Found my way back...

That is what mine average bro, balls to the wall hard and intense.🙂
That's short for me... I normally have an hour which allows me to warm up, take out my equipment, train, do my conditioning, and then put it up back up.. so the jackasses don't fuck with it.
Yea I feel like I have run a marathon when I am done, heavy and short rest periods most times but not all the time.
Went out last night with the team from work. Had some amazing food, had some drinks, danced, drank some more and got a small amount of sleep. Have to do some work on OHP. It seems to have stalled so I'll probably sub out the standing OHP for perhaps Z-Press so I can add some micro bands for additional resistance.

Sumo pulls are going to be 1week speed work with red minis and the 2nd week is going to be volume with no bands.

Standing OHP~ 95x5, 135x5, 155x2, 175x2, 195x2, 215x2, 235x1, f.drop 175x7​
Sumo Deadlift +red mini~ 135+Bx3, 225+Bx3, 275+Bx3, 315+Bx3, +Bx3, +Bx3, +Bx3, +Bx3​
Landmine Row~ 45x10, 70x8, x8, 80x6, x6, 45x10​
Front Raise/ Face Pull~ 25x7/ Red Minix20, 25x7/ Red Minix20​
Speed Sled (Lat. Walk)~ 90x120ft, 115x120ft, 135x120ft, x120ft, x120ft
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I decided to try squatting with the buffalo bar today. It was an interesting learning experience. The bar keeps you more upright so it's more like a high bar squat than a low bar (which is how I squat). The bar also wants to walk forward so you have to keep TIGHT in order to keep the buffalo bar in place. It is A LOT more comfortable on the shoulders. The bar is also 50lbs so you have to remember that. It's a bit lighter than my 55lbs comp bar. I did like how there was no give in the bar with 385. It felt stiff and didn't flutter at all. I wouldn't be afraid of putting 500 on the bar with how it felt. I think I'll use the BUffalo bar for box squats and paused squats but I'll still to my comp bar for my regular main squat sessions.

Bench went well today. I have to get used to a full ROM again but I was happy with how it went today. Worked up to 225 for a triple with 75lbs chain and my shoulder feels great so that's a relief.

Squat w/ Buffalo Bar~ 140x3, 190x3, 230x3, 285x8, 335x8, 385x7​
385 got a lil loose so the bar wanted to drift forward.
Bench w/ Football bar +75lbs chain~ 95+Cx5, 145+Cx3, 165+Cx3, 185+Cx3, 205+Cx3, 225+Cx2​
Good Morning w/ Buffalo Bar~ 140x5, 190x5, x5, x5​
Walking Lunge/ Lying Leg Curl~ BWx14/ 110x11, BWx14/ 110x11​
Band Pressdown~ purple+red band x12, x12​
Ok, so when I squatted on Friday I tweaked my lower back (right side) a bit on the last rep when I got a bit loose and the bar swung forward. It wasn't bad enough for me to stop training but I could feel it a bit. I felt it again today so I opted not to do my last set of 5 which would have been a repeat set. I didn't want to risk actually pulling/straining something which would have finished my day and even perhaps kept me out for days/weeks. SO, I skipped it and was able to get through the rest of the training session. So, I'm happy with my training. The weather is also shit which makes me not want to lift so for me to easily hit the 425x5 made me happy. I set up my box squats with the red mini bands. I didn't squat wide enough so I'll work on that next time. The buffalo bar allows me to sit more upright and certainly makes it more difficult for me to squat since I'm a low bar squatter.

Conv. Deadlift~ 135x3, 225x3, 275x3, 335x5, 385x5, 425x5​
Box Squat (low box)+red mini~ 140+Bx3, 190+Bx3, 230+Bx3, 280+Bx3, 300+Bx3, +Bx3, +Bx3, +Bx3, +Bx3​
SLDL w/ DB + orange band~ 90+Bx7, 95+Bx7​
GHR~ BWx7, x7, x7​
Wide Grip Pulldown (Mag handle)~ 100x12, 120x10, x10​
I went to the gym yesterday and performed prowler runs. I'm trying to burn some of this Christmas shit. OHP's are stagnating but we had drinks last night and I got a whole 3 hours of sleep before hitting the gym. I still haven't eaten today but I stuffed myself yesterday so I'm not lacking food for my muscles. Ran out of time but that's not a shocker since it's Christmas Day and the gym closed at noon and I got in there at 11am. I was happy to get in and get some training done.

OHP Standing~ bar x many, 95x5, 135x7, 165x7, 185x8​
Sumo Deadlift~ 135x3, 225x3, 275x3, 315x3, 345x5, x5, x5​
no t'n'g. reset with each rep​
Landmine Row~ 50x10, 75x7, x7, f.drop 50x12​
Fron Raise/ Face Pull~ 25x8/ RedMinix20, 25x8/ RedMinix20​
Lateral Walk w/ Speed Sled~ 90x110ft, 115x110ft, 115x110ft
Not a bad day. Knee felt great. Shoulder felt ok. Right elbow wasn't happy but who cares. Squats went well. I could have pushed it more but I'm slowly getting back after it so inch by inch... Bench went well. I'm getting more comfortable with each set I perform. I'll slowly add weight.

