have any of you here boned any chicks from the gym??


Iron Killer
Jacked Immortal
EG Cash
I did a few times not here but a few years ago back in my home town. I had some amazing looking chicks but I was a dog and never was planning with staying with them. Although they were some great experiencesbut they all ended bad and then it was really awkward to run into them at the gym. I had to change my workout time to hours I knew they wouldn't be there. Would I do it all over again ? Ya probably
No sir. But there are a couple pretty ones that go at the same time I do. I've never said a word to them only a cordial smile. But I've also been in a serious relationship since I started goin to the gym. I would definetely if I had the chance and no girlfriend tho
No when I go to the gym I'm there to fucking kill weights not hit on women. When I am at te gym I'm zoned in focusing on one thing growing god damn masterpiece
It seems as though, when I have been in the gyms, that all the women just come there to do their business and leave. I am focused on my lifts/cardio, so I don't usually carry on conversation. I hate when people come there for a social gathering. That said, there are a lot of them that I would love to bone where I workout now. I'm tatted up, so maybe I scare them. ;D
IDK I think I have but honestly I couldn't tell you what I did last week let alone try to remember all the girls Ive been with and where I picked em up at
Only once but I didnt pick her up at gym..I seen her out at club..
I will say that women are not at gym to get picked up...they are there however so whem they go "out" they can be picked up haha.....all seriousness ive seen numerous chicks from gym outside of gym and its always been a good first line opener to make the connection u attend same gym..seems to lower their gaurd pretty quick....for all u rookies like torres....dont hit on them at gym! Do approach them outside of gym and make that connection...it will get ur foot in door..! Retired manwhore tip 101
I can't say I have bro. There are a few that I would be interested in tapping though. I got
wifey at home so I am good.
Nope... Never have... I sure would love to sneak into the bathroom with a few of them though.... I love hottie gym girls!!!
Yup I go to the gym to obliterate weights. ...lol...plusni love my wife. ...now if I was single...id be all over it!
Ya im alot more focused now but its cuz I have no choice im in a relationship lol im a master flirter/seducer so picking chicks up came pretty easy and omg the chicks from the gym have amazing tight bodies they would have been good gf material had I been looking for that back then.
If I was single I would take a tripple dose cialis and go to the aerobics class.....lol!
Z82 said:
If I was single I would take a tripple dose cialis and go to the aerobics class.....lol!
Z82Lmao that sounds like a good idea! Or even yoga my gyms have literally 100's go to yoga zumba all those classes great motivation for the weights.
i never have, most of the women that go to my gym are married or their with the ppl they are engaged too etc.... there are girls who work at a certain type club that work out there but idk who they are lol ... i have been told they go there but i never noticed im always focused on lifting and i watch espn in between sets....
There was a husband and wife that were always at the gym the same time I was. The husband would try to make small talk with me. After awhile he introduced me to his wife and we would all talk here and there at the gym. Well he started acting weird, telling me how his wife thinks I'm hot and all this, but he would say and laugh so I never thought much of it. Well to make a long story short, they ended up being swingers and he wanted me to bang his wife with him. I never did because the guy kinda creeped me out but his wife was hot!! Then I'd see them in the gym moving in on other guys...lol They were just on the prowl I guess
FrankTheTank said:
There was a husband and wife that were always at the gym the same time I was. The husband would try to make small talk with me. After awhile he introduced me to his wife and we would all talk here and there at the gym. Well he started acting weird, telling me how his wife thinks I'm hot and all this, but he would say and laugh so I never thought much of it. Well to make a long story short, they ended up being swingers and he wanted me to bang his wife with him. I never did because the guy kinda creeped me out but his wife was hot!! Then I'd see them in the gym moving in on other guys...lol They were just on the prowl I guess
lmao now tell us what you really did Frank
I work in the supplement business (it's not the gym, but some pretty fit chicks come in here...plus my girl goes to the gym with me...so that wouldnt work!!)

...and I do hand written thank you's for every customer and toss my card in which has my cell #. So when a hot one comes in I add a 😉 next to my name and I'll usually get a text back. My last encounter ended pretty badly though when she found out I had a girl and she actually came in today. She didn't speak a word, grabbed her shit, swiped her card, and left. Oops.
I have fucked my fair share of gym chicks. And yeah, it was weird to run into them after screwing or breaking up. But now I have a wonderful woman I am sticking with!!!!! Would I do it again? Nope. Cause I have my girl now!!!
dated gym girls when i was younger.. had to change gyms or training schedule when things got awkward... now I train at night and focus on the weights... don't need the drama or distraction.

plus, only one decent gym in my town so nowhere to go if things get nasty!

and of course I wouldn't betray my marriage... no piece is worth it.

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