Found my way back...

Weighing in at 247lbs so pretty happy with how squats went today. I could have hit 485 for a double no problem. I just keep plugging away.


Squat~ 145x5, 235x3, 285x2, 325x2, 365x2, 395x2, 435x2, 475x2
H.S. OHP+green band~ 25+Bx5, 45+Bx5, 70+Bx3, 100+Bx3, 110+Bx3, 120+Bx3, 130+Bx3
KB Lunge/ Seated Leg Curl~ 50x10/90x10, 50x10/90x10
Seated Cable Row~ 100x10, 130x10, 140x10​
Farmers Walk~ 100x110ft, 100x110ft, 110x110ft, 110x110ft
Weighing in at 247lbs so pretty happy with how squats went today. I could have hit 485 for a double no problem. I just keep plugging away.


Squat~ 145x5, 235x3, 285x2, 325x2, 365x2, 395x2, 435x2, 475x2
H.S. OHP+green band~ 25+Bx5, 45+Bx5, 70+Bx3, 100+Bx3, 110+Bx3, 120+Bx3, 130+Bx3
KB Lunge/ Seated Leg Curl~ 50x10/90x10, 50x10/90x10
Seated Cable Row~ 100x10, 130x10, 140x10​
Farmers Walk~ 100x110ft, 100x110ft, 110x110ft, 110x110ft
Awesome to watch you’re progress family, motivating the shit out of me

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Awesome to watch you’re progress family, motivating the shit out of me

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This has been quite the experience for me. I haven't been this light since I met my wife 13 yrs ago. She told me a month ago (actually longer) that my power belly had to go and I need to lean down like when we first met. So... as the saying goes, happy wife, happy life I decided to do as I was told and I began dieting. I started this whole thing at 275lbs and have slowly worked my way down to 246-7ish... My strength is down but I'm slowly working on getting it to where I'd like. I'd like to be squatting 555 and pulling 545 in the 242. What's not helping is the fact I'm just running a low dose of test and deca. I've decided to add DHB into the mix and hopefully that will help but I am constantly reminding myself that I'm dieting so keep it cool and as Donnie Thompson says... just b/c you can doesn't mean you should so if you're not feeling it that day... back it off and save it for another day.
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Seriously. The biggest thing for me is I'm going to stop just doing TRT and start to add more and slowly increase strength since it'll help.

Did you see John Hack's 800lbs raw conventional deadlift? He is now the FIRST to total 2000lbs @ 181lbs RAW w/ SLEEVES. That's GODLY!

Here's a vid of him pulling...

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Absolutely fire. Dudes amazing. Holds and will hold that for a minute. The meet he just did was nuts, it’s crazy!
Absolutely fire. Dudes amazing. Holds and will hold that for a minute. The meet he just did was nuts, it’s crazy!
I was there back in the day, at the meet, when Sam Byrd squatted 1050lbs @ 198lbs in multiply. I've been fortunate to have World Champions for coaches and train at some of the biggest name gyms in the US.
I was there back in the day, at the meet, when Sam Byrd squatted 1050lbs @ 198lbs in multiply. I've been fortunate to have World Champions for coaches and train at some of the biggest name gyms in the US.
Sooooo epic family! I train now with my sights set on the platform. I want to break 1500 in 6 to 8 months which is gonna take some work after my health shenanigans... I got it though.
Had a GREAT day! Weight is at 246lbs so that means it's time to start looking for spotters soon. My wife should be training with me again in a few weeks. She totaled Elite in her first meet and continues to hit numbers that make so many shake our head even though her focus is BJJ and has been for the past decade.


