Hemoglobin/Hematocrit-How often are you draining?

Brother very interesting cause my crit was an issue. A bit back I was waiting to get bloods and demand phl script from doc. Due to a recent crisis they check bloods early. My crit was lower than ever. To your point a waysback I got a sleep study done cause sleep was all screwed up and put me on cpap. It is a bitch to get used too but it has helped in many ways this being one I just became aware of . Good post bro! It will be nice to have one less worry.
has anyone not allowed to give blood?? i went to red cross and wasn't allowed... they said my blood pressure was to high, definately need to donate
My wife is a nurse. What would I need for bloodletting at home? Butterfly needle, tubing....? She won't like it if I do it myself so I'll have to go through her lol, she might help me who knows.
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If anyone needs a link to get the home kits pm me and I can dig it up for you. I know bro s that have been good using these for years. I have not used them and looks I may not have to thanks to new cpap mach.
Hugebro, if your wife is a nurse this is all you need her to get to do the job.
18g Angiocath and supplies to start an IV (tourniquet, alcohol wipes, tape)
500ml or 1000ml IV bag of fluids (doesn't matter what kind of fluids)
IV tubing (secondary tubing set, some people call it antibiotic tubing: its shorter and doesn't have one way filter to prevent back flow)

- Attach the IV tubing to the bag of fluids and drain into the sink. You should then have an empty bag with tubing attached.
- Get wife to start IV in big vein in bend of your arm. Must use a big vein and 18 gauge angiocath or blood may clot before you get the amount drawn that you want and you will have to start over.
- Attach the IV tubing to the IV and tape down.
- Drop the bag lower than your body. I usually get guys to sit in a recliner and put the bag on the floor.
- The blood will flow backward through the tubing and start to fill up the bag. The bag allows you to keep from making a mess and also lets you measure exactly how much is coming out.
- I would recommend only taking 500-700ml of blood at a time. This is all you need to drop HGB 3 to 4 points.
I donated every 56 days for about 4 years. I ended up getting my ferritin tested because I was always tired (even got a cpap between this time). Donating every 56 days dropped my ferritin to 8. All I am saying is be careful with donating because you can deplete your ferritin by going on a regular donation schedule. I now donate every 3 months and plan on checking ferritin again sometime in the next few months.
Just because you may not like dave palumbo it doesnt make the information not valid. There is no reason to be donating, because your hematocrit is slightly elevated. Elevated red blood cells is one of the actual mechanisms that increases performance.
Looks like Red Cross will no longer turn you away if your hemoglobin is higher than 18.5. Or something similarly high.

“On Aug. 1, the American Red Cross started accepting individuals with hereditary hemochromatosis (HH) as blood donors provided they meet all other provided they meet all other blood donor eligibility criteria, including donation intervals. Those who take testosterone can also donate blood if they meet all other eligibility criteria and do not need to donate whole blood more frequently than every 8 weeks.

Individuals who have been previously deferred from giving based on previous guidelines are encouraged to contact the Red Cross Donor and Client Support Center at 1-866-236-3276 to have their donor record updated.“

Awesome. I was wondering if they accepted trt people. I just never told them I was on gear lol. Been doing it for many many years that way with no problems at all.
I can't donate last I was told. Wonder if it's changed.

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