Hitting it hard



I was cleared by the doc to start lifting as I normally would last week. I got back into it hard this week using some different exercises along with some that I have been using for years.

Day #1 Monday- Shoulders/Forearms/Calves


Calf raise machine 300x15x3
Donkey calf raise 300x15x3
Seated calf raise 90x15x3

Seated alt. dumbell press 25x10x1, 30x8x1, 35x6x1
Seated front press 30x10x1, 35x8x1, 45x6x1
Standing side raise(arms straight and thumbs up) 15x10x1, 20x8x1, 25x6x1
Standing front raise(arms straight and thumbs up) 15x10x1, 20x8x2
Reverse flyes(bent over arms straight) 15x10x1, 20x8x2
Inner rotations 10x15x3
Outter rotations 10x15x3

Seated wrist curls 35x15x3
Seated reverse wrist curls 35x15x3
DGAF glad to see you got turned loose in the gym. Now comes the hard work but its worth it burn it up my friend!!
I am happy to be able to lift like I normally do. Going from benching 10lb dumbells to using regular weight is a big joy. Now I am gonna focus on getting back to where I was 7 months ago, it will take a bit but Im in no hurry to reinjure myself.
I've been down that road myself and it sure was no picnic making a comeback after sustaining serious injury in an accident 10 years ago. It took me 4 years to even step into a gym again in fact

Here's to you making a great comeback and you have our support brother!
Hit legs today. Had a great workout.

Day #2 Legs(quads, hams)


Leg press 540x10x1, 630x8x1, 720x6x1
Lunges 20x10x1, 25x10x1, 30x10x1
Leg ext 150x10x1, 170x8x1, 180x6x1
SLDL 40x10x1, 60x8x1, 70x6x1
Lying leg curl 70x10x1, 90x8x1, 100x6x1
Seated leg curl 120x10x1, 140x8x1, 160x6x1
Did chest yesterday. It went well but I have found my limits on certain movements where my shoulder just dont have the strength to do it unless I do super light weight. I may have to ease back a bit but I will figure it out next week and work from there.

Day #3 Chest/Calves


Calf raise machine 300x15x3
Donkey calf raise 320x15x3
Seated calf raise 90x15x3

Incline front press 35x10x1, 45x8x1, 50x6x1
Chicken press 35x10x1, 45x8x1, 50x6x1
Hip press 35x10x1, 45x8x1, 50x6x1
Cable raise from bottom 20x10x1, 30x8x1, 30x6x1
Cable fly 30x10x1, 40x8x1, 50x6x1
I hit back and traps today and did ok considering my shoulder. I am pushing through the mental aspect of having to lift alot lighter than I am accomstomed to and thinking ahead of it and taking it in stride.

Day #4 Back/Traps


Pullups 90lbs assist 10x1, 8x1, 6x1
Chinups 90lbs assist 10x1, 8x2
Stiff arm pulldowns 50x10x1, 60x8x2
Bent over barbell row 50x10x1, 80x8x1, 90x6x1
Single arm dumbell row 45x10x1, 50x8x1, 55x6x1

Dumbell shrugs to front 45x15x3
Dumbell shrugs to back 45x15x3
So, how's the shoulder feeling through all of this? Slight twinges,.....?
My shoulder feels good. It gets sore from the exercises but it dont hurt. I dont have any problems with range of motion or any pain in it. It is just weak and I cant do nowhere near the weight I am used to doing but I expected that. I am trying to not get to anxious and over zealous and rush things cause I dont want to hurt myself again. I am just sucking it up and goin with it, it will come it just takes time. Like today when I was doing pullups I had to use the assist at 90lbs when before I was using 10-20lbs, I weigh 240lbs and before I was 250lbs so I go from pulling 230lbs up to pulling 150lbs up, so it is a drastic drop in strength. My wife is pulling up almost as much as I am!I am optimistic though and it will come back and I will be where I was before.
DGAF said:
My shoulder feels good. It gets sore from the exercises but it dont hurt. I dont have any problems with range of motion or any pain in it. It is just weak and I cant do nowhere near the weight I am used to doing but I expected that. I am trying to not get to anxious and over zealous and rush things cause I dont want to hurt myself again. I am just sucking it up and goin with it, it will come it just takes time. Like today when I was doing pullups I had to use the assist at 90lbs when before I was using 10-20lbs, I weigh 240lbs and before I was 250lbs so I go from pulling 230lbs up to pulling 150lbs up, so it is a drastic drop in strength. My wife is pulling up almost as much as I am!I am optimistic though and it will come back and I will be where I was before.
DGAFIt's awesome that you have such a realistic and optimistic outlook on what's going on! Too many guys try so hard to rush things!
I dont know why, but for some reason my body hurts after reading all of these logs! anyways Keep up the good work!!!
DGAF like you said slow and steady will produce the results your looking for. Keep a clear mental picture of your ultimate goal and you'll do fine.
TSizemore said:
DGAF said:
My shoulder feels good. It gets sore from the exercises but it dont hurt. I dont have any problems with range of motion or any pain in it. It is just weak and I cant do nowhere near the weight I am used to doing but I expected that. I am trying to not get to anxious and over zealous and rush things cause I dont want to hurt myself again. I am just sucking it up and goin with it, it will come it just takes time. Like today when I was doing pullups I had to use the assist at 90lbs when before I was using 10-20lbs, I weigh 240lbs and before I was 250lbs so I go from pulling 230lbs up to pulling 150lbs up, so it is a drastic drop in strength. My wife is pulling up almost as much as I am!I am optimistic though and it will come back and I will be where I was before.
DGAFIt's awesome that you have such a realistic and optimistic outlook on what's going on! Too many guys try so hard to rush things!

Yea I am definitely not one of those guys that rushes back and gets hurt again. I have had both my shoulders operated on and it is not fun, so no way do I want to do it anymore. My shoulders are fixed and thats the way they are gonna stay lol.
Shasta said:
I dont know why, but for some reason my body hurts after reading all of these logs! anyways Keep up the good work!!!
Lol alot of the exercises people never heard of or they never heard of them called by these names but I will tell you they work good, I can feel each one of them. I searched online for exercises that were not gonna put alot of stress on my shoulders and still hit the muscles as good as the conventional exercises.
slimpickings said:
DGAF like you said slow and steady will produce the results your looking for. Keep a clear mental picture of your ultimate goal and you'll do fine.
I have a good mental picture of where I want to be at and I know how long it took me to get there from the first surgery that I had so I am just counting down the days and weeks and taking them as they come.
Yesterday was arm day and the last workout day of the week.

Day #5 Biceps/Triceps/Calves


Standing calf raise 125/15/3
Donkey calf raise 320/15/3
Seated calf raise 90x15x3

Barbell curl(ez bar) 50x10x1, 80x8x1, 90x6x1
Dumbell hammer curl 25x10x1, 30x8x1, 35x6x1
Barbell 21`s 50x3

Skullcrushers 40x10x1, 60x8x1, 70x6x1
Kickbacks 15x10x1, 20x8x1, 25x6x1
Reverse curls(cable) 40x10x1, 50x8x1, 60x6x1

I know the weight dont look like much but it is good for only my 2nd week back after a 7 month layoff from shoulder surgery.
its HUGE 2 me showoff! 😛
Definitely not showing off bro. I feel like I am so weak cause of what weight I used to do.

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