OHP (standing)~ 95x5, 125x5, 145x5, 175x5, 190x5, 205x5, 205x5
Oly Front Squat~ 135x3, 185x3, 225x2, 245x3, 275x3, 305x3, 335x3
Standing Good Morning~ 135x5, 195x5, 215x5, 235x5
Hang. Side Lat./ Rear Delt~ 45x7/ 20x15, 45x7/ 20x15
Hammer Curl~ 45x9, 45x9, 45x8​
Speed Sled (pulled laterally)~ 135x110ft, 135x110ft, 135x110ft, 135x110ft, 135x110ft
You may be wondering what is lateral walk speed sled pulls? It's pulling the sled sideways which helps work the hips and glutes very well. These need to be strong if you want to lift big numbers... GPP work

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You may be wondering what is lateral walk speed sled pulls? It's pulling the sled sideways which helps work the hips and glutes very well. These need to be strong if you want to lift big numbers... GPP work

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Ducking mind reader lmfao

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Schools starting back up Aug 26th and that means, time to start a new program layout b/c my days will be changing due to my class schedule. I'll train Thurs, Fri, Sun, and Mon. Now, I would like to train at my main gym 2x a week but my classes probably won't make it possible so I'm changing my training to accommodate. Still training for strength... just having to change things up a bit. I'd like to keep pushing and working to bigger numbers this month but that doesn't make sense since I'm changing my layout so I'll recalc my 2 rep maxes and start again...

My new program is going to look like this:

OHP Main - Standing OHP
DEADLIFT Minor - Sumo Dead
Accessory Lifts - Bent Over Row, Lat. Raise, Rear Delt

SQUAT Main - Back Squat
BENCH Minor - Floor Press
Accessory Lifts - Lunge (walking), Seated Leg Curl, JM Press

DEADLIFT Main - Conv. Deadlift
SQUAT Minor - Oly Front Squat
Accessory Lifts - SLDL, Biceps Curl, Straight Arm Pulldown

MONDAY - BENCH/ OHP Accessory (mostly machines, still fluff day)
Last edited:
Weight sitting steady at 246lbs and I'm happy with that. Bar is moving good and I'm beginning to be able to wedge myself into/under the bar better. Had to learn how to set up again now that I'm lighter.



Squat~ 145x5, 195x5, 235x5, 285x10, 325x10
H.S. OHP+green band~ 25+Bx5, 45+Bx5, 80+Bx10, 80+BX10
KB Lunge/ Seated Leg Curl~ 30x12/ 55x12, 30x12/ 55x12
Low Cable Row~ 90x12, 90x12​
Farmers Walk~ 70x110ft, 70x110ft, 70x110ft


Conv. Deadlift~ 135x5, 225x5, 275x10, 315x10
Floor Press w/ Football Bar +75lbs chain~ 95+C5, 135+Cx10, 135+Cx10
SLDL w/ KB+orange band~ 60+Bx12, 60+Bx12
Cable Tri OH Ext/ PEc Fly~ 70x110ft, 70x110ft​

Standing Strict Press~ 95x5, 115x10, 135x10
Oly Front Squat~ 135x5, 185x5, 185x5
Standing GM~ 135x8, 135x8
Hang. Side Lat/ Rear Delt~ 25x10/ 15x18, 25x10/ 15x18
Hammer Curl~ 25x12, 25x12​
Prowler Push~ 90x110ft, 90x110ft, 90x110ft, 90x110ft
Started my new program and so far, it's fun. Gotta work on my sump technique but I can see how this will help with hip strength.


Standing OHP~ 95x5, 125x5, 150x5, 170x5, 190x5, 190x5
Sumo Deadlift~ 135x3, 225x3, 275x3, 315x3, 315x3, 315x3
BentOver Row~ 135x10, 185x8, 185x8, 185x5
Hanging Side Lat/ Rear Delt~ 45x6/20x12, 45x6/20x12​
Speed Sled (Lat. Walks)~ 90x110ft, 135x110ft, 135x110ft, 135x110ft
Not a bad day. Glad I made this day only 3 movements b/c yesterday was hard. This should be interesting to see how the next 15 weeks plays out. I'm excited to see how this goes.

