Highest Dose


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Question for everyone, what's the highest dose of testosterone you guys have ever take? And did you guys do it for experimental purposes or some type of competition?
Im trying to push my dosages higher but im not trying to kill myself either.
Recreational bber here and the highest I ever pushed it was 1500mg/wk. Like Karman, I didn't really see any benefit at higher doses at least at my stats. 750mg to 1g test is plenty for me.
Great discussion. I’ve never pushed passed 500. But I have ran 1500 total mg of compounds just never test that high.

Curious what sides you start to get with test at 750-1g. Any Acne, water retention, or high blood pressure? hemocrit and hemoglobin issues would be likely as well. I have to donate blood on 200mg a week. I’ve been curious to run 750mg of test only to see the results. I’ve heard from several guys as well as a few podcasts that high dosage test is safer and more effective than anything they have ever run.

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Great discussion. I’ve never pushed passed 500. But I have ran 1500 total mg of compounds just never test that high.

Curious what sides you start to get with test at 750-1g. Any Acne, water retention, or high blood pressure? hemocrit and hemoglobin issues would be likely as well. I have to donate blood on 200mg a week. I’ve been curious to run 750mg of test only to see the results. I’ve heard from several guys as well as a few podcasts that high dosage test is safer and more effective than anything they have ever run.

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RicnixonYes high dose test will build mass like crazy throw a compound like winstrol in that massively lowers SHBG and you will add some serious size. As far as sides I had a few, increase in libido for sure and some acne.
Some pros run doses high enough to kill an Elephant, and some grow like a weed on allot less, your genetics and how you respond to AAS with the guidance of a knowledgeable trainer will be different from the guy your asking what it is they do. everyone has their opinion but IMO why run gear like a Pro if your not attempting to achieve what they are. I respectfully believe its a mistake to run high doses without a worth while purpose.
500 max, all I’ve ever needed for great growth as long as training and diet in check. I have had friends do a gram or more and suffered some unfortunate issues/sides. I’m not a BB by any means but have done well at those levels. I am fairly sensitive as far as blood markers go so I think 1000 mg would probably kill me.
My craziest cycle is not too crazy but it really felt good to come off of it lmao
Test e 800
Eq 600
TREN e 400
HGH 4iu daily
Sdrol 20mg two weeks three off then back on again.

I even good rejected from donating blood because they said my iron was too high.

Got some good gains


My craziest cycle is not too crazy but it really felt good to come off of it lmao
Test e 800
Eq 600
TREN e 400
HGH 4iu daily
Sdrol 20mg two weeks three off then back on again.

I even good rejected from donating blood because they said my iron was too high.

Got some good gains


jolter604And that was 22 weeks of the eq and 15 of the TREN e


So far highest was 400mg of test. I dont push anything. That cycle was 400mg test and 400mg EQ. This summer will be about 350mg sust with 200mg of mast P, along with 25mg/daily anavar. I keep my cycles like that, like to keep them long (15-20 weeks) and just want a little edge compared to my normal trt dose.
I've gone as high as 1250mg per week. I felt 750mg worked better.

500mg per week I'm in 270's lbs
750mg per week I'm 290's lbs
1250mg I'm over 300's lbs.

At a certain point you have to realize if you aren't going to make money at this is really worth taking these high doses?
highest I have taken was 500mg ew the 2 biggest issues I had from that high of a dose were extremely high blood pressure and I eventually developed sleep apnea as the testosterone caused my esophagus to enlarge. Dropped down to 200/250mg test c and that fixed both issues and I never looked back. Do I want to run high dose test again? Sure do. Will I? Absolutely not, sleep apnea is no joke and can potentially lead to death. That’s my experience with higher dose test.
highest I have taken was 500mg ew the 2 biggest issues I had from that high of a dose were extremely high blood pressure and I eventually developed sleep apnea as the testosterone caused my esophagus to enlarge. Dropped down to 200/250mg test c and that fixed both issues and I never looked back. Do I want to run high dose test again? Sure do. Will I? Absolutely not, sleep apnea is no joke and can potentially lead to death. That’s my experience with higher dose test.
RebelMachinistWow pretty extreme side to deal with. I thought that would be more expected with much higher dose. Ive only gone as high as 400mg test (with 400mg of eq). Plan on doing 500/wk probably next year.
Wow pretty extreme side to deal with. I thought that would be more expected with much higher dose. Ive only gone as high as 400mg test (with 400mg of eq). Plan on doing 500/wk probably next year.
puff88I’m not sure what the threshold is but I do know that it runs in my family, that being said when I was going to the sleep center they were telling me how sleep apnea has gotten a lot more common with people who lift weights. I’m gonna guess it’s related to testosterone levels. It’s something I’d never heard of and sure enough doing more research into it it is definitely a common side effect.
I've never been bigger, leaner then on this cycle. With npp.amd tren you better have Pramipexole or cabergoline on hand for prolactin sides.
If you can get passed the prolactin, there is a real synergy with tren & npp.

Test e 250 eod
Tren 100 eod
Npp 100 -150 eod
1-6 superdrol 30mg
7-12 break from orals
12-18 wintsrol 75

1-18 Pramipexole 0.5 Ed
1-18 T3 25 mcg ed
1-18 adex.0.5 e3d
1-18 gh 4iu ed

Indefiently Propecia 1mg ed
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I've never been bigger, leaner then on this cycle. With npp.amd tren you better have Pramipexole or cabergoline on hand for prolactin sides.
If you can get passed the prolactin, there is a real synergy with tren & npp.

Test e 250 eod
Tren 100 eod
Npp 100 -150 eod
1-6 superdrol 30mg
7-12 break from orals
12-18 wintsrol 75

1-18 Pramipexole 0.5 Ed
1-18 T3 25 mcg ed
1-18 adex.0.5 e3d
1-18 gh 4iu ed

Indefiently Propecia 1mg ed
sityslicker1I'm thinking of trying something like this bro ..how was your libido I've never ran deca or npp ..I've always been a tren ace and eq guy
I “ Went Away “ for a few months and lost good weight, size, muscle mass. When I came home, I immediately jumped on and I cannot completely remember, but I was pinning daily, I wanted my gains back ASAP.
I think when it was all said and done, I was doing about 1400mgs of Test weekly, about 800mgs of Deca weekly, and 50mgs of Dbol every day.
When I think about it , what a stupid dick, but I wasn’t thinking clear , I just wanted to get big as quick as I could.

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