Gear Break !!!


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I’ve been on a good run for a while now and figure that since it’s not FULL TIME summer yet, I’d take maybe 4 weeks off the gear to start .
After the 4 weeks , I was thinking of doing another 4 weeks, I’ll see on how I feel after the 1st month.
But this way I’ll clean out , reset receptors , and hopefully make new gains when I get back on.
Who here hasn’t taken a break off gear in a long time, and who takes breaks in a regular basis!??
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I just come off a 5 or 6 year blast and cruise but life has stopped me lately. I've got a large mount of gear laying around and after I get me a few 100 proviron I'll jump back on. I did an extended pct and haven't pinned in 3 months maybe a little less maybe more but I'm not dying yet. Do I want to jump back on. Of course I do but the longer I wait and dial myself in naturally it'll be a better blast. probably a last blast honestly but a big one
I’ve been on a good run for a while now and figure that since it’s not FULL TIME summer yet, I’d take maybe 4 weeks off the gear to start .
After the 4 weeks , I was thinking of doing another 4 weeks, I’ll see on how I feel after the 1st month.
But this way I’ll clean out , reset receptors , and hopefully make new gains when I get back on.
Who hear hasn’t taken a break off gear in a long time, and who takes breaks in a regular basis!??
Torresi was on for 10 years took 2 years off to have a kid which I thought was never going to happen..without clomid it wouldn’t have. Life was horrible I wanted no affection or physical contact. I never felt normal. My relationship struggled. If you have been on for years you won’t just jump back. If you do for some reason I wouldn’t roll the dice again. I’m committed for life. Do I regret it no. would have I if I wouldn’t have been able to have a kid.. prolly never would have forgave myself. IMO don’t put your body through trying to re harmonize itself if your not trying to be done for good. It’s like I tell people that cycle either commit or get out. That two years of my life was hell..
i'd stay on if i were you. keep the red blood cell count up to boost your immune system.
What do you guys think tho, maybe give it a rest for like 1 month and just slide back in???
Seems to me taking too much time off isn't the best.
I'm going for at least 1 month and then I will reevaluate how I feel, including strength and look.
Then I'll just go from there!!!
How long have you been on for?
Hell you can prolly handle that no problem then. I figured you had been on for years as well..shouldn’t assume things.
I usually give myself alittle time off now and then , Figured it be a good time since I was taking some Test C and Deca and finished the bottles off yesterday, so why not give myself some time off now?!?
Why stop and risk loosing progress? Blast and cruise holmes!
Yea you're right.
Maybe I'll just keep it moving !!!
Even a light cruise.
Youll recover in ways you worried about
Maybe not natty test few others but lower test not gonna be as much of a strain.
I myself on 4 life pretty sure
I think a lot of us are lifers, I have been on for a long time but have lowered my dose since my injury.....I will always blast and cruise especially when I am able to hit the iron again,will be doing short hard blast than cruise then blast etc......
Well ill NEVER pct again
I remember the last time I Stopped Cold Turkey.
It was one of the hardest times to deal with anything !!!
Fuck that !!!
I haven’t ran a complete cycle in about a year and a half or a little bit longer lol. I’ve just been cruising on anywhere from 125mg-250mg every 7-10 days. I’ve been gathering certain things for my next long blast. Sust, Test Iso, Primo E, Anadrol(HG), Tbol, DHB, Superdrol, Var. This compounds are going in my run. Only need a few more things and I’ll be ready. Looking to start in about a month, as I’m guessing that I should have the last few things I need by then hopefully
Not overly but believe it or not besides when i was on dr trt
Ive NEVER had bloods done
Of course dr tests here and there but not true bloods

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