Speed Squat +110lbs chain~ 145x2, 195x2, 235+Cx2, 270+Cx2, 270+Cx2, 270+Cx2, 270+Cx2, 270+Cx2, 300+Cx2, 300+Cx2, 300+Cx2, 300+Cx2, 300+Cx2
Floor Press +75lbs chain~ 95x5, 135x5, 135+Cx5, 165+Cx5, 180+Cx5, 195+Cx5, 210+Cx4
KB Walking Lunge/ Seated Leg Curl~ 50x8/90x10, 50x8/90x10​
Farmers Walks~ 90x110ft, 100x110ft, 100x110ft, 100x110ft, 110x110ft
Weighed in at 243lbs today so I'm at the weight I wanna be which means slowly add more food in so I don't continue to drop. I'm a bit under the weather but deads went well.

W1 W1 DAY3
Conv. Deadlift~ 135x2, 225x2, 275x2, 315x2, 350x2, 395x2, 440x2, 440x2​
Oly Front Squat~ 135x6, 195x6, 235x6, 265x6, 295x5​
SLDL w/ DB +orange long band~ 80+Bx7, 85+Bx7, 90+Bx7​
Straight Arm Pulldown/ Hammer Curl~ 70x12/40x10, 80x12/40x12, 90x10/ 40x12​
New program looks dope family, how is you’re bench coming? Any practice yet?

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No benching yet. I'm not sure when I'll put it in b/c I'm bit worried about it unraveling on me again. When I put it back in, it will be with my football bar and probably off a 2 board to keep the pressure off my shoulder. I'll also probably pack on the chains.

This new program is definitely going to be a demanding one but I'm confident I'll like the outcome.
Weight is down and I'm attributing that to school. I'm taking modafinil and that does kill my appetite. I'm actually thinking of just taking 1/2 pill each morning before class. It makes me wide awake which is a very good thing but I feel that way well into the night and I need my sleep. Weighing is at 242 now and I don't want to get any lighter so I'm scaling back on my conditioning, meaning I'm dropping 1 set from each day so it's now 4 instead of 5. Training went well today. I decided to pause for my last rep on my two 390 sets of 5. The weight is light but I'm using this harder program I wrote and so I'm taking it easy and easing my way into it.


Speed OHP~ bar x a lot, 95x5, 125x5, 145x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3​
1min rest in betw and no belt​
Sumo Deadlift~ 135x5, 225x5, 275x5, x5, x5​
Bent Over Row~ 135x8, 185x8, x8, x8​
Hang Side Lat/ Rear Delt~ 40x6/20x10, 40x6/20x10​
Lat. Walk Speed Sled~ 90x110ft, 115x110ft, 115x110ft, 115x110ft


Squat~ 145x5, 195x5, 235x5, 300x5, 345x5, 390x5, x5​
Floor Press w/ Football Bar +75lbs chain~ 95+Cx7, 135+Cx7, 150+Cx7, 165+Cx7, 180+Cx7, 195+Cx7​
KB Lunge/ Seated Leg Curl~ 50x8/ 90x10, 50x8/ 90x10​
JM Press w/ Axle~ 75x10, 85x10, x10​
Farmers Walks~ 90x110ft, 100x110ft, 100x110ft, 100x110ft
Bar moved F..A..S..T today on deads. Went to the the other gym and I gotta say it was either the food I had, the preworkout, or the lifters but I was blasting the bar with ease today. I think the new environment is just what the doctor ordered. Weights weren't heavy but respectable at this new lighter me (right around 242). 350 felt like 225 today which is fantastic. It's been work staying self motivated training without anything around me so now having lifters pulling in the 5's and 6's around me will help with my drive back to my old numbers.


