Found my way back...

Solid day of training. Used 130lbs chain on my speed squats. Last time I used 145 and I thought it best to dial it back just a bit. Left knee is feeling better which really makes me happy. I'll shoot for 500 in Dec after classes are done.


Speed Squat +130lbs chain~ 145x3, 195+Cx3, 235+Cx3, 255+Cx3, 255+Cx3, 255+Cx3, 255+Cx3, 285+Cx3, 285+Cx3, 285+Cx3, 285+Cx3, 285+Cx3​
no belt but did wear knee sleeves. only 45 sec rest in betw sets.​
Floor Press +70lbs chain~ 95+Cx5, 135+Cx5, 155+Cx5, 175+Cx5, 190+Cx5, 205+Cx5, 220+Cx2​
Walking Lunge/ Seated Leg Curl (supersetted)~ BWx12/ 95x10, BWx12/ 95X12​
Cable Tri. OH Ext~ 90x10, 100x8, 110x8​
Hung out with the fam all Sunday so I wasn't able to train. Trained today but had to cut it short due to time (got this all done in under 45min and that includes setting up and breaking down as well as warm-up so I was hauling ass today).


Conv. Deadlift~ 135x3, 225x3, 275x2, 315x2, 365x2, 415x2, 460x2, 460x2​
Box Squat (20" box)~ 135x3, 225x3, 275x3, 305x5, x5, x5​
SLDL w/ DB + orange band~ 90+Bx7, 95+Bx7, 100+Bx5​
took 30sec rest on each set so will be adding sig. weight to these.​
Got literally zero sleep last night because an asshole came over and kept everyone up all night. Hadn't eaten basically all day but still managed to train and do what I need to do which is a win in my books. I'm going to gorge myself tonight and sleep like the dead.

OHP (speed)~ bar x many, 95x3, 145x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3​
strict and only 45sec rest. Had to give myself more rest since I was a walking zombie.​
Sumo Deadlift~ 135x3, 225x3, 275x3, 325x5, x5, x5​
Bent Over Row~ 135x8 185x8, 195x8, x8​
Hang. Side Lateral/ Rear Delt~ 40x10/ 15x15, 40x9/ 15x15​
Lateral Walks w/ Sled~ 90x130ft, 115x130ft, 115x130ft, 115x130ft, 115x130ft, 115x130ft
Took over an hour to get to the gym. Apparently, the pres. is here. So my workout was cut short big time. It took me over an hour to get home and this was all done well before rush hour (big reason why I cut it short).

Squats went well though... knee didn't hurt and I was able to push it a bit. Hit my numbers and even went slightly above.

Squat~ 145x3, 195x3, 235x3, 285x3, 330x5, 370x5, 410x5, 415x5​
sleeves for all sets. belted up for 370, 410, 415 sets.
Floor Press +75lbs~ bar+C x many, 95+Cx7, 135+Cx7, 160+Cx7, 175+Cx7, 190+Cx7, 205+Cx3​
Solid training today. Had to use the shorter turf b/c some assclowns were on the other and didn't have the time to kick them outta my way.


Conv. Deadlift~ 135x3, 225x3, 285x8, 325x8, 375x8​
Box Squat (20" box)~ 135x3, 225x3, 275x3, 315x3, 335x3, x3, x3​
SLDL w/ DB +orange band~ 95x7, 100x7, 105x7​
Straight Arm Pulldown/ Hammer Curl~ 39x12/ 45x10, 49x10/ 45x10, 60x10/ 45x10​
Sled Walks (forward)~ 90x110ft, 135x110ft, 135x110ft, 160x110ft, 160x110ft
Not a bad day of training...

OHP Standing~ bar x many, 95x3, 135x3, 155x2, 175x2, 190x2, 210x2, 230x2, x2​
Sumo Deadlift~ 135x3, 225x3, 275x3, 315x3, 365x3, x3, x3​
Bent Over Row~ 135x10, 185x8, 205x8, 205x7, 205x6​
Hang. Side Lat/ Rear Delt~ 45x8/ 20x16, 45x8/ 20x16​
Lateral Walk Sled Pull~ 90x130ft, 115x130ft, 115x130ft, 130x130ft
FINALLY!!!! My left knee felt GOOD. Not great but good. It hasn't felt "good" in probably 7 weeks. Squats were easy. Elbow is bothering me but that's just wear & tear and it'll pass. Gotta remember to put my liniment on it before pressing. Shoulder is feeling better too. I added some biceps curls in b/c I should probably do elbow flexion 2x a week with all my pressing in a short time.

