Hemoglobin/Hematocrit-How often are you draining?


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Don't see many guys talk about this and personally I always thought that as long as I was giving blood every at the red cross I was fine. Until I started getting tested every 10 weeks for TRT and they told me that at the levels I was walking around with I was a stroke waiting to happen.
The first time I gave blood at red cross, then had my blood work checked and it still came back high-this was not during a blast only 200mgs a week of test cyp. I now have a open prescription with a Phlebotomist and get a pint taken every 4-5 weeks and still donate.
Headaches are the first sign I am getting high along with increased BP-

Point is get checked...
Blood results before starting with phlebotomist but after red cross...cant wait to see what tren and eq are going to do LOL.


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I used to do the double red but then my arms were not dealing with it so now I just give straight Reds. Haven't donated in a good while probably good idea to donate before I get on a run.
Whole blood every 3 months, next time at Dr will get order to give more frequently.
never and cant give blood
The hematologist told me whole blood is what guys on supplemental test need to give. According to him dbl red and platelets don't really help much.
I’m considered a “universal donor” so they want my blood. Given the fact that I have an army of kids, I find the blood bus every 8 weeks for those free movie tickets. My hemoglobin has been as high as 19.2 when not paying attention. Donating every 8 weeks on the dot I stay around 15-15.5 around my donation date. When I get high numbers I feel shitty from the high iron. Lethargic during the day and can’t sleep well at night.
Thanks for posting this bro. I think a lot of times when we feel lethargic or have headaches we just figure oh well. I think I'll be scheduling a blood draw soon it's been awhile and need to do it. Especially with running gear we have to stay on top of that.
I’d also like to mention that I’ve done some blood letting in the bathroom myself. I wouldn’t recommend it. I have fucking pipes for veins but my blood type apparently clots fast per blood bus employees. That being said, I flow well into a solo cup for the first half, then I clot like a mf’er. It just makes a mess and you’re only gonna get about 250ml’s before you start clotting.

Anyways, it’s definitely worth giving blood often. I was on low dose tren/test/npp and still had normal levels after 8 weeks despite the extra gear. One of my other friends who does gear calls it an oil change. That’s how we secretly talk about it at work. Lol. When he says he feels like shit and needs an oil change tomorrow we both know what up.
I used to donate like clockwork but have not in some time. I will hit up doc for donate script. If he refuses I will do it myself.Their are proper kits available and I know bro s that do it themselves for years. After getting crit tested 1st. Mine was always high red meats fish protein rich foods. No more organ meats used to eat lots of liver puts crit thru the roof. Had problems with Red Cross don t need the bullshit.
What kind of problems @Supernaut, out of curiosity? I had a problem once due to fatty plasma or something, but I never heard of it again and it was my last run with Anadrol. Never again.
Just seems easier to get a kit a do it yourself, I did a little blood letting too and it is tougher without the right setup.
I went with local hospital for years on a scedule. Then funding ran out and got sent to RC. Trouble with timing false accusations and lots of bullshit. Went about 4 times and could not deal with it any longer. Don t got the time to waste. Got a link to donate kit. PM and Ill dig it up. I got a few months till I see doc. Depends on what he does.
I know I should but Im kinda in the fucked spot, can't donate.
Blood letting be my only option and even there possible issues beyond normal.
grrr such is life
Tren is fucking rough on everything cholesterol it raises liver enzymes just wait ur going to shit. My doctor hates when I run tren.
I apologize, I know this thread is a month old but I wanted to relay a little information that my group discovered on the topic of high hemoglobin (HGB).
I used to drain half my gym and myself every three months for a couple years. HGB values would go up, and all those nasty symptoms would develop (headache, constant flushing, increased BP, lethargy, sexual dysfunction). Phlebotomy was a necessity. Interesting thing happened. Myself and another friend got diagnosed with sleep apnea and purchased CPAP machines. After a month, HGB values not only stopped increasing, but have stayed in the normal range despite continued AAS use for 2 years now. To date, I have gotten 7 of my gym mates on CPAP machines and have cut the phlebotomy rates down to almost never on these guys.
What seems to happen is when you sleep at night and your breathing obstructs, the oxygen saturation level in your blood falls. This sends a signal to your brain that you need to increase the HGB level to help carry more oxygen to the cells, and your body makes more HGB. (much like athletes do purposefully when training at altitude) If you correct this fall in oxygen saturation with a CPAP machine you block that stimulation to increase HGB.
Now can AAS cause an increase in HGB even if you don't have sleep apnea? Absolutely. I am not suggesting that sleep apnea is the cause for increased HGB in all AAS users. But if your partner says that you snore loudly, or stop breathing all together, it is worth having a sleep study done to figure out if you have sleep apnea. It could get you off the roller coaster of constant fluctuations in HGB values, and possibly phlebotomy all together. Has worked wonders for us.
I desperately need sleep but dont think anyways i could wear 1 of those
Definitely takes getting used to. I was in such bad shape I had no choice. Thankfully, the new machines have a "ramp up" feature that doesn't turn on the pressure until you have fallen asleep. They also have a feature that decreases the pressure when you exhale so that it doesn't feel smothering. A couple of the guys had tried machines in the past and could not tolerate them but are able to tolerate the new machines. They also have the nasal masks that a lot of guys use that are more easily tolerated. Lots of options now.
I guess I am lucky for some reason I don’t even have a copay when I go the phlebotomist just call them make a appointment they test me there and then take blood. I did have my doctor send them a standing order as neede led so I don’t have to go through him.

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