This shit happens so much . Had some skinny kid stop me as I was approaching the lat pull down cuz he was super setting along with his awesome tricep workout. Give me a break. Pissing me off big time!
This shit happens so much . Had some skinny kid stop me as I was approaching the lat pull down cuz he was super setting along with his awesome tricep workout. Give me a break. Pissing me off big time!
The ToneTaking up more then one exercise esp during peak hours is not acceptable. I've actually had to call another member out bc they were using 2 flat benches and didn't see the problem with that.

Juat remembered I had an incident with a young black girl not too long ago. It was peak nught time hours and She was trying to use 2 machines at the same time and used her bookbag to hold her place on one machine while she was using another. I went and moved her bookbag out of the way and try to use that machine and she comes out of nowhere started making a scene. Management had to intervene bc she was so irate. They later sided with me and told her that she can't tie up 2.machiines like that at peak gym hours. I can't believe that some people are so oblivious or they just do what they want without considering others.
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So I been sick AF but felt a bit better today so figured Id do heavy chest as I got a comp in just over a week.
Do all my preworkouts, go to gym in the zone

This douche bag of a kid is hogging the only bench, texting for several minutes inbetween his ultra heavy 155 presses
Then gets up walks around gym, puts his sweat shirt away etc just taking his sweet ass time.

I have no issue waiting if you actually lifting but that he was not!

Normally Id just suck it up and use smith or something else but those were all taken as well.

God I HATE people at times!
GRIMThe #2 reason I workout between 1-3am. #1 is because it limits my time away from my family.

I have no issue calling people out for stupid shit, in the gym or wherever. The house across the street recently sold. My first encounter with the new owner was me politely asking him to move the truck parked directly in front of my house. It’s not illegal to park in front of someone else’s house, but considered rude. Our front door has a lot of large windows on each side and if you were some pervert you could see completely to the opposite side of our home. 30 minutes pass and the truck is still there. I head over and two guys come out and head towards the truck. I ask them not to ever park there again (my son parks there daily), neither said anything back so I walk out to the street and with a little louder voice asked if they heard me. The guy said yes, we won’t park there again. About that time the home owner came outside questioning me why I’m yelling at them. I lost my temper and started towards him. I told him if it was there tomorrow I’d take a baseball bat and destroy the truck. Then let him know he was about to get drug in the street and beat like a drum. He took his ass inside. He apologized to my wife the next day. I just don’t have patience for dumb fucking people.
The #2 reason I workout between 1-3am. #1 is because it limits my time away from my family.

I have no issue calling people out for stupid shit, in the gym or wherever. The house across the street recently sold. My first encounter with the new owner was me politely asking him to move the truck parked directly in front of my house. It’s not illegal to park in front of someone else’s house, but considered rude. Our front door has a lot of large windows on each side and if you were some pervert you could see completely to the opposite side of our home. 30 minutes pass and the truck is still there. I head over and two guys come out and head towards the truck. I ask them not to ever park there again (my son parks there daily), neither said anything back so I walk out to the street and with a little louder voice asked if they heard me. The guy said yes, we won’t park there again. About that time the home owner came outside questioning me why I’m yelling at them. I lost my temper and started towards him. I told him if it was there tomorrow I’d take a baseball bat and destroy the truck. Then let him know he was about to get drug in the street and beat like a drum. He took his ass inside. He apologized to my wife the next day. I just don’t have patience for dumb fucking people.
WalkerYou may want to cut back on the tren brotha.....lol.
Hell if I were running tren I’d have followed him inside his own home and locked the door.
Went in the gym tonight I figured no one was ganna be in it was midnight when I got in and now 1 am when I left I go in killing back last thing I got was deadlift and pull ups now are gym has this on the same “ Machine” if you wanna call it that.. guy on his phone in there I ask how manny sets ? He reply’s uh a lot…. I freak out take his bar off set it on the ground do my shit and walk out. People need common fuckin decency!! We go in there to get our shit done not sit there and fuckin wait !
Been going through some old posts.
Love this one.
When I was younger, I was lucky I was strong.
I would ask how many more sets, they would be wise asses, so I would just tell them I'm jumping in.
They would say- where not stripping it down.
I had no problem with starting squats or flat and incline bench at 315.
The rest of the work out and every time I was at there gyms, they would ask me if I would join them.
I would try to be nice, but let them know, I didn't care what they thought

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