Squat~ 145x3, 195x3, 235x3, 275x8, 325x8, 375x8​
Floor Press w/ Football bar +75lbs chain~ 95+Cx7, 135+Cx3, 160+Cx3, 185+Cx3, 200+Cx3, 215+Cx3, 230+Cx3, 245+Cx2​
Walking Lunge/ Seated Leg Curl~ BWx14/ 95x12, BWx14/ 95x12
OH Cable Tri. Ext/ Bicep Curl~ 90x10/ 30x12, 100x10/ 30x12, 100x10/ 30x6​
The semesters coming to an end so I'm not eating as much as I'm supposed to and I'm sleep deprived but even so... I hit my numbers and my knee felt great. Elbow felt like shit so I cut my floor presses short and lightened the load on the cable oh triceps extension.


Squat~ 145x3, 195x3, 235x3, 285x2, 325x2, 375x2, 415x2, 455x2, 465x2​
only sleeves and belt. belted up on 415, 455, 465 sets.
Floor Press+ 75lbs chain~ 95+Cx5, 135+Cx5, 160+Cx5, 180+Cx5, 190+Cx5, 210+Cx5​
elbow sleeves
Walking Lunge/ Lying Leg Curl~ BWx14/ 90x12, BWx14/ 100x12​
OH Tri Ext (cable)/ Biceps Curl~ 70x12/25x12, 80x12/25x12, 90x10/25x10​
Finally got to perform speed pulls with the orange short bands and there is a sizeable amount of band tension at the top. I didn't have chalk so I had to wear straps. I would say the short orange is probably 90-100lbs of band tension. Took a lil over a min rest in betw sets since I had to use straps.

Speed Pulls +orange band~ 135+Bx3, 225+Cx3, 255+Cx3, x3, x3, x3, 285+Cx3, x3, x3, x3, x3
Box Squat (20" box)~ 135x5, 185x3, 225x3, 275x3, 315x3, 345x3, x3, x3​
SLDL w/ DB +orange band~ 95x7, 100x7, 105x6​
Straight Arm Pulldown/ Hammer Curl~ 38x12/45x10, 49x10/45x10, 38x15​
Walking w/ Sled~ 90x120ft, 135x120ft, 160x120ft, x120ft, x120ft, x120ft
Active recovery so easy lifting, eating a lot, and giving my body the break it needs to start pushing again next week. Gonna start putting in more band and chain work into my training. Going to start taking it up a notch.


Standing OHP~ bar x many, 95x7, 125x10, 145x10​
Sumo Deadlift~ 135x5, 225x7 x7​
Bent Over Row~ 135x12, x12​
Hang. Side Lat/ Rear Delt~ 30x14/15x16, 30x13/15x15​
Lateral Walk w/ Sled~ 90x125ft, 90x125ft, 90x125ft
Active recovery...


Conv. Deadlift~ 135x5, 225x5, 275x10, 315x9
Box Squat (20"box)~ 135x5, 225x7, x7​
SLDL w/ DB~ 70x12, x12​
Straight Arm Pulldown/ Hammer Curl~ 38x12/30x12, 38x12/30x12​
Sled Walks (strap around waist)~ 90x120ft, 90x120ft, 90x120ft
Since I'm down 30lbs and have been for over 6months... Down from 275 to now 245, I have to work on SPEED. I don't have the mass to leverage myself so I need to become as fast as possible. To accomplish this, I'm going to start putting in bands for my assisting lifts (main assisting lifts). So sumo pulls + red short bands (50lbs tension), box squats + red long bands (50lbs tension). I know I can't put them in every week so I'm going to alternate them meaning one week speed (6 sets of 3 reps), one week volume (3 sets of 5 reps).

I have to produce more force so that means either lift more weight or lift the weight faster. You may ask why become fast, well become fast and you'll be able to produce more force and believe it or not... you'll be able to lift more weight.
I have to work on being patient with my sumo pulls. They are slow off the start and I have been getting anxious. I felt sluggish today but I'm not surprised since it's finals week and I'm down food and sleep deprived.


OHP~ bar x 10, 65x5, 95x5, 135x5, 165x5, 185x5, 205x5, 205x5​
Sumo Deadlift~ 135x2, 225x2, 275x2, 315x2, 345x2, 385x2, x2, x2​
Bent Over Row~ 135x10, 185x7, 205x7, x6, x5​
Hang. Side Lat./ Rear Delt~ 45x5/ 20x10, 45x5/ 20x10​
Lateral Walk w/ Sled~ 90x120ft, 115x120ft, 135x120ft, x120ft, x120ft
Knee is feeling really good which makes me happy. I'm not sure if I'm going to keep box squatting or if I'll put in paused back squats. My gym got a buffalo bar which will give my right shoulder some relief. My right elbow has been bothering me and I'm certain I have a bicep strain on my right side probably from compensating or maybe masturbating to much... lol