Conv. Deadlift~ 135x5, 225x5, 255x8, 300x8, 350x8​
Oly Front Squat~ 135x3, 185x3, 235x3, 265x3, 295x3, 325x3​
SLDL w/ DB +orange band~ 80+Bx7, 85+Bx7, 90+Bx7​
Straight bar pulldown/ hammer curl~ 38x12/ 45x10, 44x12/45x10, 49x12/45x10​
Prowler~ 90x110ft, 140x110ft, 140x110ft, 140x110ft
Weight staying low... Sitting at 243lbs and feeling good and strong. With my weight so low, I'll be sure to put my Thompson low back protocol 1x week (Fri). That will keep my hips and low back feeling good longer.


Standing OHP~ 95x5, 135x5, 160x3, 180x2, 200x2, 220x2, 220x2​
last 2 sets were PP. All others were SP.​
Sumo Deadlift~ 135x3, 225x3, 275x3, 315x3, x3, x3​
no belt, oly straps b/c no chalk.​
Bent Over Row~ 135x10, 185x8, x8, x8​
Hang. Side Lat/ Rear Delt~ 45x7/ 20x7, 45x7/ 20x10​
Lat. Walk Speed Sled~ 90x110ft, 115x110ft, 135x110ft, 135x110ft, 135x110ft
Another day in the books. Not to bad. I allows a guy jump in and train with me during squats which kept me moving quickly. I didn't rest for more than a min in betw sets.


Squat~ 145x3, 235x3, 255x8, 300x8, 345x8​
paused the last rep for 3 working sets. no belt.​
Floor Press w/ Swiss Bar +75lbs chain~ 95+Cx5, 135+Cx3, 155+Cx3, 175+Cx3, 190+Cx3, 205+Cx3, 220+Cx3​
elbow sleeves but no wrist wraps​
KB Walking Lunge/ Seated Leg Curl~ 50x8/ 90x10, 50x8/ 90x10​
JM Press w/ Axle~ 75x10, 85x10, 95x6​
Farmers Walk~ 90x110ft, 100x110ft, 100x110ft, 100x110ft
Front squats were brutal today. Didn't have a squat rack to use like I typically do so I improvised. Cut the weight down a bit. My left knee is bothering me a bit but that sometimes happens when I front squat due to being so upright which puts a lot of strain on the knee itself. Bar moved well for deads.

Conv. Deadlift~ 135x3, 225x3, 300x5, 350x5, 400x5, 400x5​
Oly Front Squat~ 135x3, 185x3, 235x5, 265x5, 295x5​
SLDL w/ DB +orange long band~ 80+Bx7, 85+Bx7, 90+Bx7​
Straight Arm Pulldown/ Hammer Curl~ 38x12/ 45x8, 42x12/ 45x9, 49x12/ 45x10​
Prowler Push~ 90x110ft, 140x110ft, 140x110ft, 140x110ft
Knee has been killing me since my front squats on last Sunday. Not sure why as the weight wasn't anything I couldn't handle. I'm guessing it was the shit rack I had to use and where I had to put it. Needless to say back squats were a bit uncomfortable this week but I just put my single ply sleeve on and then put a neoprene rheband on top of it and soldiered on. I skipped farmers since that stresses the knee and it wasn't feeling good.


Standing OHP~ 95x8, 120x8, 145x8, 170x7​
Sumo Deadlift~ 135x5, 225x5, 275x5, x5, x5​
Bent Over Row~ 185x8, x8, x8​
Hang. Side Lat/ Rear Delt~ 45x6/20x10, 45x6/20x12​
Lat. Walks Speed Sled~ 90x110ft, 115x110ft, 115x110ft, 115x110ft, 115x110ft


Squat~ 145x3, 195x3, 235x3, 285x3, 325x2, 345x2, 390x2, 430x2, 430x2​
Floor Press +75lbs chain~ 95+Cx5, 135+Cx5, 150+Cx5, 170+Cx5, 185+Cx5, 200+Cx5, 215+Cx5, 170+Cx10​
KB Lunge/ Seated Leg Curl~ 50x8/ 90x10, 50x8/ 90x8​
JM Press~ 75x10, 85x10, 95x10​

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