Hilarious Fishing Moments

Fly Fishing with a Twist​

Normally when we think of fly fishing, we think of someone on a boat, standing close to the edge so he can cast out his long line.


We don’t think of someone riding on a blow-up giraffe, though he may have the right idea, eh?

Reel Therapy​

We’ve heard of retail therapy, where people go shopping to unwind. Others go to hot springs, exercise, or go fishing.


Here someone decided to honour the relaxing effects of fishing by coining a new term.

Thinking Outside the Box…Above the Ground​

People can find creative ways to tackle various activities. Where Mr. Blow-Up Giraffe used something many of us can get from a local store, these guys brought in heavy machinery to help them fish.


Maybe they could see the fish with that bird’s eye view?

Lazy Boy Boat Guy, Meet Lawn Chair Boat Guy​

Remember the guys who put large sofas on their boats? This guy ups the ante by floating on the water on a plastic lawn chair attached to two blocks of wood and a motor.


He gets extra points for creativity with a budget…maybe the fish he catches will help pay for a better boat?

Sorry, Cars Don’t Float​

When putting a boat into the water, it is somewhat important to remember that the boat should go into the water instead of the car. We really don’t know what these people were thinking when they decided to drive the car directly into the water.


Maybe their only concern was to get the boat into the water? Hope they have good car insurance, or Oprah with free car keys.

Carpe (Flooded) Diem​

This man seems to be enjoying life drinking beer in a pool. He also seems to be fishing while surrounded by elevated levels of water.


A true example on how to shut the world out, Fishing Buddha would be proud.

Challenge Accepted​

If you’re a fish and can read English signs while living out of water, then this area is perfect for you.


The funny “Swimming allowed only if you have fins and gills or feathers” sign is made more ridiculous by the “Dogs please keep your masters on lease at all times” clause.

Relationships and Compromise​

Not everyone in a relationship shares the same interest as their significant other. It’s great that this woman is willing to spend time with her man, even though she is obviously not interested in fishing (as she is wearing high heels).


Quid pro quo — the man probably had to attend a flower arrangement workshop or a kombucha-making session.

Viking Fishermen​

Vikings were known to be expert ocean navigators, so this group of fishermen must have been trying to channel their inner Norse warrior to get a good haul.


Sailing around in the Illinois Redneck Fishing Tournament is a little different from navigating the Scandinavian waters, but these guys get an A for costume and decoration.

Gone Fishing!​

Fishing is ALL about the follow through. As we can see in the photo below, it looks like this man took it a little (or a lot) too far.

Remember to chill on the follow through unless you’re planning to take a dip in your jeans.


See the photo below for bathroom decor your wife will hate but you will love. If you are a true fishing bro, you will need a reminder of how much you love fishing, even in your most intimate moments.


This decor is so great that all of your fishing buddies will want to copy you.

Power to The Fish​

A wise philosopher once said “you gotta control the fish; don’t let the fish control you.”


This photo exemplifies the utter strength of fish that you must never underestimate because you will end up wrestling one of these big guys like the man in this photo.

Living Life on the Edge​

This photo represents all you men who try “living life on the edge” to impress their buddies. Unless you were the High School swim team, we do not recommend standing on a thin wooden board in the middle of the water, because you’re going for a dip.


Hopefully this guy found Nemo down there! Happy swim season!

What Does Your Tattoo Even Mean?​

Are you even a real fisherman if you don’t have a ruler tattooed to your leg? Probably not.


If you plan to ever compete in a fishing competition, this is an utter necessity. You can even get it on both legs if you’re really into the look.

Do it Yourself Fishermen Style​

Nothing is better than a cold beer after a long day of fishing with the boys. By the end of the day, you will have collected loads of beer caps between you and your buddies.


If you are into DIY (Do it Yourself) projects, there are a few cool things you can make out of the caps, including this fancy lure. Who says fishermen can’t be innovators, too?!

The Right Fit​

Some fishing rods are more suited towards beginners, whereas some are meant for those who really have a hang of fishing.


If you do not know what you are doing, we suggest that you get an easy rod to use. If you aren’t using the right rod for your level of ability, you might pay the price like this guy. Luckily his mess is neon, so at least it looks cool.

No Stand, No Problem​

Why buy a rod stand when you can lay on your back like this guy and put the rods between your toes?


Not only will you save money by avoiding having to buy rod stands for you and your buddies, you also will gain strength in your toes. It is a win win situation for all.

Eaten Alive​

Fishing is not all fun and games when it comes to dealing with huge fish like the one pictured below. This man would have been proud of this catch if he didn’t end up in the fish’s stomach.


Was this man was literally eaten alive?! Is it possible that this is Photoshop? We have a lot of questions.

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