Glad to be here!


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
I want to start off by saying that I'm glad to be here and I appreciate the opportunity to be a sponsor here as well.

In saying that. Our last venture here was terrible. TA and communication was not acceptable. I had a rep on here for me during that time but those issues were not b/c of him. It was completely my fault. I honestly had too much going on and I slacked on our community here.

I have no excuses. I am here again and our TA time will be what it should be.

One last thing to address about my last stint on EG. I heard / seen the word scammer floating around. Guys I haven't Ever scammed one person. I won't go into how long I've been doing this but I will re-state ~

NEVER have I scammed someone. Anyone that has sent me $ has received product in return. If something was missing from their pack I resent what they said was missing. I am a man of my word. Please if someone feels they have ever been scammed by me I'd like to hear it. I've been scammed several times and it's a shitty feeling. I treat my customers like I want to be treated.

Thanks to everyone again for allowing me here. I will bust my ass and be a valued sponsor here.

Glad to have ya back ! Everyone needs a break sometimes.
HybridTheory said:
Always nice to have new good vendors. I have never had any personal dealings with ischus,but if you left everyone so unhappy last time maybe you should make a grand entrance and make up for your past? Talk is cheap.
I appreciate all feedback, good and bad. And you are right, talk is cheap. But a reputation of being in the game for over 10 years and being able to come in the open and say I've never scammed anyone and leaving an open invite for everyone to chime in on that is making a grand entrance HT.

I do appreciate your input.
ISCHUS has earned a place back into our family and think he will appreciate it this time. We have the most secure and close knit community out there and this is where he should be. Alongside all of the other premier vendors! Now as members lets all move tons of gear so we help these sources like they help us!!! 🙂 Just my two cents..
AkProGuy said:
ISCHUS has earned a place back into our family and think he will appreciate it this time. We have the most secure and close knit community out there and this is where he should be. Alongside all of the other premier vendors! Now as members lets all move tons of gear so we help these sources like they help us!!! 🙂 Just my two cents..
Thank you AK, I appreciate the welcome sir. EG won't regret having me here my friend.

I was always interested in your 50ml's. Great prices and I just love the look of bigger bottles haha. I will be considering you guys on my next order. Welcome back and I wish you luck and safety!
Welcome back brother. Will be looking forward to trying out your products
Ctstrength said:
I was always interested in your 50ml's. Great prices and I just love the look of bigger bottles haha. I will be considering you guys on my next order. Welcome back and I wish you luck and safety!
Thank you brutha.

Welcome back man. A friend of mine on here has said many good things about you and your gear being top notch, I never got the chance to try your yet. I hope I can soon.
HybridTheory said:
"Dabeast666: just to clear up any misunderstandings,as part of the "community",I dont welcome Ischus back here,he shady,lies,accepts no blame ,and tries to have bad reviews erased from his thread.Now hes banned from SF,I guess this was his last recourse,fuck one person here ,and I'll guarantee things will get bad,you wont be able to give that shit "

Thats what is said about you when your name is brought up.Ive got about 3 other people that say something similar.I remember you being here before but never heard so many bad things said about someone.Like I said before,dont know you,never had your gear,but the simple mention of your name brings trouble.

I guess you can't be called scammer,but can you make it right enough to stop all the bad reveiws?
Everybody has their own opinion and you can't make everyone happy. But I will address what is being said about me in your quote. If you will look at the first post on this thread. It's me, accepting all blame for the TA and Communication. I have never once asked for any reviews to be removed. That might be what you were told, but unless you seen an email from me requesting that then it's hearsay.

SF is also mentioned in your post so: The board owner at SF was my rep there. He had a login as Ischus Rep. If something was removed from my reviews there it surely was not at my request. Think about it, how many have the power to remove or delete someone else's posts? I surely didn't. To be honest I couldn't even see the Ischus forum there b/c it was private and I didn't have the password.

When I decided I wanted to go back to SF and rep my own products again I was scammed by my board rep for the balance he owed me and then that's when I got banned. That's called other people being greedy, not me being shady bro. Like I said, there is so much that happens on most boards that only a select few know about.

I was banned b/c the owner wasn't going to be making jack off repping my products on his own board anymore. Plain and simple. I didn't come here crying about it but since you are posting hear say from someone that has had issues with me in the past I'm putting it out there. I learned a lesson tho, don't make deals or do big business with the powers that be b/c you will not come out ahead and if you try to end it, you lose and your name gets slandered to cover up what they have been doing behind everyone's back.

I'm happy here, some aren't happy I'm here. That's life and I'm sure they aren't losing any sleep over me being here. And they shouldn't, I'm not here to step on toes. I'm here to rep my product and that's it. I won't speak of SF anymore b/c that's in the past and it's only going to cause more drama.

HT I'm not trying to convince you bro or argue with you. You have a right to your opinion. The only thing I would ask is people base their decision on their dealings with me. Not the words from someone else on the internet that may or may not have an ulterior motive.

Hugebro said:
Welcome back man. A friend of mine on here has said many good things about you and your gear being top notch, I never got the chance to try your yet. I hope I can soon.
Thank you sir. I'm glad to be back. Looking forward to working with you in the future bro.

HybridTheory said:
Good stuff man,what more could I ask for,you answered questions I didnt even ask!Im just saying what I heard and trying to keep the vendors honest.I appreciate you replying to me without insulting me or being rude.At least your owning everything and trying to make it right.Sounds like anyone that feels wrong could write you and you would make it right is what your saying,otherwise its just a theory without pictures,actual reviews or videos.
Yes sir. Goes back to how it should be, treat the customers how you would want to be treated.
Again I appreciate your input and we are here to be a valuable part of the board. And to again be what we once were known for. I take pride in what I do here. I have had guys send me pics of them onstage and saying thank you. That to me is what it's all about.

Thanks again to everyone.
HybridTheory said:
Good stuff man,what more could I ask for,you answered questions I didnt even ask!Im just saying what I heard and trying to keep the vendors honest.I appreciate you replying to me without insulting me or being rude.At least your owning everything and trying to make it right.Sounds like anyone that feels wrong could write you and you would make it right is what your saying,otherwise its just a theory without pictures,actual reviews or videos.
HybridTheoryBefore I started repping for TMM I got my gear from Ischus. At the risk of crossing any lines , dude never was shady had good quality gear and turnaround. Some of us do know there are shitty reps and it fucks everyone.
He's back like it or not , he's here and I think he cleared the air. Y'all are better than jumping on a kat that has returned and doing his thing. Welcome back Ischus!
Hybrid Theory.... I'm a little impressed on how you handled your questions...That is to say -- You didn't get Belligerent and argumentative. Ischus, you handled yourself extremely well. You didn't get all butt hurt and start calling him names or yourself getting argumentative. Great work fellas.....I was watching closely expecting to have to jump in and I didn't have to. Kudos to the both of you, well done. Free Reach Arounds for the both of you, courtesy of T-Bar

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