Having trouble drawing up the syringe?

LittleTom said:
Put the pin in the vial with just about all the air in the syringe, close to 2-3ccs. One the pin is in the vial shoot the air from the syringe into the vial. Draw up the oil into the pin, a very small amount because you are more than likely going to get some air. Shoot the tiny bit of oil back into the vial so the is no air in the syringe. Redraw nothing but oil. Sound like a process but in reality it takes about 5 seconds.. you will get the hang of it.
This is solid advice. The only thing I add is that I tip the vial, when possible, so the air I shoot goes into the air pocket rather than bubbling up my gear and having to deal with a ton of annoying bubbles. I also am careful to never let the tip of the needle touch the glass. It's a little over protective, but I have never had an issue so I'll stick with playing it safe.
One more thing brother... make sure you relax the area you're shooting into. It's so much easier! I don't even need to warm up the liquid any more when I do this. Some of that depends on your vendor though. Dyel's stuff goes in even easier than what I get from my pharmacist. Some vendor products sting like hell and are hard to push, but you'll still get there.
i have been practicing, pre-loaded a couple of syringes. i think i have the hang of it now.
ironhead said:
I use 18g to draw

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ironheadSame here 18 to draw 23 or 25 to pin..I can load and pin in less than five minutes and that on a slow day.lol
Joebad1 said:
Same here 18 to draw 23 or 25 to pin..I can load and pin in less than five minutes and that on a slow day.lol
When I push the amount of air to what I'm going to draw it literally starts pouring in the the syringe takes me about 1 min to draw swap pins and flick with a little pressure on the plunger to get the air out I feel like I should work I a hospital doing this shit.

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i only have 20 and 23, so i've been drawing with the 20s
bossman said:
i only have 20 and 23, so i've been drawing with the 20s
I've drawn with all sizes. It really doesn't matter. Just load the vial with plenty of air and you'll fill up without any problem. A bigger pin just saves a few seconds. No biggie. Heck, I stopped ordering different sizes. I just order what I'll be pinning myself with and use that same size to draw. The time it takes to draw a little slower is well made up for by not having to fish around to make sure I have the right size pins.
Wacker said:
He has been here a long time but never pinned he was a oral only guy (no pun intended) from what I remember.
Wacker OK makes sense. Never paid that much attention so I stand corrected. My apologies

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