In my opinion it wouldn't. If ran correctly you are looking at some serious growth mane. 😉
No reason not to run it......Like BigB said, dose it right and it will still be beneficial
Joker said:
Here's the thing. ... what are your goals.
You plan on trying to get into competitive BB?
Truthfully. ..hgh is a commitment. .. If you don't plan on running it for 6 months or longer. Then yes its a waste at your age.
If you haven't been seriously training without AAS for a year. ..then yes its a waste.
If your diet isn't spot on. .. then never mind gh.. you shouldn't be running AAS ...

My opinion. .. right now. .. at your age. .. unless you plan on competing. ..yes I would hold off for now. Wait few/several more years. Save your cash flow so when you do decide to run gh... you can run it for 6, 12,18 months without scrounging for money.
Call it your gh fund.
This is just one man's opinion.
But either way. Hgh is a commitment. You do it half ass... you'll see half ass results. Just like anything else.
Diet is in check I trained 5 years nature I know you have to run hgh for a year or long for the
How many aas cycles have u run?
Depends on what your goal is from the gh....u can take a small dose like 2 iu a day and get some amazing rest/sleep and good recovery. And over a 12 month period it will improve your look.
Or u can blast gh and get more drastic results..imo I wouldnt advise blasting it at your age unless u plan to compete....if u decide to run gh and can commit to a good long run of it then use a small dose of 1-2iu a day jist for recovery amd sleep..take it before bed time. Thats what I dod there are other times that some may prefer better like pwo or first thing in am..but I got really tiresd and lethargic on it so night tike was best..
Blueedge said:
How many aas cycles have u run?
Depends on what your goal is from the gh....u can take a small dose like 2 iu a day and get some amazing rest/sleep and good recovery. And over a 12 month period it will improve your look.
Or u can blast gh and get more drastic results..imo I wouldnt advise blasting it at your age unless u plan to compete....if u decide to run gh and can commit to a good long run of it then use a small dose of 1-2iu a day jist for recovery amd sleep..take it before bed time. Thats what I dod there are other times that some may prefer better like pwo or first thing in am..but I got really tiresd and lethargic on it so night tike was best..
I just started my Third cycle.
I think it would be beneficial to your cycle..just research it some..be sure u buy a legit brand!!!!
And keep dosage low u should he fine..I wouldnt run it if your just bulking..if your lean bulking or cutting it will be pretty helpful...if your eating everything and anything just trying to grow I wouldnt bother.
Right now im on Test P Mast P Tren A then im going to cruise for 20 weeks then Do Dbol Test C Deca bulking cycle.
Sell shit then toss some low dose hgh in there....the recovery benefits are worth it.
Dont expect anything crazy or fast...but over the long haul u will see improvements in physic.
Like I said be 100% sure u buy legit hgh! Hyges have been reliable mb has them and has been solid
Buy crappy gh or FAKE gh amd u wont see shit for results
4everstrong said:
Diet is in check I trained 5 years nature I know you have to run hgh for a year or long for the
4everstrongI knew this about you, and was never concerned about it. You're not one of those "give me whatever the hell you have so I can blast it" guys!
4everstrong said:
Im 23. Would HGH be a waste for me if i ran it at my age?
You already know my opinion on this brother. So you know I'm with joker on this
Save your money for now. You can probably make the gains your looking for without it.

Don't think your gonna see the results your looking for at a low dose. And I don't recommend taking gh at a higher dose at your age.
Is the reasoning for not running it the cost and commitment needed?
I'm 25 and planned on running hgh 2iu for first month and then bumping to 4iu/day for 6months then going from there.

I figured the recovery and synergy with gear would be worth it? I do not want to run high dose because I do not want the hgh gut. That's the one thing I fear.
Baited said:
Is the reasoning for not running it the cost and commitment needed?
I'm 25 and planned on running hgh 2iu for first month and then bumping to 4iu/day for 6months then going from there.

I figured the recovery and synergy with gear would be worth it? I do not want to run high dose because I do not want the hgh gut. That's the one thing I fear.
BaitedHGH is one of those things that anybody can run, if run for the right purpose. I understand the reason you want to run it is for the leaning aspects and not bulking. If this is the case, GH is great. But, like everyone else said, only long term. I use it for recovery, synergy, and metabolism boosting reasons. At 4iu's a day, it does a great job.
In the future, with my perfect diet, and dynamic in spec BW I will be starting on 2 IU's a day also for 6 months to start maybe longer. Wow do I have goals set and you all inspire me and motivate me with these threads
TSizemore said:
HGH is one of those things that anybody can run, if run for the right purpose. I understand the reason you want to run it is for the leaning aspects and not bulking. If this is the case, GH is great. But, like everyone else said, only long term. I use it for recovery, synergy, and metabolism boosting reasons. At 4iu's a day, it does a great job.
TSizemoreAlright. I thought maybe using it too young would hurt me some how in the future (like not doing AAS until over 21+ because of the growth plate fusion/messing with developing endocrine system etc).

I'm around 12% bf right now and my long term goal is around 20lbs and being sub 10% year round. I'm not going for a massive physique so I figured the hgh couldn't hurt. Hgh may not be needed for my goals (AAS can accomplish) but I think it has good benefits too. I can afford to run it for a year I just wanted to reevaluate how it's working out after 6-8 months.

Thanks for this thread 4ever and tsize.
No def not a waste,,, if you run it correct you will only benefit no matter how long you run it for ! it don't take half or a whole year to see results lol but the longer you stay on the better the results will be of course. gh for anti aging and bb is very very different lots of guys blast gh short term with great results I'm not talking about a week here lol but i think you get the picture...
Baited said:
Is the reasoning for not running it the cost and commitment needed?
I'm 25 and planned on running hgh 2iu for first month and then bumping to 4iu/day for 6months then going from there.

I figured the recovery and synergy with gear would be worth it? I do not want to run high dose because I do not want the hgh gut. That's the one thing I fear.
bro no one will get gut from gh alone in the 5-15 iu range ..it takes mega doses of slin in the 200 iu ++ division to even think about growing a gut and years and years of abuse of course! ..
I love gH.. I am not planning on ever stop running it though and I personally would not consider running it for less than 6 mo as that is when optimal effects take place. But you will definitely start seeing results long before 6 mo just depends on your dose. I started at 4iu went down to 2 bc I had some side but now back to 4iu, Hyge… What is your goals from running it? I did it for synergy , anti aging and BF loss..

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