Squat~ 145x3, 195x3, 235x3, 285x2, 325x2, 385x2, 425x2, 465x2, 475x2​
Bench w/ football bar +75lbs chain~ 95+Cx5, 135+Cx5, 155+Cx5, 175+Cx5, 195+Cx5, 215+Cx3​
Standing GM w/ buffalo bar~ 140x5, 200x5, x5, x5​
Walking Lunge/ Lying Leg Curl~ BWx14/ 110x12, BWx14/ 120x10​
Bicep Curl/ Rope Pressdown~ 35x10/ 70x10, 35x10/ 80x10, 35x10/ 90x7​
slow on the eccentric.
My training layout has become:

THURS: Ohp/ Deadlift/ Assisting lifts/ Conditioning (Lateral Walk w/ Sled)

FRI: Squat/ Bench/ Assisting Lifts

SAT: Conditioning (Prowler Runs)

SUN: Deadlift/ Squat/ Assisting lifts/ Conditioning (Farmers Walks)

This isn't the best layout in terms of rest in between training sessions but I can make this schedule work with school and my job.
Training back to back was HARD! My brachioradialis on both arms were locking up on me so I cut my workout short today. Busted my ass on my deadlifts and my squats. Apparently a guy was recording me lifting at the gym... a lil creepy if you ask me but we'll wait and see what comes of it.

Speed Deadlift (Conv)+ orange short band~ 135+Bx3, 225+Bx3, 255+Bx3, +Bx3, +Bx3, +Bx3, 285+Bx3, +Bx3, +Bx3, +Bx3, +Bx3​
orange short band adds 100lbs of band tension at the top of the pull so 285 at bottom and 385 at top. Only 1min rest in betw sets. No belt.
Box Squat (18" box)~ 135x3, 225x3, 275x3, 315x5, 335x5, x5, x5​
RDL w/ DB+ orange band~ 90x5, 100x5​
Med Grip Pulldown (Mag)/ Bicep Curl~ 100x15/30x10, 100x12​
Prowler Push~ 70x110ft, 90x110ft, x110ft, x110ft

Standing OHP~ bar x many, 95x5, 135x10, 155x10​
Sumo Deadlift +red mini~ 135x5, 135+Bx5, 225+Bx5, +Bx5​
Landmine Row~ 55x10, x10​
Front Raise/Side Lat.~ 15x10/10x12, 15x10/10x12​
Speed Sled Lat. Walk~ 90x110ft, 90x110ft, 90x110ft, 90x110ft

Squat~ 145x3, 195x3, 235x3, 275x10, 325x10​
Bench w/Football bar +75lbs chain~ 95+Cx5, 145+Cx8, +Cx8​
Standing GM w/Buffalo bar~ 140x7, x7​
Walking Lunge/ Lying Leg Curl~ BWx10/ 70x12, BWx10/ 70x12​
Biceps Curl/ Rope Pressdown~ 20x10/ 50x15, 20x10/ 50x15​
Nice, keep it going brother, we are watching!!!
Thanks. Hopefully, it'll help give others some insight into strength training as well as training around injuries,
Well, holy fuck trained 3 days in a row... Fri, Sat, and Sun. Squatting 2x and Deadlifting 2x in 3 days is a bit much even with it being active recovery. I gotta eat more to recover today. Classes start in 8 days and then it's ecology and organic chem for 16 weeks.

Also, I tried choking the red mini bands the way Matt Wenning shows on his youtube channel and it worked much better than how I originally did it. I'll post that link here.


Conv. Deadlift~ 135x3, 225x3, 275x10, 315x10​
Box Squat + red mini band (18" box)~ 135+Bx5, 185+Bx5, 225+Bx5, +Bx5​
SLDL+orange band~ 60+Bx10, +Bx10​
Wide Grip Pulldown (mag grip)~ 88x12, x12​
Sled Pull (Pulled backwards)~ 90x120ft, 135x120ft, 160x120ft, 160x120ft, 160x120ft, 160x120ft
It appears nowadays people want to make up for lack of work ethic by drugging and drugging harder. Everything I do here is with very little AAS use. Most of the time it's just TRT, but 1x a year I may add a compound to it. What's the point of this post? I'm sure you're wondering... simple. If I can bust my ass, make gains, get stronger, and be semi lean SO CAN YOU! It's not easy but I challenge you... I challenge you to NOT take the easy road.

This post isn't an anti-AAS post either. I'm not saying if you use, you're not working hard. What I'm saying is don't become reliant on it. Try to use the smallest amount to allow you to make the progress you're working towards. I didn't always have this thought process.
Not a bad day of training. I trained at 8am fasted with some caffeine.

Standing OHP~ bar x many, 95x3, 125x3, 145x3, 170x5, 190x5, 210x5, x5​
Sumo Deadlift +red mini~ 135+Bx3, 225+Bx3, 275+Bx3, 325+Bx3, +Bx3, +Bx3, +Bx3. +Bx3​
Landmine Row~ 45x10, 70x7, x7, 80x6, x6 f.drop 45x10​
Front Raise/ FacePull~ 30x7/ Red minix18, 30x7/ Red minix18​
Speed Sled Lat. Walk~ 115x120ft, 135x120ft, x120ft, x120ft

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