Fun Facts That’ll Actually Make Your Life Better

Ants leave maps for other ants when they walk.​


Ants leave pheromone trails when they walk as maps for other ants to follow, meaning they can travel the fastest route to food or their hive.

The more ants that walk that route, the stronger the map is for others to follow.

Ants leave maps for other ants when they walk.​


Ants leave pheromone trails when they walk as maps for other ants to follow, meaning they can travel the fastest route to food or their hive.

[COLOR=rgba(26,25,25,var(--text-opacity))][COLOR=rgba(26,25,25,var(--text-opacity))]Tears contain a natural painkiller, which reduces pain and improves your mood.[/COLOR][/COLOR]​

It’s actually an endorphin, which is why you can tend to feel better after a good cry!

So next time you feel the need to break down, don’t be shy!​
The more ants that walk that route, the stronger the map is for others to follow.

Squirrels forget where they hide about half of their nuts.​


While not all squirrels bury their nuts, the ones that do only recover around 26% of their nuts.

Male cats have longer tails than female cats.​


On average, male cats have a tail of 11 inches, whereas female cats have a tail of roughly 9.9 inches on average.

Dolly Parton lost in a Dolly Parton look-alike contest.​


Dolly Parton entered a Dolly Parton themed drag queen contest, did her hair and makeup more dramatically, and not only lost, but received the least applause.

George W. Bush was once a cheerleader.​


Bush was a cheerleader in High School, and continued to be one while he attended Yale.

In high school, he was even promoted to head cheerleader!

In total, there are 205 bones in the skeleton of a horse.​


Even though they are much greater in size to humans (we have 206), horses have just about the same number of bones in their skeleton as we do!

Coca-Cola owns all website URLs that can be read as ahh, all the way up to 62 h’s.​


A 2013 digital campaign by Coca-Cola spurred the company to purchase all 62 URL’s.

Each year there are more than 40,000 toilet related injuries in the United States.​


Some of these make sense, like a child of infant falling in.

Others are attributed to toilet seats falling down, or complications due to bowel movements.

Strawberries can be red, yellow, green or white.​


This of course refers to the different maturity stages of a strawberry.

Before it’s ripe and red, it will be green. Yellow strawberries are a different type altogether – called Alpine Strawberries.

Mewtwo is a clone of the Pokémon Mew, yet it comes before Mew in the Pokédex.​


Because Mewtwo was in the Pokémon game, but Mew was only acquired through events at the time, Mewtwo was given the number 150, while Mew is number 151.

Four people lived in a home for 6 months infested with about 2,000 brown recluse spiders, but none of them were harmed.​


While the brown recluse is one of three spiders in North America with venom that requires medical treatment, they are hardly ever aggressive.

Madonna suffers from brontophobia, which is the fear of thunder.​


This scary sounding word isn’t so complicated – it’s the fear of thunder.

Madonna is so scared of it that she has been known to frequently check weather reports before shows.

The fear of thunder is also known as astraphobia, astrapophobia, keraunophobia or tonitrophobia.

In June 2017, the Facebook community reached 2 billion active users.​


Meaning, more than a quarter of the world’s population uses this popular social media outlet!

Samuel L. Jackson requested a purple lightsaber in Star Wars in order for him to accept the part as Mace Windu.​


Jackson wanted to be able to find himself on screen in big fight scenes, so he managed to get George Lucas to approve his request and grant him with a purple lightsaber.

Paraskavedekatriaphobia is the fear of Friday the 13th.​


A few famous people are stricken with this absurd phobia, such as Franklin Roosevelt, and surprisingly enough, Stephen King.

Kleenex tissues were originally used as filters in gas masks.​


They were originally been developed as crepe paper and used for gas mask filters.

The actual Kleenex product we know of today evolved from that by accident.

In 1998, Sony accidentally sold 700,000 camcorders that had the technology to see through people’s clothes.​


These cameras had special lenses that use infrared light meant to be used as night vision, but it also allowed you to see through some types of clothing.

During your lifetime, you will spend around thirty-eight days brushing your teeth.​


This equals out to about 35.5 days in total.

At about two minutes per day, this equates to 0.1% of your life!

Ronald McDonald is “Donald McDonald” in Japan because it makes pronunciation easier for the Japanese.​


Ever since the first McDonald’s opened in Japan in 1971, the mascot has been called Donald McDonald.

Often, Japanese people are surprised to learn he has a different name everywhere else.

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