, x5
Bent Over Row~ 135x8, 185x8, x8, x8
Hang Side Lat/ Rear Delt~ 40x6/20x10, 40x6/20x10
Lat. Walk Speed Sled~ 90x110ft, 115x110ft, 115x110ft, 115x110ft
Squat~ 145x5, 195x5, 235x5, 300x5, 345x5, 390x5, x5
Floor Press w/ Football Bar +75lbs chain~ 95+Cx7, 135+Cx7, 150+Cx7, 165+Cx7, 180+Cx7, 195+Cx7
KB Lunge/ Seated Leg Curl~ 50x8/ 90x10, 50x8/ 90x10
JM Press w/ Axle~ 75x10, 85x10, x10
Farmers Walks~ 90x110ft, 100x110ft, 100x110ft, 100x110ft