heart palpatations!!!!



have a bro running 250 t cyp 2x/wk and eq300 1x/wk and some weeks at 2x/wk
about 8th week on cycle

he woke up in the middle of the night and this morning with much elevated heartrate.

he thought it was just low blood sugar, but he's been eating all day now and still elevated

about 80 beats per minute sometimes more and irregular too, but normally it's under 60 beats per minute

could this be an eq or test side effect?

maybe too high red blood cell count? blood too thick? he's taken 1 aspirin 2x today to try and thin it out abit

anyone else heard of this?
Yeah I would say its polycythemia. Have him donate blood
Until he can donate have him take aspirin every night before bed.
But in reality blood work is needed to really determine what's the cause.
So many variables here it could be something else. Get him checked by a doc.
60 bpm is a great number, is he sure that's his normal range?
jshredz said:
Until he can donate have him take aspirin every night before bed.
But in reality blood work is needed to really determine what's the cause.
So many variables here it could be something else. Get him checked by a doc.
60 bpm is a great number, is he sure that's his normal range?
yes, his resting heartrate is normally between 55-60
is it dangerous to workout if the resting heartrate is elevated and/or the redbloodcell count is elevated?
he did bench, 3 sets 1-3 reps, 1 rep max out, and then 8 reps at 65%

everything was easy, but the last set was a little taxing on the heartrate, but it came right back down

and he actually feel better afterward and slept better without waking up so much to his heart racing
today taking aspirin again and closer to normal
Get blood donated and get him to the doc for blood work. I donate every chance I can while on EQ and that doesn't seem to be often enough without feeling like shit.
60-100 bpm is normal.

The irregularity could be something as innocuous as pvc from caffeine. People have these all the time regardless of hormones. That is where the ventricle contracts prematurely. Do a google search under pvc. A pvc is usually nothing, I see them all the time.

EQ is known to raise rbc fast, so I am guessing he is having heart palpatations with some pvcs. This is where the heart is having to contract harder and faster to circulate the more viscous blood so the electrical system gets a little crazy and the ventricle beats early.

Def take asprin, fish oil and give blood. Go get a 60 dollar blood test. You rather be safe then sorry and end up with a blood clot in your brain, legs, or heart.

Chest pain, jaw pain, left sided arm pain, sob, call the ambulance.

Most likely just blood draw, give blood, and monitor hgb and hct more closely. Takes about 3 months for the rbc to return to normal. Takes about 4-6 weeks to really ramp up the rbc from using hormones so you are right around that timeframe.
sinus rhythm can be attributed to many factors, testosterone and EQ usage being the most likely reason. He needs to get a beta blocker to help maintain a stable HR or could possibly go into A-Fib... which a is a long way from 80bpm...but a possibility to look at. Unfortunately, none of the OTC meds referred to will address this issue. If he is truly concerned... go see a doctor, not gear headz! lol

its not polycythemia, he would have color change and high blood pressure too, its most likely EQ anxiety, he should drop that compound
Without diagnostic testing your just shooting in the dark. Go see your doctor. Who knows it could be something as simple as an electrolyte balance (potassium, magnesium, calcium). You don't want to be messing around with circulatory issues or blood clots.
more likely sinus rhythm brought on by AAS use... see a dr., get meds or get off the gearz IMHO

Anonymous said:
more likely sinus rhythm brought on by AAS use... see a dr., get meds or get off the gearz IMHO

do you know what sinus rhythm means? its the second time you mentioned it. normal sinus rhythm is GOOD. Its what you want in a normal working heart. Its the benchmark of what a heart rhythm should look like. Sinus means in regular rhythm and has the correct electrical pathway.

Afib, Aflutter, Vtach, Vfib, tachycardia, bradycardia, torsades, PVC's, heart blocks 1-3rd degree, etc etc is bad..

Other than that, you offered the best advice so far. Go see a doctor.
Anonymous said:
He could have cancer
yes I'm sure that a possibility or he has failing heart and just recent events such as an AAS cycle exacerbated those conditions and making the symptoms more apparent. Or an electrolyte imbalance. In particular too much or to low potassium can be deadly. It effects the electrical system of heart. Side effects of some medications including otc. Also high blood pressure or any vascular diseases such as diabetes, hyperlipidemia, very high cholesterol all back up the heart and can cause failure after time.

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