Speed Squat+130lbs chain~ 145+Cx3, 195+Cx3, 235+Cx3, 265+Cx3, x3, x3, x3, 295+Cx3, x3, x3, x3, x3​
1 min rest and no belt. Of course I wore sleeves since my knee needs the warmth and support.​
Floor Press+75lbs chain~ 95+Cx7, 135+Cx7, 150+Cx7, 165+Cx7, 180+Cx7, 195+Cx5​
dropped the weight on floor presses to give my shoulder, bicep, elbow a break (all right side)​
Lunge walking/ Lying Leg Curl~ BWx12/ 100x10, BWx12/ 100x10​
Rope Pressdown~ 70x15, 80x12, 90x12, 90x10​
Schools out for me. So far 3 A's. Got student of the semester for inorganic chem (which shocked me). A's in Cellular Bio (Lecture/Lab) and Inorganic Chem (lecture). Lab didn't go like I had hoped. The prof is retiring and he fucked the majority of us with the final. He gave no guide to study from so 75% failed the final. This will probably bump me to a B. I'm still hoping for a curve but I'm not so sure that'll happen.

Anyways... I'm changing my layout since my schedule next semester will be different (class only 3 days a week instead of 4). I'll still train 3x a week and it'll still be Thurs, Fri, and Sun but the layout will change.

My layout going to look like:
THURS- Bench/Squat/Accessories

FRI - Deadlift/OHP/Accessories

SUN - Squat/Deadlift/Accessories
After looking at mt school schedule and giving it some thought, I'd decided to keep my layout the same but I will be subbing in movements like I know I should. I was lazy this last semester so I kept on using the same block over and over when instead I should switch it every time to keep things fresh, keep making gains, and keep getting stronger.

Next semester I have class from 10am to 6pm and then I work the rest of the night so, my Thur training is not going to be optimal. It makes sense to keep Thurs an accessory day so I get my mind right and eat to prep for Fri and Sun.


Thursday - OHP/ Deadlift/ Sled (OHP main, dead assist, accessories, sled work)

Friday - Squat/ Bench (Squat main, bench assist, accessories)

Saturday - Deadlift/ Squat/ Sled (Dead main, squat assist, accessories, sled work)

OHP - standing ohp, z-press,
Squat - back squat, paused back squat, box squat, front squat
Deadlift - conventional deadlift, sumo deadlift, RDL
Bench - floor press, cgbp
Standing OHP (strict & speed)~ bar x many, 95x5, 115x5, 150x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3, x3​
50sec rest in betw sets. Wore elbow sleeves but no belt, no wrist wraps
Sumo Deadlift~ 135x3, 225x3, 275x3, 345x5, x5, x5​
No belt but broke out straps for the working sets. No chalk so used straps. 2min rest betw sets.
Bent Over Rows~ 135x10, 185x7, 205x5, x5, x5, x5​
Front Raise DB/ Face Pull~ 25x7per arm/ red mini x20, 25x7per arm/ red mini x20​
Sled Pull (Lateral Walk)~ 90x120ft, 115x120ft, 135x120ft, 135x120ft, 135x120ft
Still have to work on being patient off the floor. Sumo pulls are vastly different than conventional. Conventional is a familiar feeling, like being home but sumo is odd/off, strange. It starts so slow and then builds momentum.

I will incorporate bands (red mini's) into my training. Red mini's to start and in time I'll switch to green monster mini's. I use orange average bands for my speed work but I don't think I'll use them week in and out b/c that would beat the shit out of my joints. The Red Mini's are only 50lbs tension so it doesn't add much. The Green Monster Mini's add 70lbs tension which again isn't too bad considering the bar weight is normally in the 4's. Orange average bands are 100lbs tension and that seems to beat the shit out of me which is why I only use them in speed work and train it 1x a block.
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I started subbing in some new movements. Going to see how my shoulder feels since going back to benching. The neutral grip of the football bar should help and of course, I'm using chain to save my joint. GM's with a buffalo bar were actually easier b/c it's easier to get tight.


Squat~ 145x3, 235x3, 285x3, 345x5, 385x5, 425x5, 425x5​
Bench w/ Football Bar +75lbs chain~ 95+Cx7, 135+Cx7, 155+Cx7, 175+Cx7, 195+Cx5, x5​
Standing GoodMorning w/ Buffalo Bar~ 140x5, 190x5, x5, x5​
Walking Lunge/ Lying Leg Curl~ BWx14/ 100x12, BWx14/ 100x12
V-Bar Pressdown w/ Bands~ purple+red band x15, x15, x15​
Damn... today kicked me in the dick. I ran out of time but still got most of it done. Didn't get to do GHR and sled walks.

Conv. Deadlift~ 135x3, 225x3, 295x8, 335x8, 385x8​
Box Squat (20" box)~ 135x3, 225x3, 275x3, 335x5, x5, x5​
RDL w/ DB +orange band~ 90x5, x5, x7​
Med Grip Pulldown (neutral grip)~ 110x10, x12, x12​

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